I am so so upset about this :(
Posted by theodamus on Dec 07, 2009 · Member since Oct 2008 · 2960 posts
Proposal for the first factory farms in NZ.
How can they possibly think this is ok?! New Zealand was always better than everywhere else, still not ideal but better... I'm at a loss, disgusted and feel sick at the thought. :(
I'm right there with you.
:( >:(
"They shouldn't be allowed to proceed unless we can be sure they can mitigate any adverse environment effects."
"As for animal welfare, Mr Carter said that as long as acceptable standards were adhered to, he didn't think there were any issues."
??? Too bad what is "acceptable" is horrific.
"Federated Farmers said "so-called factory farming" cut costs and was environmentally friendly."
If the ONLY environment they are talking about is their wallet, yes, it is environmentally friendly!
"Cubicle farming would reduce the likelihood of effluent running into waterways, organisation president Don Nicholson said."
Where exactly will all of the "effluent" go then, Don?
Tell 'em to keep the evil out of your country, Theo!!
yeah Theo I saw this the other day and got pretty angry too. Obviously farming animals for eating/milking/human advantage is sucky in any form, but at least we've been a small step ahead of most countries till this came up.
I will be truly sickened if they go ahead.
shame, New Zealand, shame.
: (
Proposal for the first factory farms in NZ....
...what, since it's working out so WELL, everywhere ELSE?!! Is there just *way* too little pollution in NZ right now? Too much fresh water? Not enough antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
WTF? Come ON, humans, don't be such stupid a-holes! Geez...
Not sure if overseas people can submit protest, but I encourage you to try if you feel the urge!
Submissions for protest ends December 18th.
Have your say!
Ugh that is terrible >:( Wtf are they thinking that this could be a good idea?
I don't know what to do with those links though... well the 2nd and 3rd ones don't seem to work. But the first one confused me :/ I want to help...
>:( :(