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help with fridge smell

So I went on vacation and when I came back, my fridge and freezer both REEKED like old onions, which is weird, since I never even keep onions in the fridge at all! All I had in the produce bin were some lemons and limes.

I immediately took everything out of the fridge/freezer and scrubbed it down with baking soda/water, then put pans of baking soda in there.

Today it seems better, but I can still smell it.

Anyone have this happen/have any tips for getting RID of it?


box o baking soda


I would try spraying down the empty fridge with some lemon juice...let it sit a bit then wipe it down with a damp cloth so that it wont be sticky.

Stick with the baking soda as well.


I think I found the problem. Leftover nooch sauce. It's not moldy or anything, but the garlic and onion powder in it must have gone funky.

Thanks for the tips. I will try the lemon juice thing too.


definitely go with baking soda, but also try mixing lemon juice with white has a really good disinfecting property to it and it's the only "cleaner" my mom uses around the house.


Arm & hammer makes boxes with vents on the sides especially for leaving in your fridge & freezer. Works great in mine!

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