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Find your new name!

I'll apologize right now for the long post, and the fact that it's one of those annoying things that people e-mail all over the place.  But when I got to the bottom, and read the bit about George W., I couldn't help but think of all of you!  I thought it might be fun to see what all of your names would be.

Mine is Sleezy Flippinbrains
Hubby is Tootsie Flippinbrains

What's yours?

1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your New first name:

a = snickle
b = doombah
c = goober
d = cheesey
e = crusty
f = greasy
g = sneezy
h = farcus
i = dorky
j = doofus
k = funky
l = boobie
m = sleezy
n = sloopy
o = fluffy
p = stinky
q = slimy
r = dorfus
s = snooty
t = tootsie
u = dipsy
v = sneezy
w = liver
x = skippy
y = dinky
z = zippy

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name:

a = dippin
b = feather
c = batty
d = burger
e = chicken
f = barffy
g = lizard
h = waffle
i = farkle
j = monkey
k = flippin
l = fricken
m = bubble
n = rhino
o = potty
p = hamster
q = buckle
r = gizzard
s = lickin
t = snickle
u = chuckle
v = pickle
w = hubble
x = dingle
y = gorilla
z = girdle

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name:

a = butt
b = boob
c = face
d = nose
e = hump
f = breath
g = pants
h = shorts
i = lips
j = honker
k = head
l = tush
m = chunks
n = dunkin
o = brains
p = biscuits
q = toes
r = doodle
s = fanny
t = sniffer
u = sprinkles
v = frack
w = squirt
x = humperdinck
y = hiney
z = juice

Thus, for example, George W. Bush's new name is: Fluffy Chucklefanny.

Greetings from Dorfus Pottyboob!


Greetings from Doofus Bubblesquirt  (actually that's DR. Doofus Bubblesquirt to you) ;D


Sloopy Gizzardhiney

And I wonder why I am usually the BUTT of the joke!


Sloopy Pottydoodle! I doodle in the tiolet at night! HAHAHA!!!!!!  ;D This is great! LOL!


Sneezy Lickin'face....

I love my new name.


Sneezy Lickin'face....

I love my new name.

Ooh, I like that one.  It has a nice flow.


Mrs. Cheesy Burgertush here! 

My porn name...Lady Pacific!    :D


Oh yeah, and my porn name is Tweety Rt. 2

.....ah yes, the old poop shoot.



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