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I am back!

Well I am not sure if anyone has noticed, but I have not posted in almost a month on here.  I have been having serious VW withdrawal since my computer contracted a nasty virus and no longer lets me even get online.  I have missed my VW homies dearly!  I see there are a lot of new peoples on the board - welcome to you all   :)

Computer is still not fixed but I am working on getting that restored very soon.  For now I will have to sign on here at work when no one is looking!  He he!  I just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone   8)

Peace to you all,


Welcome back K!  :)    I hope your computer gets fixed soon! 


Goodta Seeya! Yes, you've been missed, along with some other Veggies who are MIA.

I know how it hurts when your "window on the world" is broken! I just recovered access to a v. special blog last! Took 2 mos plus to get it straightened out.


It's good to have a vegweb hiatus every once in a while (as long as it's not too long and you come back with a good recipe or two from real life!)  ;)
Welcome back K!  :)


Hi KendraKat!  Cute kitty :)


Haven't met you yet, but welcome back! Come in the chat sometime.


I HAD noticed you hadn't been around and wondered what you were up to. Sorry your computer has been sick and hope it feels better soon. Welcome back!


Thanks everyone - I have really missed being on here.  I do agree that a break from the internet while annoying at times, has also helped me to realize I was spending waaaaaay too much time online (especially on here!)  So I will probably cut back once I get my computer fixed.  But this board is such a great source of veg info that I could never stop coming here completely!

Peace to you all  8)

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