I Want...
Posted by wayneshep! on Jul 18, 2009 · Member since Nov 2008 · 379 posts
This thread is for us to list the completely unnecessary things that we want, especially those things that you don't know why you want them, but you just do. For example:
I want: a yellow game boy color and pokemon mystery dungeon games (you would think I'm getting too old for pokemon but I love it so). The boxsets of rocky and bullwinkle and garfield.
A cherry wood or maple quilting frame. For which I have no room. I don't care, I want it.
A vacation to Lisieux in France, during which I would spend an unconscionable amount of money in a certain bookshop.
...an Excalibur dehydrator and a deluxe Vitamix.
I have a yellow GB color.
I want a job just so I can buy my mother a Wii. We don't need it, she won't use it, but it's something I want to get her because she says she wants it.
I did finally get a decent rotary mixer. Which I seldom use, but it's worth something to have that deep-down satisfaction of having achieved something which was darn near impossible to get here before without paying ridiculous prices.
Thank you, LIDL.
A dehydrator, a vitamix, a decent sized food processor, a car..doesn't have to be brand new but I'd like my job choices at school not to be limited to the 6 dollar an hour on campus jobs. Ohoh and a bassoon. They're incredibly expensive though. Sigh.
A food processor, turquoise, please. A vacation to pretty much anywhere, just so long as I have the money to enjoy it. A house with a big yard!
A Kitchen Aid mixer, a real couch and not a futon, a vitamix, an Amazon Kindle, an electric violin, rollerblades.
A vitamix, a juicer, a kitchenaid mixer....
An awesome digital camera with fancy attachments.... even though I have no idea how to use one.
...a digital camera that works, a stainless steel water bottle, and immunity to mosquito bites so I can enjoy the summer outside.
...a vitamix, a job that isn't totally sporadic, new brakes for my car, so it might stop once in a while =)
My house in the US to sell, so we can buy a house in the old part of town where they have the cobble stone streets, and 100 year old houses. I want it to be an old house, and refurbish it. I want it to have a very small yard. About the size of a two car drive way. Big enough so I can have a little table and chairs outside, and I can enjoy my coffee out there when the weather is nice. I also want it to have a 2 car garage, so we can park our car in there, and my husband can have a small shop in there.
... to go on a month long vacation to India.
.... to live in a medium sized progressive city and live car-free, in a old house that has been renovated to be green and has a small yard for a vegetable garden and a seating area.
....a great vegan restaurant within walking distance :)
Seven million dollars.
No more, and no less.
Dart frog, an ice cream maker, deep frier and a bread maker.
An iphone with internet connection, easy to type text messaging, a laptop with all the bells and whitsles, a Vitamix, a flat screen tv to replace my 1993 big fat TV, a new stereo music system to replace my 1992 system.........gimme gimme gimme
An oldfashioned, manual typewriter. Preferably not portable, a heavy, all-metal desktop one.
I wish I could get my old, battleship grey Royal back.
I have a yellow GB color.
Way to rub it in. :(
I want the exterior of my house painted... and my back porch screened in.
A Prius would be nice.
That's really all I can think of.
Maybe longer eyelashes.
....a hammock for my room, a futon/couch, a bunny, a loft bed (i just want my room to be like, different kinds of beds and that is all), a new septum ring, blonde hair dye that covers up green without bleaching it, sushi, vitamix, a skateboard, my freaking drivers license, A FREAKING CAR THAT WORKS, a nice, tiny cute desk like that one i saw at goodwill that that person decopoged but my mom laughed at me when i wanted to buy it and said no, and a closet with space to put things in instead of an air conditioner (i had AC but i just picture ac hiding in my closet)
An iphone with internet connection, easy to type text messaging, a laptop with all the bells and whitsles, a Vitamix, a flat screen tv to replace my 1993 big fat TV, a new stereo music system to replace my 1992 system.........gimme gimme gimme
Tweety, I just had to say that my stereo system is from around the same time...I got it from Santa Claus in 1991. It's still kickin though! ;)