I'm scared!
My mom's office is having a Halloween party and she wants me to go with her. She's encouraging me to take a recipe for a chocolate pumpkin bunt cake she has and make it vegan. She's been wanting me to do something like this with her for so long and she's been through so much this year, so I feel I owe it to her! But I haven't baked in so long...the last time I did was months ago when I made vegan blueberry muffins, which I freaked out about and purposely took them out of the oven with my bare hands just to ensure they ended up on the floor instead of in my stomach. Took my hands like two weeks to heal. I do stupid things like that all of the time.
And eating in front of people is even worse! I'm not a social eater.
Sorry. I've just been in such a crappy mood lately. Everything seems like an obstacle. I'm ranting and raving and bleeeh.
Not a social eater? What?
Unless I'm behind the closed doors of my house, I can't bring myself to eat. It's an eating disorder thing :( Social apprehension at eating in front of other people. I can manage eating in front of my mom okay, and sometimes my sister on a good day, but I can only pick at food in front of my dad and brother. Outside of my house, I just can't eat at all. I get so sick at just thinking about trying :(
It's okay, Hyl...I think I understand where You're coming from. I used to have the same anxiety about eating in front of others...being weirded out in the campus dining center, purposely avoiding going out to restaurants with family and friends, etc...
It's gotten to where I can eat most things amongst most people (it depends), even if I feel really anxious inside...it's all about diminishing the anxiety to a point where You can work through it. ...sometimes it's still bad enough that I can't eat unless it's at my apartment, when my boyfriend isn't home; otherwise, I have to practically choke stuff down and very little at that, because the feeling of doing that in front of others is...well, You know.
I think it's damn near impossible to make it go away completely and forever, but it IS possible to overcome what anxiety may still remain.
You can always post in the Food & Cooking board for tips on veganizing the bunt cake, AND possibly making it a bit more health-conscious.
And of course, You can continue to post here for any help You might need with overcoming those other challenges...or just come here to vent, We certainly won't mind.
I am insensitive sometimes. I'm sorry if I came off rude, the_staveling.
can you make the cake and either not eat it or else eat a small amount of it? You could always make it with real milk instead of soy milk to ensure you dont eat it...provided you guys have real milk in your house and you would not have to go out and buy some...i know that's a very unvegan thing for me to suggest but its a tactic i have used a couple of times to protect myself from either: what I would do to punish myself FOR eating it OR what I would do to myself to prevent myself FROM eating it.
Of course, i think it would be amazing amazing amazing if you could make it (vegan) and then give yourself a pass to try just a little little bit....and a huge kick in Eds pants, if you know what I mean. Maybe explain your anxiety to your mom and see if she could give you some support in that area.
secondbase: It's okay, you didn't come across as being insensitive to me :)
Carrot_Wench: It sounds like you really understand where I'm coming from. I traveled with a band for a couple of years, sometimes we went on week long tours and I just fasted the whole time because of this anxiety. Just sitting with them while THEY ate made me sick to my stomach and the after show parties were the worst. I often just sat in another room or sometimes in the van. After the band broke up, I felt like maybe this would kind of get better since I wouldn't be faced with it so much, but that never works out. Another thing that's really hard for me is to eat when my dogs are looking at me, isn't that crazy?? Ugh. I know what you mean, though, and I hate being this anxious because I remember when I was really little, I always had the stereotypical image of being a teenager and pigging out with my friends. I'm 21 years old now and I never pigged out once with anyone. Thanks for telling me where I can go for some troubleshooting tips on making the cake vegan and healthier, I'm still kind of finding my way around here. Thanks for your support, I really appreciate it!!
thedharmablues: Thanks for your sympathy. I'm sorry to hear about your friends! This really is difficult :( I had a little bit of counseling back in February of this year, but it was at a mental health clinic that didn't have a counselor on staff to specialize in EDs, so I ended up mainly going there to have them treat my depression (I refused to take meds). They gave me a referral for a couple of clinics, but as I'm not in school right now and I don't have a job (because my EDs have gotten worse and my mom pretty much keeps me at home), so I'm not on an insurance plan. My aunt recently gave my mom a number for a counselor that practices about 45 minutes away that isn't insanely expensive, he bases his price on the household income, so I'm going to try to get in to see him and hope that I can get some help that way. I've tried online support groups, too, but once I log off, I tend to forget about what I "learn" there and get lost in my own little world of self-destruction again.
