Anyone else bothered by the half naked 12-year-old on the myspace home page?
Posted by VegHeadZealia on Apr 09, 2009 · Member since Mar 2007 · 1665 posts
I know myspace seems to be a little 2008, but I still stop in there still...and the last few days I've felt really uncomfortable about the girl right above the sign in box who is half dressed with the bedroom eyes....just saying
This bugging anyone else? I mean, I'm sure she is "legal" but I totally feel like I'm trying to access a kiddy porn sight every time I go to log in...just sayin'
I don't use myspace but I just went and looked at it.... interesting. I think females in general are over-sexualized at a very young age so it doesn't really surprise me and if I had since this without you pointing it out I wouldn't have found it unusual--if you look at adds in the newspaper for chain stores that have clothing there will probably be bunches of pictures of girls ages 6-11 with kid bodies in tiny bikinis... as if it was cute. Bleh.
I think its fine, right on the line of too much/just enough though, if she lost the jacket definitely a no no. I think its just the whole biting the necklace thing that makes it look over the top inappropriate.
it's pretty weird, but said girl is 17. still a minor, but older than 12.
Hmm I didn't see the picture you were talking about, but I do find it very sad seeing young girls put themselves out there like that. I know it may not be true of ALL the kids who do, but I think most are wanting attention, insecure, and misguided. A couple of young girls I know in real life had inappropriate pictures of themselves on there too, they were 14 (?) at the time. We told the parents and they took them down. Their pictures were worse than what was described here though! :(
I wonder how many parents are even aware of what their kids are doing. It isn't even just on Myspace, I've seen kids post their pictures like that on forums too (gaming sites).
If I ever have kids, they won't even get a computer!! hehe
I've never been on Myspace, Facebook etc. but I am disturbed by the American Apparel ads on some sites such as The "pouty sex kitten" look not only gets old but is not an image I would want my young daughter to internalise as positive, if I had one. A friend of mine's daughter is 9 and she wants to wear full makeup, scanty tops, tight pants, the whole nine yards. Whatever happened to being a kid?
Thanks Miley Cyrus.
I think it is sickening what has become to what used to be "childhood". 9 year olds in make up, give me a break. I see very young girls all the time in clothing that looks like they are hookers, and I am talking 12, 13 or 14 year olds. Who is buying this stuff, must be the parents, a 12 year old doesn't have the money to pay for this. This is totally ridiculous!!!!!! IF I had a daughter I would teach her that she doesn't need to put on make up, dress in revealing clothes etc. to get attention, because that attention is only focused on ONE thing. When are we going to teach girls that they are more than a piece of meat here to please men?
Yeah teh early sexualization of girls is sickening. I have been appalled at the types of cloths nad even underwear sold for kids as young as kindergarten....
Also, I think the fact that the girl IS wearing a shirt that is open to her bathing suit, some how makes it seem less like she is wearing a bathing suit and more like it is her bra...and that her shirt has been ripped open, then with the messy hair and everything...just for some reason this particular picture really bothers me....I dunno.....
9 year olds in make up, give me a break.
Exactly! My sister just turned 10 a few weeks ago. She shaves her legs, wears makeup, lays in the tanning bed, and gets highlights put in her hair. I cannot believe my parents allow this. I know there is a 15-year age gap between us, but this is ridiculous.
Whaaaaat? :o
My parents wouldn't let me shave my legs til 8th grade! do seem to be different these days. More spoiled or something. Dunno..
Its sad for me to see how things have changed since I was a little girl and I'm only 25. I started shaving my legs early but not because I wanted to look sexy.. they were just COVERED in hair! I just hate that young girls have to grow up looking at such images.. and they will think that is what they are supposed to look like. I know that even us women struggle with the same thing. I see so many 12 to 14 year olds that look OLDER THAN ME! Its disgusting really. Like someone else said.. what happened to just being a kid? I played with barbie dolls until I was 13.. that is unheard of now.
I think we have the music video industry to thank, at least here in Europe. Little girls (barely adolescent) singing and "dancing" (ie rubbing their crotch with the mike, bumping and grinding), in catsuits. There's a top 40 song here called "Antes Muerta que Sencilla" (Death Before Modesty). That kind of says it all.
I was an early developer in the early 70's and desperately needed a bra by age 12, but my mother was too oldfashioned. "No 11-yr old needs a bra!" Surely, though, there's a happy medium in there somewhere?
I was an early developer in the early 70's and desperately needed a bra by age 12, but my mother was too oldfashioned. "No 11-yr old needs a bra!" Surely, though, there's a happy medium in there somewhere?
I've seen FIVE YEAR OLDS wearing bras, is that necessary at all?!
I don't see any 12 year olds on home page ???
Oh yes, those toddlers 5 to 7 year old baby girls are seen wearing bra/Bikini tops !!! Makes me laugh.
Such things makes them aware of their sexulality at a very early age.