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Birth order poll!

I had a TA once who could guess anyone's birth order based on her personality, and he could also often guess the gender of the siblings!  I'm just curious what birth order we all are, seeing as how we all share the personality trait of being veg*n.

Directions:  Choose the one you most identify with.  Like, if you have a sister who is twenty years older and so was not living at home when you grew up, maybe you want to pick "only child." Or, if you have a twin who, of course, is only slightly older or younger, you may or may not want to count her as another person in sibling order.

I am the oldest of three!

Well my BS is in Biochemistry and I'm working on my Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Developmental Biology, but I've also studied and loved computer sciences, astrophysics and quantum physics at some point. You could say I'm a well-rounded nerd.


I'm the second oldest of four.  :) Sometimes I wish I was youngest.

Maybe it's different for the girls, but being the youngest meant getting beat up regularly for me. My brother nicknamed me "the mosquito" because he always wanted to smack me. I actually tried to emulate him up until I realized he was an asshole. Were trying to be closer now, but he's always been distant and closed off - his current wife is actually not insane, and I think she prods him a bit about it (she comes from a large close-knit family).

A long time ago I was the baby of the family, but I'm much happier being the uncle now. I get to be the cool super-scientist uncle  :>  and it pleases me to no end  :)

i can definitely agree on the getting beat up part :( my brothers would always gang up on me because my younger bro wanted to be buddies with my older brother. before philip (my little brother) was born, andrew and i were buddies sort of..i guess another kid changed it. hm. weird.

ooo what kind of scientist VF? (:

Well my older brother used to try to beat me up all the time. Now he's just rude and he's nice to me when he wants something from me.  :P oh well.


Yay for only childs  ;), Jewel!!!


i'm youngest of 3 and the only girl.  maybe i'm a tad spoiled, but not nearly as much as some people i know.

oldest brother used to be awesome (he's 11 years older than me) and was an english major in college, but then married some dumb rich bitch and became a banker and makes craploads of money and has lost himself in the deal.  his life seems pretty miserable, but he's good at pretending, so i guess it's ok.  too bad they're raising their kids to be MONSTERS.  seriously.  intolerable monsters.  mom and dad say he's rebelling at a late age against the hippy-ish lifestyle they led when he was little.

middle brother is the peacemaker (4 years older).  he is all understanding and all good and wonderful.  he really is, too.  i don't know if he got neglected, but i do know we fought like cats and dogs until i was about 12, and then we became friends and now we're super close.  he's responsible and easy to get along with and caring.  and his kids are super rad and laid back.

not me!  i turned out selfish and impatient.  i really do try not to be, but i mostly am.  i'm also the weird, rebellious one (in the traditional sense).  got in trouble in high school even though i was a super nerd and made straight a's.  ended up going to college for photography, got a shitload of tattoos, and pierced my lip, and now THIS.  this vegan thing that my parents will never understand, but still accept.  we're a motley crew, to say the least.


I am technically the oldest, but I consider myself an only child because I grew up in a different household than my half-sister and my brother (who lived with  me) wasn't born until I was 16, so I was pretty much raised on my own in my house!


Middle of three -- older brother, younger sister. My brother is the golden boy, my sister is spoiled. I'm the "strange one."



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