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I Want...

This thread is for us to list the completely unnecessary things that we want, especially those things that you don't know why you want them, but you just do.  For example:

I want: a yellow game boy color and pokemon mystery dungeon games (you would think I'm getting too old for pokemon but I love it so).  The boxsets of rocky and bullwinkle and garfield.

I want a food processor for big things and a Magic Bullet for little things, a set of good kitchen knives, a cast iron skillet, and a little slow cooker.
A pair of New Rock boots - made of some magical non-animal, non-petroleum substance - and a utilikilt.
An unlimited tattoo budget.
A house with a view of the ocean and lots of big windows and thick, heavy walls.
Time, and sleep, and good company.

you should move here to virginia beach!! you can rent a house ON the beach for ~$800/mo, hah.

and you would have good company with me~
there, i resolved two of your wishes :-* call me genie. or genius. both apply.

Haha! That's tempting, I'll admit. Maybe when I get out of these school commitments... ;)


I want a magic bullet, a dehydrator, an ice cream machine and a huge fridge and pantry stocked with raw goodies...
I want the perfect house I found to still be available when I'm ready for it...
If not, I want the even more perfect house that I can't even imagine yet to magically appear and give me an awesome solo vegan pad to live in next year...


I want to move to Va beach....

I also want a Touch N Brush. My bathroom is always toothpaste-y gross...



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