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Hi everyone,

I just signed up so I just wanted to pop in and say hey to the folks before I started posting. I'm a bit confused about the treads that seem to have been started several years ago but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Is everyone here vegan? I became a vegetarian a little over a year ago and now I'm starting to incorporate a more vegan lifestyle. I love to cook so i'm having a good time trying to alter my recipes to be vegan friendly. I originate from New hampshire but live in Chicago while im going to film school. That is all, I'm sure I'll be learning a lot from these boards!



If you have specific questions about threads, let us know and we can probably help you figure them out.  I think the biggest thing I see is people getting used to what thread goes on what board.  General philosophical questions about veg*nism go on the News & Debates board, so we can all disagree with each other (but with respect, of course).  It's the space set aside to do that.  Questions about ingredients 'n stuff most often go on the Food & Recipe board.  A lot of us have been on here for a while and we might pull up an old thread if we don't want to start a new one.

A lot of us are vegan.  We have some vegetarians, and even a couple of omnis.  When we post about food or ingredients, we confine it to vegan, because that way everyone can participate.  Or, maybe this is a vegan website where everyone is welcome.  Same difference.  So, like, we'll talk about vegan cheese, but we'll never talk about "regular" cheese.  Also, all of the recipes here are vegan, but you could modify them however you like.

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