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Coping strategies

Related to the Confessions thread, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about coping strategies.

How do you handle the stresses and weight that you carry around?

I think we can be honest in this thread without being judged!

Myself - in the past I certainly used avoidance, substance abuse and food to cope with problems.  Running is one thing I've picked up that has really helped me the last year or so and I'm always looking to replace unhealthy patterns with new ones.

If you already know you're gonna cry, work it, and see how many other people you can get crying.


Oh man, I forgot to mention cats! They are so comforting. Having a furry kitty on your lap, purring... that's heaven.

I'm with you...when I'm sad all I want is my kitties to snuggle with....they are the best!


I talk to and cry to my cat sometimes..... :o, she listens better than



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