Ideas for Bachelorette party invitations? (not even a little VR)
Posted by nutdragon on Apr 28, 2008 · Member since Aug 2006 · 807 posts
Hello creative vegwebbers! I am planning a (reasonably low-key ^-^ ) bachelorette party for my kid sister. I am designing the invitations on my computer and I'm having a serious case of designers block. I want something interesting, memorable, but printable. I've thought about sticking something else in the envelope???I dunno a post it with some sort of item to bring....bahh...
I've poked around on-line and everything is a variation of: cutsie topical item (high heels or martini glasses) in a girlie color with standard who, what, where info...which are all fine and good I suppose.
But I suspect there are better ideas out there.
Anyone care to offer?
I thought this was cute but then again I am a dork.. :o
easy and cute...
this was my favorite and definitely easy to do without any art skills on a computer.
maybe I am way off ...I don't know what VR means?*shrugs* :-\
Heehee funny, I saw the ticket thing, too and have been flipping that over in my mind. By "VR" I mean "vegan-related" so as to not confuse anyone who may click on the topic thinking they may learn something useful ;)
Thanks for the ideas...keep 'em coming!
what are you planning? maybe the invitation could go with what you are going to do.
What kind of wedding is she having? Reception? Standard type thing with the gals in poofy ugly dresses and roses on the table or more personalized with a theme like 'hat box' style centerpieces and cake w/ jaunty bridesmaid hats?
Ok those are two extremes and your kid sis may fall somewhere between them. If it is personalized in any way try to stick with or near the theme. Its all about pink flamingos? No problem, toss a pic of the lawn ornament type with a bow around its ankle. Heck maybe make the bow being 'stripped' off, hehe. Is it very sedate and her flowers are Dutch Iris? How about a stylized version of the flower done in an outline sketch in her colors. Then note its time to put the blush on the flower before the ceremony. Or you could even just have her flower as the invite shape, if its a rose then have them printed and cut them out into that shape. Tedious work but personalized and elegant.
What kind of wedding is she having? Reception? Standard type thing with the gals in poofy ugly dresses and roses on the table or more personalized with a theme like 'hat box' style centerpieces and cake w/ jaunty bridesmaid hats?
Yes. My other sister is throwing a tea party complete with hats and gloves :-D I was hoping it down a notch, but then she turned over a guest list of 30 people for the bachelorette party, complete with our step-mother, grandmother, and pretty religious aunt. So whatever... we can all go to the mall on horseback, if that's what she's her party and I'm here to make it happen.
The original theme was swank-to-sleaze, but it has gotten considerably less sleazy over the past few weeks. I was hoping to infuse some creative spark into the invites without getting pink t-shirts made so we can all descend on Atlanta as some sort of band of harlots-for-Jesus in lip gloss and kitten heels.
i was thinking you could find a picture of your sister and her friends out partying, make copies of it and type on the back - let's do this one more time. date: place: blah blah blah. now i have never been to a bachelorette party or gotten an invitation to one, so i dont know whats expected.
My friend's invitations were the "Last fling before the ring" one. That's all I really have to add.
i was thinking you could find a picture of your sister and her friends out partying, make copies of it and type on the back - let's do this one more time. date: place: blah blah blah.
Oooo, I like where this could go....I wonder what sort of pix I have...Thanks
Maybe an "embarrassing" pic of her playing dress up as a child?
I don't know, "harlots-for-Jesus in lip gloss and kitten heels" could be kind of fun :-D
Okay, sorry - not helpful, but I was just visualizing this in my head . . . .
just thought I'd follow up with the final (obviously some items have been removed). Thanks for your help guys!
That's cute nutdragon!