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I Want...

This thread is for us to list the completely unnecessary things that we want, especially those things that you don't know why you want them, but you just do.  For example:

I want: a yellow game boy color and pokemon mystery dungeon games (you would think I'm getting too old for pokemon but I love it so).  The boxsets of rocky and bullwinkle and garfield.

An iphone with internet connection, easy to type text messaging, a laptop with all the bells and whitsles, a Vitamix, a flat screen tv to replace my 1993 big fat TV, a new stereo music system to replace my 1992 system.........gimme gimme gimme

Tweety, I just had to say that my stereo system is from around the same time...I got it from Santa Claus in 1991.  It's still kickin though!  ;)

I bought mine USED in 1991....its huge and has all the different components-tape deck, radio, tuner, etc....
I sort of want a newer, smaller one, but I'm worried the sound won't be as good. I guess I will wait till it dies.


This thread is like a big vegweb christmas list! But i refuse to wait until christmas and feel like going out one day and spending half the money i have to get most of these things.


The boxsets of rocky and bullwinkle and garfield.

I have the rocky and bullwinkle boxset, one of my friends bought it for me for christmas. I watched the entire set when I was sick with mono, and it was wonderful =)


An iphone with internet connection, easy to type text messaging, a laptop with all the bells and whitsles, a Vitamix, a flat screen tv to replace my 1993 big fat TV, a new stereo music system to replace my 1992 system.........gimme gimme gimme

Tweety, I just had to say that my stereo system is from around the same time...I got it from Santa Claus in 1991.  It's still kickin though!  ;)

I bought mine USED in 1991....its huge and has all the different components-tape deck, radio, tuner, etc....
I sort of want a newer, smaller one, but I'm worried the sound won't be as good. I guess I will wait till it dies.

We're really kickin' it old school at our house... We play CD's on our TV through the DVD player.  A TV which the previous owner left behind. Sounds grrrrrrrrrrrreat.  Oh and both our cars have only one speaker still working. LOL

I want $400,000... I don't need a million or 20 million... just $400,000.  I'd be good!



... K to wake up and get his car started so we can do something with this rare sunny Sunday.
... spring to hurry up and bring lots of sun and daffodils.
... next year to hurry up so I can begin studying viticulture and winemaking.


I have  a yellow GB color.

Way to rub it in.  :(

I think I have a red one and Pokemon Blue lying around if you're super desperate for a video game fix :p


The boxsets of rocky and bullwinkle and garfield.

I have the rocky and bullwinkle boxset, one of my friends bought it for me for christmas. I watched the entire set when I was sick with mono, and it was wonderful =)

I have  a yellow GB color.

Way to rub it in.  :(

I think I have a red one and Pokemon Blue lying around if you're super desperate for a video game fix :p

People just keep rubbing there awsome stuff in my face... why!?!?  :>


So. i REALLY want that hammock. like. really. that would be. the best bed ever! Ughhhhh stupid buying things online, i hate getting things online it makes me nervous of what i'm really going to get.


ponycakes!  If you're giving away the gbc I'll gladly take it.   :P  he he

And I just looked at vitamixers and holy poo they are expensive!!!!


So. i REALLY want that hammock. like. really. that would be. the best bed ever! Ughhhhh stupid buying things online, i hate getting things online it makes me nervous of what i'm really going to get.

I really want a hammock for my apartment patio.  I'm thinking about ordering one from LLBean.  They have a lifetime warranty on all their items.  


ponycakes!  If you're giving away the gbc I'll gladly take it.    :P  he he

I can send it to you if you wish! I never ever play it anymore, and my little bro has a fancy pants newer gameboy (the square one with the backlight that is not a ds), so if you can somehow get me your address I'll send it to you with maybe some cookies or something because a gameboy in a box alone would be sad :p

Are you on facebook?


PONYCAKES IS SENDING EVERYONE COOKIES. i want cookies. Even though i have like, 3 kinds here, and i keep the house stocked with them.


ponycakes!  If you're giving away the gbc I'll gladly take it.    :P  he he

I can send it to you if you wish! I never ever play it anymore, and my little bro has a fancy pants newer gameboy (the square one with the backlight that is not a ds), so if you can somehow get me your address I'll send it to you with maybe some cookies or something because a gameboy in a box alone would be sad :p

Are you on facebook?

Yes, I'm on facebook!  My name is Wayne Shepherd (from Michigan)
Thanks sooooo much!!!!   :)>>>


I really want a new stove...I'm tired of my kitchen filling up with gas every time I try to light the burner.

I also want it to be warmer here....its the middle of July and I'm wearing a sweatshirt.


Hair extensions, a clean room, a job, a boyfriend, money for school supplies, a julia childs-like culinary skill, another cat because my first is so lonely, my 21st bday so I can go out and have fun with my friends (3 months to go!), a craving to go running (even though I hate it), for my summer ochem course to be OVER and to get highest marks


I also want it to be warmer here....its the middle of July and I'm wearing a sweatshirt.

My sister called me today saying she had to put a sweatshirt on she's so cold (she's in Michigan)...I just told her she has three more weeks until sh moves to Texas and has to get used to the 100+ degree weather we're having.   8)


erin, i'll give you some of our warm if you give me some of your cold!


I want... to own a house where my husband and I can finally have some space to ourselves... to be able to choose to share that space with a dog in need of love... and to designate some of our outside space to growing our own herbs and vegetables.

Yeap, that's about it.


I want... to own a house where my husband and I can finally have some space to ourselves... to be able to choose to share that space with a dog in need of love... and to designate some of our outside space to growing our own herbs and vegetables.

Yeap, that's about it.


I also want a really fit body, without having to do all the work, and The Twilight Zone box set would be ahight.


erin, i'll give you some of our warm if you give me some of your cold!

THIS. I'd take delivery on any rain that's going, as well.



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