Awesome Yvette!
Posted by Anonymous on Jun 17, 2007 · Member since Dec 1969 · 11789 posts
I just noticed the photos that appear next to the name of the recipe when browsing through recipes. I'm pretty sure that feature's been there for a while, but it never really registered with me. I just wanted to say what a great idea that was. I really like it.
I do too. It makes that section so much more appetizing! :)
I always go for the recipes with photos for some reason.
Yes, Thank you Yvette for all your vegweb efforts! Other websites I frequent are NEVER updated and improved. Many thanks for all you do!
Thank you, Yvette, for making my journey, and the journey of others here, toward a healthier, happier and more compassionate lifestyle much easier.
Your welcome. ;)
How have the pages been loading lately speed-wise? Do you notice that the recipe categories with lots of photos (like Desserts=>Cookies) take significantly longer to display than other categories?
Speed has been on point for me. Thanks for all the hard work, Yvette.