Coping strategies
Posted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 2008 · Member since Dec 1969 · 11789 posts
Related to the Confessions thread, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about coping strategies.
How do you handle the stresses and weight that you carry around?
I think we can be honest in this thread without being judged!
Myself - in the past I certainly used avoidance, substance abuse and food to cope with problems. Running is one thing I've picked up that has really helped me the last year or so and I'm always looking to replace unhealthy patterns with new ones.
You know HH we are so on the same wave length! As soon as I saw that Something Positive thread come out I thought yes it's a good thing, but defiantly has the potential to be harmful too because its going to hurt the peoples feeling who aren't mentioned..... I admit my feelings were hurt and I think other peoples feelings were hurt too.....obviously by what you, lubimiller and Glen Ellyn Service Crew posted.
I wasn't surprised I was not mentioned to be honest, I'm that active a poster and anyone who read my confessions before I removed it may think I'm a bit of a "lad". Really I wasn't upset I was just being a bit sarcastic. If your feelings were hurt you should try to remember this is a fast paced forum and it's hard to remember everyone when your is an example i have been on here again now for 2 weeks or so lets see how many names I remember, not people I like or dislike just trying to remember names..........
Costa Rica tree guy
Pooh (you)
DJ guy who posted some terrible music (personal preference only not artistic criticism) and don't wash his dishes no more
Dave Drummer
Bay puppy
Green Sea
and that is about all I can remember, there are tonnes more but just an example of how hard it is to remember people you only meet on interweb, so don't be too hard on yourself or those who may have just forgot!
:> Am I Green Sea? shout out right back at ya :howdy:
And I agree with some of laurabs' list:
Negative: drinking, smoking (pot, not cigarettes), isolating myself, etc. Positive: painting, drawing, knitting, swimming or chillin' by the pool, yoga, walks, music, sketching in my journal, photography, being alone while doing these things (sometimes), therapy, and nature.
Baking is not a good coping strategy for me because if I bake when I'm mad or sad, I end up just eating everything I made :P. Then I feel all gross and worse.
I also agree with YG's movie strategy thing.
Just for the record......(I'll add it)...I wasn't saying I DIDN'T like seeing the mushroom or Cat. Although, I would also like to see your faces some day.
I don't think it's official unless it's in the record thread. ???
(I know you said you liked them both. I'm just especially partial to the mushroom girl.) :)
Just for the record......(I'll add it)...I wasn't saying I DIDN'T like seeing the mushroom or Cat. Although, I would also like to see your faces some day.
I don't think it's official unless it's in the record thread. ???
I immediately added it..hence the: "I'll add it." :)>>> Record book.
i also have trouble remembering people. like, if someone changes an avatar, i ususally think, oo a new person hanging around, then i start to think, hmmm, what happened to the person with that other avatar? hm, i wonder where they went, then i'll realize, later, that they are the same person. i dont know whats going on. : )
I got one mention on the other thread, but it was shared. Just so you know.
I have some pretty bad coping habits. Hitting things, purposely getting into fight with people I love, hurting myself. Just to name a few. Lately I've been beginning to feel stressed, and all I can think about it cutting. I can feel it where I want it too.
On the bright side, I have coping strategies that are better. Walking (with or without my dog), writing, deep breathing, browsing vegweb. I used to write poetry when I first tried to stop cutting, but I haven't written a poem in years.
I love you guys.
I got one mention on the other thread, but it was shared. Just so you know.
I have some pretty bad coping habits. Hitting things, purposely getting into fight with people I love, hurting myself. Just to name a few. Lately I've been beginning to feel stressed, and all I can think about it cutting. I can feel it where I want it too.
On the bright side, I have coping strategies that are better. Walking (with or without my dog), writing, deep breathing, browsing vegweb. I used to write poetry when I first tried to stop cutting, but I haven't written a poem in years.
I love you guys.
just for the record, I think about and worry about you alot. you said in one of your earlier post that you were feel fat and ugly, but you are so cute, you look like Drew Barrymore! Take care of yourself and your diabetes, and talk it out when you have a bad day!
I got one mention on the other thread, but it was shared. Just so you know.
yes, but at least you got one mention ;)
I sleep, or have long blathering cries at my bf. He's really quite tolerant about it, especially if he's not the source of the problem ;)b
Dogs are a great coping strategy in themselves. We don't have one, unfortunately, but I have been known to go to our local vet and borrow one (ie sit with it on my lap) or borrow a neighbour's for some "puppy therapy." Making a lap for a cat and stroking it for awhile is medically proven to lower bloodpressure, slow heartbeat etc.
I wish crying could be a coping strategy for me. But I don't cry, not really. Only at the most ridiculous times - when I feel like a lost child, helpless, alone. One of the last times I cried was when I missed the Greyhound to get home for Thanksgiving (this was my first year away for university). I blathered like a baby in front of a bunch of people (mostly fellow university students). How embarrassing.
