Help me not ba a jealous crazy girlfriend!!!
Ok, SO, i have a boyfriend. We went out 2 years ago for like 4 moths but i broke it off because he was going to the marines. He was my first boyfriend so i really didn't know what kind of girlfriend i'd be. I found out REALLY quickly that i'm an extremely jealous type of girlfriend. If i saw that he would comment some girl on facebook i just felt the rage in every single cell of my body. Fast forward to now, we're going out again and he's in japan for 2 years with the marines. We talk all the time and i'm really happy but there is a group of girls that like him and NEVER leave him alone. Today one of them commented him on facebook and he replied and called her LC. My first thought was "what the HELL does LC mean?!!??!?!?!?!" and i got super jealous and now i can't stop thinking about "what if he's cheating on me with her?" "why can't she leave him alone?!" and every time i go through a fit of jealousy i throw all of the pictures i have of him and all his stuff into a drawer or closet or somewhere. UUUGGGGHHH!! please help me stop!!!!!
Well, sometimes jealousy just happens. If i were you i'd talk to him about it, tell him you dont mean to seem crazy but you just care about him alot and hes far away. (or something, idk). I dont know how much that will help but i think it would some, and everyone gets jealous sometimes. I dont get jealous of boyfriends, i get jealous of ex's, haha, weird thing jealousy is.
Hope this helps someee
thanks sarah! it does help!! and about the ex's, i knowwww!!!! after we broke up, even though im the one that broke up with him, i stillalways got super jealous. maybe it's just ive never had another boyfriend so idk if i'd be jealous with them. haha!
Well, for me, I get jealous/unsure/threatened when I don't have information. I find that if my SO will simply tell me 'soandso's name, and how they know them/a story even....then my jealousy often subsides.
hanashi, that works too. alot of the time the people he talks to are his friends in other states, but this little group of girls...UGH!! it just drives me crazy! they're so immature. he's my boyfriend, it'd be nice if they would just back off. ayayay!!!
all i've got is: if you don't trust him, maybe you shouldn't be with him?...
all i've got is: if you don't trust him, maybe you shouldn't be with him?...
My first thought's he cheating if he's in Japan for 2 years? To me talking to someone on the computer is not cheating.
Where do the jealous thoughts come from and why do them seem to snowball into a tirade?
I know you dont want to hear this but the though processes are negative and are going to eat you alive. You are not the crazy girlfriend, just relaying past experiences(?) and coming to a conclusion with out solid facts(?).
What are some steps negate jealousy and for you boyfriend to approach the situation properly?
Is anything he has done that would be perceived as in inappropriate?
I see it sort of as road rage; you are engaged in this relationship/ daily commute but certain factors set you off.
Perhaps him having female friends is a positive trait as he is polite and respectful of the relationship he is in. Something his lady friends admire.
One thing I have noticed, guys the mess around in lady circles always (always) get shut down.
I hope my one sentence thoughts are at all helpful.
my honest thought is that you are perhaps overreacting. LC might be her initials or maybe the initials for her nickname that all of her friends call her. judging from the fact that you are aware that you are the "jealous type" and that you've been jealous before when nothing was going on, maybe you should just step back, calm down, and rationally think it out.
if you have any male friends (which i'm almost certain you probably have at least one) how would you feel if your boyfriend got super jealous anytime one of them talked to you? and if every time he saw a comment (even with a nickname) on your page he flipped out and assumed you were cheating? it probably wouldn't feel so nice, right? most people feel untrusted and like they are being accused of things in situations like this. and this sort of feeling causes friction and arguments in an otherwise lovely relationship. i'm sure you've heard this and know this, but it can actually drive him away. obviously you don't want that to happen.
if you cannot trust him, then i'm going to agree with the people who have suggested maybe you shouldn't be with him. a relationship needs mutual trust and honesty.
and as far as the girls leaving him alone: if you can ONLY trust him when he is not around temptation, then is he really trustworthy? i would rather surround him with the most tempting situations possible and see him shine through like the honest guy he is... or have him fail miserably and he'll save you a lot of time by basically admitting he truly isn't trustworthy.
when someone is "a cheater" it is never the girls that he dates... it's him. you know what i mean? you can forbid him to be around those who you see to be threats, but regardless if he's going to cheat then he will eventually and it won't matter who it is. if that girl was "the one" then he would be with her and not you. so it's never going to be the girl who is the problem in this case. and even if you guard him from any situation that could lead him to cheating, that doesn't change him.
my way of dealing with this (trust me, i have been cheated on A LOT) is i trust the person until they give me a reason to feel otherwise. i do not freak out just because they are around someone who might steal them away or whatever. i figure if this person is going to be honest with me, then they are worth it. if they are going to sneak around and lie, then they are not. it certainly saves A LOT of stress. instead of freaking out all of the time, save your freaking for when something actually happens. my guess is that the relationship will do better for it. you'll be more at ease, he won't feel the tension, and you two can focus on what you do have and your relationship should be more successful.
i guess my point is this: if he's only good when he doesn't have the chance to misbehave, does that really count? if he would misbehave if given the chance, is he really worth keeping around? if he can be around temptation AND behave, isn't that even more comforting to know for a fact that he's loyal to you?
i know this sort of came off as tough love, but i want to emphasize the word love because i really do love you tons, but i feel i should be blunt and tell you a way to re-examine the situation in the way that i think might best help you.
also, you might take a look at yourself. usually (unwarranted) jealousy stems from insecurity. what do you think these girls have that you don't? if he didn't want to be with you and didn't think that you were amazing, i doubt he'd carry on a relationship from across the globe!
