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Bookmama..... (2007 Happy Birthday)

It is past midnight here so Happy Birthday!!!!!!!  Have a great day!!!!!!!

A wonderful couple of days were moreso because of all the birthday wishes from my terrific VegWeb friends. Thanks! :)


That sounds like a fantastic birthday so far, bookmama! I hope the rest of your day is just as nice! You & bookpapa are so cute! Not to be corny, but I seriously just teared up while reading his little note to you on here... ::) I'm such a sap! But that all sounds so very sweet & romantic!

dawww, me too...


That sounds like a fantastic birthday so far, bookmama! I hope the rest of your day is just as nice! You & bookpapa are so cute! Not to be corny, but I seriously just teared up while reading his little note to you on here... ::) I'm such a sap! But that all sounds so very sweet & romantic!

dawww, me too...

me three!!!!  awwwwww you two!  Happy belated Bookmama!


I some how missed this. Happy Belated Birthday!!!!

The two of you really are to sweet :)



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