VHZ: I really wouldn't mind baking again; I've always loved the art of baking and that was one of the first things that told me something was really wrong with me when I stopped because I was scared. The fear does come in worrying about if I'm going to lick the bowl or eat too much of the cake or whatever, the typical fears that define this illness. I think I might be able to suck it up and go with my mom to the party and just deal with my anxiety for an hour, and last night in bed, I even flat out told myself that I could bake my cake and eat it, too, if I so choose to do so (talking about a swift kick to EDs butt!), but when I started to consider it seriously, I found it hard to breathe. I think it would be triple amazing, too, to actually do this. And now that C_W has told me about where I can go to check out and see if there is a way to make the cake vegan and maybe even make it healthier, I might be able to get one victory, no matter how small, out of this. So complicated! :(
Whatever you do, just remember to breathe.
I think it'd be a good idea to try to bake the bundt cake - not so sure if forcing yourself to eat it would do more harm than good, though. Baby steps. Maybe just try and get comfortable with the fact that it's there, and real, and in your kitchen.
If it freaks you out to eat in public, you don't have to force yourself. If you're already fighting an eating disorder, there's definitely no need to cause any more food-related stress... you've got plenty. ;)
Would it help if your mom was there when you made the cake? Having someone to talk to, or just if having a deterrent to eating makes you feel safer about having a cake in arm's reach.
(I make no claims of being a psychologist. I'm just a kid with a keyboard. Other assorted disclaimers. Following my advice may lead to increased risk of cyborg koala attack.)
Breathing is a good idea!! It's ridiculous how much I've been freaking about this :( My mom asked me this morning if I was going to do it and I had a severe mood swing. She said in return, rather loudly, "Calm down! It's not that big of a deal!"
I just need to get a grip :(
I think it would be a good idea, too, and I've been looking into how to veganize the recipe and make it healthier to maybe urge me into just doing it, wouldn't anyone else just DO it? And it's like you said, I don't have to eat it and I probably won't. But just making the cake would be a small baby step, a small start for something, and it would make my mom happy. And my mom will be in the kitchen with me, so I can hand it over to her if I get too overwhelmed. I can even brew me a cup of tea, so anytime I feel like I'm ready to stick my head in the batter bowl, which I know would lead me into a binge-&-purge (and I don't want that), I can just sip on the tea instead. Or have my mom cut my hands off.
I just love my mom so much and she's been asking me and asking me about it all week and I just feel like I owe this to her, I guess that's why I'm so uptight about it.
A cyborg koala attack!! *Crawls under table*
My mom's office is having a Halloween party and she wants me to go with her. She's encouraging me to take a recipe for a chocolate pumpkin bunt cake she has and make it vegan. She's been wanting me to do something like this with her for so long and she's been through so much this year, so I feel I owe it to her! But I haven't baked in so long...the last time I did was months ago when I made vegan blueberry muffins, which I freaked out about and purposely took them out of the oven with my bare hands just to ensure they ended up on the floor instead of in my stomach. Took my hands like two weeks to heal. I do stupid things like that all of the time.
And eating in front of people is even worse! I'm not a social eater.
Sorry. I've just been in such a crappy mood lately. Everything seems like an obstacle. I'm ranting and raving and bleeeh.
If you want, I can help you out of this problem by simple breathing yoga which we call as PRANAYAMA.
Oooo, thank you, do share! I have a yoga deck at home, kind of a like "YOGA FOR IDIOTS" kind of thing, and the breathing exercises are my favorite.
i really want to reply with something to help you, but i find threads like this triggering to my own ED that i've somehow semi-conquered in the past. i probably shouldn't have opened it in the first place.
i'm sorry, that sounds mean. i don't mean it to be.
just breathe, kiddo. you'll make it through this.
*insert other peptalk words here*
i really want to reply with something to help you, but i find threads like this triggering to my own ED that i've somehow semi-conquered in the past. i probably shouldn't have opened it in the first place.
i'm sorry, that sounds mean. i don't mean it to be.
just breathe, kiddo. you'll make it through this.
*insert other peptalk words here*
It doesn't sound mean, I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes I duck out of certain websites for weeks to recover from triggering threads, posts, whatever. I really think that's one of the worst things about eating disorders; it seems that every little thing can set you off. And I was really surprised when I started getting involved in the forums because it seems like there are a lot of vegans here who are or have been battling an eating disorder.
I appreciate it, though, I did make it through.
