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Help me find a job!!!

Can anybody think of any companies that may be hiring mechanical engineers right now?  I have been unemployed for 7 months and I am running out of money.  I already check everyday with Careerbuilder, don't look at Monster because it doesn't work on this computer for some reason.  Any ideas?

lol ... me too! i have been unemployed now for 3 months ... applies to places that aren't even hiring ... and than sent out 2 them again ... you know just in case they over looked my resume the first time  ;)b  haha

i'm giving up and depressed .... i was layed off and i feel like i'm never gonna work again!

so lets see now ... we have one mechanical engineer and one make-up artist ... and both need jobs!!


Go nuts with boredom not working don't you?  I at least have a baby to take care of, and joined the YMCA and that saved my sanity since I had no job during the winter months :o.  It was the longest winter I can remeber ever living through, and it is still not over, it was 25degrees today and snowing all day long!!!!


Since I have a baby, I can't snow ski, cross country ski, snow shoe, or anything because it too dangerous and too cold for the baby.  Ugh, when is spring going to arrive? :-\ :-[

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