How Are You Spending Your Tax Return?
Posted by humboldt_honey on Feb 18, 2011 · Member since Feb 2007 · 12529 posts
Where'd our thread go? I'm starting a new one.
Each year I use a small portion of my tax return to buy something for myself. They're not hugely expensive items, but they're things I wouldn't have purchased otherwise. I've netted a Excalibur dehydrator and an All-American pressure canner in past years. This year I wasn't going to get anything, but I've decided to get a home brewing kit! I won't be getting it until April, but I'm giddy excited.
The rest of it is going to property tax, property insurance, car insurance...
the government has dibs on our return...I'm not bitter.
we did get $90 back from the state, which went into savings for our new patio...
we paid off some bills. the hubbs got some workout tower thingie for his gym in the garage, and I got 4 pairs of summer shoes.
What tax return? >:(
New camera!!!!!! Canon rebel xsi, or something similar. :D
Also paid car insurance in full, and rest will go into usual spending/saving.
What tax return? >:(
I'm pretty darn sure I have to pay.
hh - what about that kick ass vegan guitar strap???! (oh, feel free to send samples of your beer in may, i know a month is adequate time for a brew)
I financed myself for a credit card since i am a fricken ghost on the system so i should be able to get a real one through my bank in a year. I was going to get a nifty computer gadget or something... but didn't. i am going to use a smidge for my plane ticket to sf, then going to south carolina to see family.. then the rest in savings for the sept wedding, or a possible house down payment... something future change related.
Ohyeahhuh - the guitar strap. Want. I limit myself to one item. A home brew kit or a guitar strap... Argh!
We purchased bunkbeds for our daughter's room. My mom is moving in soon and they will be roomies. The rest of our return will go towards paying for our daughter's braces this summer.
i would like to go somewhere cool, but it will probably mostly go into paying off student loans, of which dustin has an exorbitant amount.
What tax return? >:(
i got about $800 back from the fed, owed $1 to cali... plan on using it to pay my (well my ex's car that i am stuck with) car down, only owe a little over $2k on the damn thing
Nice, aml! Paying off bills or saving money for big bills is the most satisfying part of a tax return.
saving it for relocating/start up expenses.
my mom was supposed to do my taxes. she still hasn't
saving it for relocating/start up expenses.
Where are you moving?
saving it for relocating/start up expenses.
Where are you moving?
I have not decided haha (see my post in open letter for clarity).