ATL people, I have something really hard to ask
I'm not sure if anyone remembers me saying that Katie and I may have to do something with the guinea pigs...
I'm curious if there are any of you who may be interested in giving four lovely guinea girls a loving forever home. Katie and I can no longer give them the care they deserve and need for a slew of reasons, but mainly because Katie has been so sick lately because she is allergic to them; she's having trouble breathing and she breaks out in a rash if she touches them.
I figured I would ask you vegwebbers for obvious reasons:
-I know you would take care of them and love them
-You will have plenty of veggies for them to munch on
-You can give me updates and pics because Katie and I are going to miss them so much
There are many responsibilities in owning a guinea pig, such as:
-Their cage has to be a certain length (ours is about 3ft X 8ft for all 4 of them)
-You have to keep their claws trimmed, but don't cut the quick
-They have to have vitamin C daily or they will get scurvy (most of their foods / hay contain it)
-Need timothy hay to help keep their digestive track in order
Anyway, if anyone is interested, let me know. We're not asking for money, we just want them to go to a good home. We also have plenty of supplies and toys and a wealth of info if you need help or have questions.
I'm fighting the tears as I type this...
:'( Sorry CK!
AWWW!!! :'( I'm soo sorry! If my family could, we'd probably consider it....we'll be traveling out of the Country next year, and besides that we live about 18 hours away from you.
SO sorry to turn you down! :'(
I wish I could help but I'll be moving back in with my family in January and we already have 2 cats and a dog. I dont think my mom would be too happy with me bringing more critters in but I would gladly take them if i could!
oh, Charliebot, I'm so sorry...
I'm so torn about this...I wish I could help You out, but I just don't think I can. :-\
Honestly, if I were even like, 90% sure that I could give them all the love and care that they need, I would gladly adopt them...but as I already devote lots of time and money to caring for my babies, plus working full-time AND now having student loan payments to make, I'm afraid I wouldn't be the mommy that Your guinea girls deserve.
I'll tell You what, though -- While I don't know if they're interested in adopting, I will ask the few people I know that I would trust to be good piggie parents. I want to help however I can.
I'm so sorry, CK. :'(
<3 to you, Katie, and the gps
Thanks for all of the concern everyone. We emailed the lady at the rescue that we got George from and will be taking him back soon. :'(
It really sucks because he kicks a lot of ass.
CW, that would be awesome if you could ask your friend. I appreciate you wanting to help me out.
If you can't find anyone here you can try There are a bunch of guinea pig lovers there....
Good Luck!!
I am so sorry to hear about Katie's allergies. If you weren't so far away I would happily take them in, Dobby could probably use some friends. Best of luck in your home search.
**edit: I was thinking about this and do you think it's possible for Katie to be allergic to the hay? Hay obviously isn't always the same quality because of different seasons, surrounding environment, etc. Maybe the hay you've had lately has a bit of ragweed or something. Pigs love to roll in their hay so they would also be covered in said perpetrator. Maybe?
I have a friend who has a guinea pig and she told me that humans couldn't be allergic to guinea pigs. Maybe she was wrong, or maybe, like Le petit haricot said, Katie is allergic to the hay?
ETA : I really wish I could adopt them, too. But I'm between places, plus, I'm in Canada. Hope they'll find good homes.
well, I talked to Shane, and he doesn't know of anybody at GSU who could take care of them.
I also asked some of my HRC canvassing co-workers, and the best "lead" I've got so far is one of the guys whose dad owns a pet shop...I told him that the main condition is knowing who will take the piggies (not just some random customer) and making sure they are responsible and can give updates, he said he'd talk to his dad and find out if they know of anybody in particular...*sigh*
I have a friend who has a guinea pig and she told me that humans couldn't be allergic to guinea pigs. Maybe she was wrong, or maybe, like Le petit haricot said, Katie is allergic to the hay?
ETA : I really wish I could adopt them, too. But I'm between places, plus, I'm in Canada. Hope they'll find good homes.
My husband is very allergic to guinea pigs, as well as rats, mice, ferrets, rabbits, cats, hamsters and any other little critter you can think of. Your friend is incorrect. ???
I was curious about the hay and looked it up online a few days ago. People can be allergic to gp fur, hay, and/or urine.
I was curious about the hay and looked it up online a few days ago. People can be allergic to gp fur, hay, and/or urine.
I adopted Zumi (see the black and white rattie in my photo album, for those of You who don't know her) from a friend who started getting allergic reactions to her.....She had a hairless rat who didn't affect her, but Zumi made her break out in rashes whenever she handled her.
Brandybuck and Pippin are both very clean, healthy rats, but Shane gets all sneezy and itchy-eyed when he handles them for too long. He gets that way with almost any animal, which is actually a recent development...he grew up with cats back home, but he's just started becoming allergic to furry friends in the past few years.
...still waiting to hear back from my HRC friend, CK...
I was curious about the hay and looked it up online a few days ago. People can be allergic to gp fur, hay, and/or urine.
Also, as pets age, the amount of pet dander (dead skin cells) increases. This is another common allergy. I believe this is what is affecting Katie the most. She was always kinda allergic to it's full on.
George is going back to the rescue next Sunday. :(
I'm sorry. At least you had that option with George. Enjoy the rest of the week with your wheeky-cheeked little man.