Apple Variety.
Posted by teade on Nov 08, 2008 · Member since Apr 2008 · 625 posts
I'm a huge apple fan.
I love Pink Ladys and Granny Smiths. And like just about the rest. But I dislike Golden Delicious and Red Delicious as bit.
I've just recently discovered the world outside the four 'basics'
What do you enjoy (and particularly not)
WTF? How can an apple not be vegan? Adam's Apple?
I post this with caution as I've only read it from one source but:
"In the UK the shiny Washington red apples are glazed with shellac, which is a resin produced from insects"
(Source: International Vegetarian Union -
Omg, that's so sad. How can you take a perfectly fine thing like an apple and ruin it like that!? I bet it'd taste fine without the stupid glaze...
and why do they glaze it anyways?
What? Nobody likes Cortlands? :)>>> mmmmmm
What? Nobody likes Cortlands? :)>>> mmmmmm
Cortlands are delicious! they are one of the local ones here. And Jonagolds, yummy!
Pink LADY! That is my absolute favorite kind of apple. Then come Gala apples.
I need to go to the Farmer's Market next weekend and stock up on fresh local apples.
I love Fuji! :)>>>
Harelson and Prairie Fire are my favorites, although I also really like Granny Smiths - the tarter, the better.
I used to be crazy about Golden Delicious, but now I find them to be too sweet and often too soft.
Braeburn is my top fave, and I always seem to get ones from New Zealand....hmm. another awesomeness point for NZ!
Gala is pretty good, too.
but I simply cannot stomach the Red Delicious variety! They're almost always too hard, and have a flavor that resembles wet napkin + a hint of melon and/or vomit. :P
Super-hard, super-tart Granny Smiths are great in baking, but I'm rarely able to eat one by itself.
I love Granny Smiths, when I can get good ones, but more often than not they seem to be too soft. Pink Lady and Fuji are usually pretty good, but the most consistently good ones that I can get are Sundowner. Mmmm...
Fuji apples all the way!! They are my absolute favorite. Pink lady apples are good too, if fujis aren't available. I hate red delicious and "soft" apples..gross. Gala apples are okay, but nothing special to me..they don't seem to have a lot of sweet/tartness. I like granny smiths only in salads/baking. Honeycrisps are a little too sweet and not tart enough for me.
I ate a couple of Royal Galas last week because they were on sale. They looked perfect, and were crisp and juicy, but had absolutely... no... flavour. Astoundingly bland. :(
McIntosh and Macoun. Love. I try to limit my Macouns because they're grown so far away.
Somebody mentioned Cortlands and I haven't had one for years since they grow them more in eastern Canada. Here in BC I like the Spartans although I had some friends who grew apples and had what they called the original Red Delicious which were not so red but were good too. Back east we also had Spy apples which were the best for pies. I worked as a forman on an apple orchard in Ontario and when driving the tractor though the orchard would eat probably two dozen apples some days trying all the different varieties. I never got tired of them.
I worked as a forman on an apple orchard in Ontario and when driving the tractor though the orchard would eat probably two dozen apples some days trying all the different varieties. I never got tired of them.
Bliss! :)>>>
I worked as a forman on an apple orchard in Ontario and when driving the tractor though the orchard would eat probably two dozen apples some days trying all the different varieties. I never got tired of them.
Bliss! :)>>>
haha. yea, I work at a farmer's market where they have locally grown apples that I love! I'm dreading the day I might have to start shopping at a grocery store! Everything's so much better fresher and local-er
I worked as a forman on an apple orchard in Ontario and when driving the tractor though the orchard would eat probably two dozen apples some days trying all the different varieties. I never got tired of them.
Bliss! :)>>>
Yes I thought so too. Not only that but they were organically grown as well.
I worked as a forman on an apple orchard in Ontario and when driving the tractor though the orchard would eat probably two dozen apples some days trying all the different varieties. I never got tired of them.
Bliss! :)>>>
Yes I thought so too. Not only that but they were organically grown as well.
This would be heaven. Heaven!
Empire, empire, empire!
Stamen winesap, but I haven't had one in years. When I was a kid I lived in Virginia and we used to go to an orchard called Speed-The-Plough and buy them by the bushel. Coming in second, Granny Smith and then Braeburn.