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Day 3 of the flu :(

I have the flu . . . I've never had the flu before and it truly sucks!  :(  I've got it all - sore throat, headache and achy body (muscles and joints).  I really could just cry at this point because I feel so crummy. 

Other than rest, aspirin and plenty of fluids, does anyone have any recommendations? 

Sambucol (elderberry) and zinc.  Most vitamin shops should have the Sambucol, it has been shown in studies to shorten the duration of the flu.  Having the flu sucks big time....I'm sorry you feel so badly.  :(


That really sucks.  I'm sorry I don't know anything more than just plently of rest and fluids.  Maybe go outside and get some fresh air even if it's just sitting on your front step.  I don't know where you are, but here it's supposed to be a beautiful day.  Some fresh air and sunshine could perk you up.


aww, that sucks! Feel better soon Jewel!

My only advice is tons of orange juice and tofu noodle soup.  *comfort*


lots of orange juice (I water mine down to get more liquid).  And sleep, sleep on the couch in front of the TV.  I have never had the flu for more than a day before, that sucks.  But for me, I just sleep all day and all night and drink lots of fluids.  I hear that it really isn't good to eat while sick, and our bodies know it, that is why we have no appetite.  But drink lots and get lots of sleep.


I hope you're feeling a little better today.


Thanks for the well-wishes everyone! 

I rested all day, napped a bit, drank juice and took plenty of zinc and Vitamin C (I wasn't able to get the Sambucol).  I'm starting to feel a bit better - now just my joints hurt and for the most part the headache and sore throat are gone!   

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm so over laying in bed all day  :D


So comforting to find this thread while I'm home sick today with the flu. I have juice, soup and tea but really want something to just knock me out so I can sleep but I don't want over chemical crap, over-the-counter drugs like benadryl or nyquil.

I got little sleep cause I was congested. Any ideas on natural remedies you can make at home or buy at Whole Foods or health store nearby?


did you mean natural remedies to help you sleep?

lavender, awesome for me

there is something else that I have tried but I can't remember now..

if you try the velerian...take it in capsules not smells and tastes horrid..even the capsules smell horrid but at least you can;t taste them.


I hope you're feeling a little better today.

OMG, that picture is so cute!  Sidra always meows at me and gives me looks like that, makes me always pick her up and hug her, but I know it isn't the hug she wants, she just wants me to give her some more sweet potato!

Are there natural remedies for congestion?  Last January I had a cold that clogged up my sinuses so bad that I had to resort to taking a OTC nasal spray just so I could sleep. But of course if there is herbal de-congestent that is better.


I hope you feel better soon. My daughter is just getting over it herself and it's been 4 days. I feel for ya.  :-[


Are there natural remedies for congestion?  Last January I had a cold that clogged up my sinuses so bad that I had to resort to taking a OTC nasal spray just so I could sleep. But of course if there is herbal de-congestent that is better.

cayenne pepper, there is a spray called sinol  (made from capsasum),that works great too, horseradish, hot sauce and a neti pot are all good choices.

there are many herbal remedies that work as well but the fact that you are pregnant would make that a slippery slope unless you work with a qualified herbalist.


:o :o capsasum nasal spray?!?!  :o  :o

I bet that would wake you up in the morning better than a triple shot of expresso! 


It will definitely makes your eyes water and you do scream just a bit ;) but the pain is very brief... and it also works for migraine headaches...but not always consistently. :-[


It will definitely makes your eyes water and you do scream just a bit ;) but the pain is very brief... and it also works for migraine headaches...but not always consistently. :-[

Thanks for all the natural remedy suggestions. Think I have chamomile, possibly valarian ... i'm congested too and appreciate the advice.

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