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I am annoyed because I am going out to dinner this Friday with some coworkers, and originally we had talked about going to a place called Mongolian Village that is a make your own stir-fry sort of place.  I was happy we were going somewhere where I could have a healthy meal and not have to worry about there being no veggie options.  But then, one of my coworkers announces that she "doesn't like it there" so now we are going to a bar and grill type restaurant...where I will get a salad, maybe a veggie burger if I'm lucky.  The sort of place where I'm glad I'm still vegetarian not vegan because if I was vegan I wouldn't be able to find a thing to eat there. I am just annoyed because the coworker who doesn't want to go is not a healthy eater (and...I don't want to be mean, but it shows) and my first thought was, "Well no wonder you don't like it there...would it kill you to eat some vegetables once in awhile??" 

Sorry to vent, but I can't really talk about this to people at work because I don't want to be mean to my coworker...and it is frustrating because she is always complaining about having no energy and that she is worried about getting diabetes because "it runs in the family."  But she doesn't seem to clue into the fact that what she eats might affect those things. 
I know I am certainly not the first one around here to deal with issues of this sort with coworkers or other people in their lives, but it just bugs me.  Also I am put out that I now have to spend money at a restaurant for a meal I won't really enjoy. 

I know what you mean!  I usually try to find a way of backing out of lunches for work becuase I hate going out to eat.  Part of my problem is my sense of smell is so sensitive, and the smell of meat makes me sick!  I rarely eat the lunches brought in for meetings and such, even if I ask for vegetarian, it usually is something gross.  One time I got a sandwich, it was nothing but a little bit of lettuce, some VERY thin slices of tomatos, and then the rest was piled with an oily mixture of chopped olives and topped with pickles.  Now I like olives, don't get me wrong, but this was just nasty! 

Tomorrow there is a BBQ being thrown to celebrate a mile stone recently passed by my team.  I plan to go, though I tried to get out of it, but the secretary is like: "oh come on, come!"  I didn't want to be rude.  So I am going, and don't plan to eat anything.  I hate going to BBQ's, what is your choice, meat? or mayonaise soaked salads?  Hmmm, don't like meat, don't like mayo.  Think I will have  cookie and a Pepsi.  I plan to bring something to eat from home and eat before going. 

And like you, I also don't like to fuss, except anymore, when someone suggests "mexican"!  I always shout out: NO!!  I hate mexican food.  So that is really the only time I put my foot down and say: "NO, I will not go there".  It is the cilantro, just being near cilantro makes me sick, and they bring out those sizzling fahitas where there is meat sizzling on it, and that smell....ugh, I get sick everytime!


i've been to a mongollian grille and it sucked!  everyone else got meat, so their meat fat and even chunks of meat made their way into my dish and i asked the grillers to clean off the grill before they cooked mine, it was a big ordeal and held up the line.  BAGH!  after going there, i would rather go to a grill where i know i could get a salad.

i like bps idea, the woman probably just picked out the first restaurant she thought of, you can just put more thought into it.


argh is right! i sympathize with you too. is it too late to mention that you really wanted to try mongolian village? i also hate having to pay for meals that usually end up being crappy lettuce with one tomato and one cucumber thrown in there. or if i veganize a menu item by taking something off or switching, it still costs the same or even more (e.g. instead of cheese and lardbeans on a burrito i get rice and veggies, which they charge extra for) and 99% of the time it tastes much worse than anything i could throw together in 5 minutes at home.
i also understand not wanting to offend anyone, but it sucks that the lady who asked to switch will get what she wants because she was all vocal about it. and it's extra frustrating because the woman is unhealthy. why should she get the final say as to where you go? especially when you already had plans to go to the other place. maybe if other coworkers would rather go to the mongolian place too you can overrule her?

i like ruby tuesday's salad bar,too  btw.


Wow, that really sucks! I understand you not wanting to say anything, but you guys already had plans to go to the Mongolian place and perhaps if she doesn't like it, she should sit this one out. I don't like excluding people, but I also don't think it's cool or fair for her to expect everyone to bow to her wishes. It sounds like a good dose of veggies would do here good!


Thank you guys.  I looked at the menu for the place and there are a few options I can eat.  The idea to suggest a different place is a good one, unfortunately in this case it won't work because we are going to a movie after dinner and so the restaurant has to be in the same complex as the theatre.  The only other option is Montana's, which is even less veg friendly. 

I think I am less annoyed about the choice of restaurant than the fact that some people seem so resistant to eating healthy.  I deal with this at home all the time with my boyfriend, so maybe I'm actually more frustrated about that than with my coworker.  Please note I am NOT trying to turn my boyfriend or anyone else veg, I just know what a difference changing to healthy eating habits made in my life, and it bothers me when I see people headed on a bad path due to what they eat, all because they "don't like vegetables."

With the case of my coworker I could also be jumping to conclusions...maybe she just had a bad experience there like Hiimkelsi and now doesn't want to go back. 


I once went to Mongolian barbeque.  I didn't have such a great experience, either.  I think you're breaking even if the choice is between a Mongolian bbq and an iceberg salad.  Be thankful you're not going to a Pakistani/Indian place where everything will look incredible, but it will all have have dairy.  At least this way, their burgers or chicken will look gross.


i love mongolian grills. well, just one back home with tofu. i've never had issues eating there with the meat. we usually go when it isn't busy and i go though the line first (b/c they aren't busy, the grill is cleaned off).

good to hear that the place has some options. i was reading the replies and realized how lame places are that "change extra" for veganizing things. can you sub veggies for the meat? yeah, but we'll add a couple bucks and not tell you. i asked for avocado to sub for cheese/sour cream once. i got 1/4 of an avocado for like 3 bucks. i was pissed.

Very lame...wouldn't you think that leaving that subbing veggies for meat should get you a discount, not charged extra?
I often have this problem when I try to order veggie fajitas somewhere.  "We don't have veggie fajitas."  "Well, you cook onions and peppers with the meat ones right?"  "Yes."  "Then can't I just have the veggies without the meat?"  "Well...maybe...but we will have to charge you the same price."  Argh.

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