I can't cry either...mostly because my father's standard phrase was "Stop crying or I'll give you a reason to." Unless there's someone there to hug me, I start feeling really stupid and stop. Even when I desperately need a cry.
Fortunately, I can tell my DH "I need to cry for a minute" and he can accept that. Other people, not so much. Here in Spain they tend to confuse compassion and comforting with telling you that it's really not a problem, everything's fine, suck it up.
Well, that's not much worse than "is everything else ok?" "is there something else wrong?" No!!!!!!
Wow, I feel sorry for those who don't cry. Crying is something I am really good at! I try not to cry in public though, but sometimes I just can't help it. I used to have a problem with crying, I used to think "big girls don't cry" and "crying is a sign of weakness" because that is what my mom taught me as a kid. I also used to get the line "stop crying or I will give you a reason to cry" a lot. But about a year ago I was visiting a psychiatrist and she was really great. She told me that it is okay to cry, there is nothing wrong with it. So now, I let it out, and it really does help.
But as far as coping, others here have some pretty good ideas, bike rides, walks, etc. I don't do that, maybe I should. I sleep, eat, cry, and sometimes to help bury the emotion because it sometimes gets too much I play video games, simple ones that don't take a lot of thinking. I get so absorbed into the game that I forget the world. Before I got preggers I used to drink a lot. I would even take sleeping pills like Nyquil or something just to go to sleep, because I believed that if I could just get to sleep, things always look better in the morning. But of course, I dont' do anything like that anymore.
Oh, forgot, the cats too help. Sometimes I grab a cat, bury my face in his or her fur and cry. They don't seem to appreciate it too much, but it helps too.
I cry a lot and easily. I truly cry about anything. At times I am embarrassed but my family is use to it because that is just me. The past couple of years I have used alcohol as a coping strategy. Not to the point of abuse but still concerning. I have a lot of family stress and when it gets bad I turn inward and at times shut down to some extent.
I wasn't a cryer until I went onto BC pills. Holy hormones batman! I cry all the time at stupid stuff now. I feel sort of dumb about it a lot.. especially when I'm getting all welled up at stupid movies ::) I'm gonna be a joy as a pregnant woman -- I can already tell.
Wow, I feel sorry for those who don't cry. Crying is something I am really good at! I try not to cry in public though, but sometimes I just can't help it. I used to have a problem with crying, I used to think "big girls don't cry" and "crying is a sign of weakness" because that is what my mom taught me as a kid. I also used to get the line "stop crying or I will give you a reason to cry" a lot. But about a year ago I was visiting a psychiatrist and she was really great. She told me that it is okay to cry, there is nothing wrong with it. So now, I let it out, and it really does help.
But as far as coping, others here have some pretty good ideas, bike rides, walks, etc. I don't do that, maybe I should. I sleep, eat, cry, and sometimes to help bury the emotion because it sometimes gets too much I play video games, simple ones that don't take a lot of thinking. I get so absorbed into the game that I forget the world. Before I got preggers I used to drink a lot. I would even take sleeping pills like Nyquil or something just to go to sleep, because I believed that if I could just get to sleep, things always look better in the morning. But of course, I dont' do anything like that anymore.
Oh, forgot, the cats too help. Sometimes I grab a cat, bury my face in his or her fur and cry. They don't seem to appreciate it too much, but it helps too.
I used to get those lines from my mom a lot, how weak people do it, and she'd tell me i look ugly when i cry, so i never would in front of her. My cats got my back. They are like the siblings I always wished were human. They're only a year younger than I, and we've had them since they were they've been there for everything. They don't mind when I bury my face in their bellies and cry. They go along with it and jump on the perfect oppourtunity to chew my hair....
To all the criers: any tips for giving a toast at your baby sister's wedding????? I dunno how the heck I'm gonna get through that one...
To all the criers: any tips for giving a toast as your baby sister's wedding????? I dunno how the heck I'm gonna get through that one...
I'm a big time cryer too. I try to think of funny things to stop the tears, but a toast at your sisters wedding....let the tears begin! lol
To all the criers: any tips for giving a toast at your baby sister's wedding????? I dunno how the heck I'm gonna get through that one...
um.....bribe the camera men to not take pictures mid sob? You can also do the older sister thing of basically embarrassing the hell out of the bride with all the "remember when"s of your shared child hood, you should be able to at least laugh a little with that! (I have a "distance makes the heart grow fonder" kinda relationship with my sister, and given the family dynamic, this is something that would be appropriate for us, fyi)
Oh man, I forgot to mention cats! They are so comforting. Having a furry kitty on your lap, purring... that's heaven.