(in high school, i was definitely jealous... but it was because i had a good reason to be jealous since my partner was a proven cheater... on me, in fact... and that should have been the first sign that it wasn't going to work out)
ps~ and if anyone who read the polyamory threads is confused by any of this... keep in mind that to me it is cheating if there is lying involved... and most of my relationships have actually been "monogamous" (on my end, anyways) and the person decided to cheat instead of having an open relationship.
My first thought's he cheating if he's in Japan for 2 years? To me talking to someone on the computer is not cheating.
there are people in japan!
i agree talking on the computer isn't cheating... but i don't know if she said if these girls are on base with him, some locals, or here (where ever "here" is for his home).
OK, I can relate to this somewhat in that I used to have a military boyfriend who lived far away. I'm not really too much of a jealous type, I don't think, but I understand the whole NOT KNOWING aspect, and that can be so stressful!
I would like to know more about the nature of your whole relationship, I guess. Did you have a discussion about what you would do with other people of the opposite sex when you were apart? It might sound mundane and intuitive, but it might ease your mind. The guy I'm dating now doesn't live in my town, but we have like "no grinding on other people in clubs," etc, type of little things and it makes things very clear and easy. I mean, "don't let people of the opposite sex post on your facebook and then comment on it" wouldn't be on such a list, you know? (I hope that didn't sound snarky! But you see what I mean?)
If it's REALLY bothering you about the LC chiquita, then you could casually ask him or make a joke about it. Especially if she's all over his page. (Be like, wow, you have quite the little fan club!) But chances are it's nothing! Also, take it as a compliment--if other chicks are eyeing your man, he must be a find. And he's YOURS! You know? I'd be more worried if no chicks talked to him. And I know guys talk to you on your facebook as well! It could go both ways.
Also, find things to do to distract yourself when you feel the rage coming on. Like, go for a walk, go do SOMETHING, talk to a specific girlfriend on the phone who is like your lifeline, whatever! If you get into the pit of just thinking and doubting and getting angry and thinking some more, you'll destroy yourself!
I mean, the core thing is, there has to be a good basis of trust to begin with. Ask yourself if you have that. If you honestly think you do, then you've just gotta go with that and trust it.
*tosses two cent in the pile*
I was afraid to date my current boyfriend, the last "boyfriend" I had didn't turn out to well. I mean with all the horror stories you hear, I think it's kind of natural to feel some sort of jealousy. But remember, just cause he talks to other girls means nothing, if you restrict his life to male friends and you, you might turn that poor boy gay! (nothing wrong with that!).
You talk a lot, I live only a few miles from my ferret, and we maybe get to talk once every couple of weeks, and we still are together. The fact he takes the time to give you that much attention shows he has the kind of attitude to make sure you know he thinks of you! Why go chase other girls when he gives the attention to you?
I have male friends and my ferret has female friends, it's a fact of life. I think people are pack animals, and though you may not be happy about it, two doesn't make a pack.
And when you feel angry, do what I do,turn on some nice music and dance it out
You're dating a ferret?
</smart ass comment>
Personally I feel that jealousy is a lack of confidence in oneself rather than a distrust of a partner. You have to love yourself and believe that you are loved by your partner wholly You have two years with him in Japan. Work on getting to know yourself, learning to love and respect who you are, and feeling comfortable being loved.
I think once you realize how wonderful you are as a person then the jealousy will no longer come out. Good luck!
Cali, I think you've nailed least for me....G has been my first relationship that was really built on trust where internally/logically, I KNEW I had nothing to worry about....However, scars from previous relationships have trained my heart to be unsure of itself and feelings of worthlessness - which is why I'd ask for info on the people, to help make my two disagreeing parts come to agreement....does that make sense? I am working on this, but is a long/life long process that I will continue to work on. For me, I liken it to 'superstition' and how do you defeat superstition? With facts/information.
Personally I feel that jealousy is a lack of confidence in oneself rather than a distrust of a partner. You have to love yourself and believe that you are loved by your partner wholly You have two years with him in Japan. Work on getting to know yourself, learning to love and respect who you are, and feeling comfortable being loved.
I think once you realize how wonderful you are as a person then the jealousy will no longer come out. Good luck!
This, exactly.
Personally I feel that jealousy is a lack of confidence in oneself rather than a distrust of a partner. You have to love yourself and believe that you are loved by your partner wholly You have two years with him in Japan. Work on getting to know yourself, learning to love and respect who you are, and feeling comfortable being loved.
I think once you realize how wonderful you are as a person then the jealousy will no longer come out. Good luck!
This, exactly.
and it is a lot about insecurity, because boys have never liked me so i think "whats so special about me?" but i can work on it.
You definitely can! Confidence is the most important in life as a whole, not even just in relationships. You have to feel like you are awesome all the time. Which you are!
and it is a lot about insecurity, because boys have never liked me so i think "whats so special about me?" but i can work on it.
You definitely can! Confidence is the most important in life as a whole, not even just in relationships. You have to feel like you are awesome all the time. Which you are!
ay gracias!! you guys so bring out my awesomeness. lol <3
Its natural to feel that way with the distance, the key is just to try and not let if get to you. I know how I think of it when I get jealous for some dumb reason I think to my self who does m bf spend most of his time with when he is not at work? that would be me. that and you know if they are that low to be cheating on u, they really are not worth your time. i am sleepy. lol so i doubt that rant makes any sense at all.