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Help me not ba a jealous crazy girlfriend!!!

              Ok, SO, i have a boyfriend. We went out 2 years ago for like 4 moths but i broke it off because he was going to the marines. He was my first boyfriend so i really didn't know what kind of girlfriend i'd be. I found out REALLY quickly that i'm an extremely jealous type of girlfriend. If i saw that he would comment some girl on facebook i just felt the rage in every single cell of my body. Fast forward to now, we're going out again and he's in japan for 2 years with the marines. We talk all the time and i'm really happy but there is a group of girls that like him and NEVER leave him alone. Today one of them commented him on facebook and he replied and called her LC. My first thought was "what the HELL does LC mean?!!??!?!?!?!" and i got super jealous and now i can't stop thinking about "what if he's cheating on me with her?" "why can't she leave him alone?!" and every time i go through a fit of jealousy i throw all of the pictures i have of him and all his stuff into a drawer or closet or somewhere. UUUGGGGHHH!! please help me stop!!!!!

it made plenty of sense! lol thanks  :)



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