Posted by humboldt_honey on Aug 23, 2007 · Member since Feb 2007 · 12529 posts
I was talking with someone from Fire about your firefighting camp for girls and told them I'd send them more info, but I can't find the thread.
I was talking with someone from Fire about your firefighting camp for girls and told them I'd send them more info, but I can't find the thread.
i found it
Cool HH! :D Thanks Hespedal!
Here's a link to Overland Park Fire Dept's home page. (They established it with support from other surrounding dept's.) There is a blue maltese cross on the top left to click on for Camp Inferno.
Edit: Well I went back and clicked on the Camp link to check it, but it wouldn't work for some reason. Try this link if it doesn't work for you:
He/she can click on More Info at the bottom of the page for more specifics and a link to contact the Camp founder.
Let me know if I can help more.
Thanks to both of you! I think this is a really exciting opportunity.
Thanks to both of you! I think this is a really exciting opportunity.
:) I can't stress how great an experience it is for them. Every girl who's attended has said she was very glad she did even though some of them are rather annoyed when they realize they're going to actually sweat. ;) We recently received an email from a parent of a cadet from two years ago (at age 15 then) who saved her little brother's life by applying CPR when they were home alone and he choked on food and quit breathing! She had learned CPR from the Camp! She said she freaked for a moment, then it came back to her what to do. Julie (Camp founder) gets a lot of emails from the parents who are just so amazed at the difference in confidence and attitude they see in their daughters after attending the Camp. I really think it's an awesome idea for any teenage girl.
OMG Firefightress - my dad used to be in the OlatheFD! I'm definitely going to send this to my little sisters who still live there!
Hey Dinkfeet! Small world! :D