To those who are wondering how this turned out, I HAD to veganize the recipe because we got home and my mom found out that she didn't HAVE any eggs. So I tried to veganize the recipe and bake the cake and it was a disaster. All I made was a big mess in the kitchen, batter got flung all over the walls (dumb hand mixer!) and the cake turned out clumpy. I felt like such a failure, I started crying over this horrible cake, and my mom was trying to comfort me, telling me that I tried my best, that I just didn't know much about baking was all, which is the truth, and then she said that she could swing by the store and pick something up on her way to work like a bag of chips, that it was no big deal. Then she went to move the cake plate from the counter to the table and she said, "Whoa, I think this cake weighs more than you do." We just looked at each other for a few seconds and then we both burst into hysterical laughter. So all's well that ends well, I guess, but it's going to be a long time before I try to do anything else in the kitchen. Bleeeeh!!
that's awesome of you though for coming through for your mom when she needed you - even though it didnt turn out perfectly, you tried to do something that was tough for you just to help her out. i think that if you want to still post the recipe so we can help you with what would be the best substitutions you should, and maybe you can conquer that cake when you're ready to.
(and at the very least we all get to see a great sounding recipe!)
plus even though the cake didnt turn out, it sounds like you had a really nice bonding moment with your mom, which is waaaaay more important.
that's awesome of you though for coming through for your mom when she needed you - even though it didnt turn out perfectly, you tried to do something that was tough for you just to help her out. ...
plus even though the cake didnt turn out, it sounds like you had a really nice bonding moment with your mom, which is waaaaay more important.
I totally agree...baking disasters happen to the best of us, and it's not the end of the world (pardon my use of a cliche). It's how we learn! But I think the most important thing You got from the whole ordeal was getting to share the experience with Your mom. This will likely be something that You can both look back on in the future and share a good laugh!
Oh, and We can definitely help you out in the baking department. There's a whole thread in the Vegan Food & Cooking board that describes specific techniques, measurements, etc. for baking the perfect cake (dammit, I can't seem to find it atm)...and I'm sure there are lots of Us who would love to help You with specific recipes!
that's awesome of you though for coming through for your mom when she needed you - even though it didnt turn out perfectly, you tried to do something that was tough for you just to help her out. i think that if you want to still post the recipe so we can help you with what would be the best substitutions you should, and maybe you can conquer that cake when you're ready to.
(and at the very least we all get to see a great sounding recipe!)
plus even though the cake didnt turn out, it sounds like you had a really nice bonding moment with your mom, which is waaaaay more important.
Thanks :) It was more important, it was really good to just laugh with her since our relationship has been kind of rocky over the last year as my ED has progressed. Hopefully this is a kind of a breaking point of some sort. I will post the recipe with much appreciation for any help; I really didn't think it would be that hard to make vegan because the only animal product was "2 eggs", so I just threw in a half cup of unsweetened applesauce, but it came out really heavy and clumpy...so I got to thinking that maybe I should have used egg replacer, but my experiences with that have never been good, or vinegar and baking soda, but I didn't know how much to add of what, or I heard tofu would work, but I didn't know how much to use or of what type of tofu even if I did have some on hand. The recipe is in a magazine at home, so I'll bring it and post it. My mom, who dared to try a bite, said that the flavor was really promising, it's just the texture wasn't very tempting and hard to swallow (pun intended)!
I totally agree...baking disasters happen to the best of us, and it's not the end of the world (pardon my use of a cliche). It's how we learn! But I think the most important thing You got from the whole ordeal was getting to share the experience with Your mom. This will likely be something that You can both look back on in the future and share a good laugh!
Oh, and We can definitely help you out in the baking department. There's a whole thread in the Vegan Food & Cooking board that describes specific techniques, measurements, etc. for baking the perfect cake (dammit, I can't seem to find it atm)...and I'm sure there are lots of Us who would love to help You with specific recipes!
C_W, thanks for reminding me about the link, I think I can manage to find it :) I wish I had the internet at home so I could spend some time to navigate and get to know the other forums better. *Sigh* But thanks for your encouragement. You've been such a big help and not just recipe-wise!
Aaah, applesauce. It's great for the moistening bit of eggs, but it's not so good for leavening and making things fluffy like eggs do. It's not very scientific, but if I'm replacing for an egg in something that's supposed to have any fluff to it (i.e. not brownies/cookies) I like quadruple the baking soda/powder. I've never had problems with the baking soda taste, which may or may not be entirely down to dumb luck.
Yeah, the applesauce was a bit much for this recipe and is what made the cake go yuck. I know that a long time ago, when I first went vegan and in the days before the worse onslaught of my EDs, I used to bake THE BEST chocolate cake that used vinegar and baking soda as the "egg". I tore the house apart looking for it on the day I baked the cake in hopes of figuring how much vinegar/baking soda to use, but I couldn't find it. I think that it would have made the cake perfect in texture, though, so that's too bad. The applesauce just made it way too heavy :(