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Inconsiderate Relative Rant!!

So yesterday my mother emails me three different recipes for roast suckling pig!  The first one I ignored, the second one began to confuse me, by the third one I was irritated.  I emailed back and politely asked why she was sending recipes for roast suckling pig to a vegetarian.  Her response was simply, "don't they sound wonderful?  Don't you wish you could eat some?" 

No!!  I don't wish I could eat some.  So now she's mad at me for suggesting that it is bad form to send such recipes.  She thinks I should appreciate them from a culinary viewpoint!! 

GRRRRRRR..... >:( >:( >:(

That sounds like one of my aunts. Thankfully she doesn't email though, just snail mail.


Aw!  I'm sorry... my mom does stuff like that sometimes.  But I don't mind it, because I know Mom doesn't mean anything bad by it, plus I use them for inspiration for vegan meals. And, she doesn't ask me if I wish I could have some.  That would make me angry.   But if you're not comfortable with it, that's understandable.  

Send her a few emails about, I dunno, roasted potatoes, or somethin'.  And tofu cheezecake.  


i'm sorry. you should send back a recipe for tofu or some vegetable she hates :P

Great minds think alike.


He, he, he.....maybe I'll give her email address to every electronic veg*n newsletter I can find


Click on the page index and it is under the category "Evil"


Send her a recipie for roast dog poop!
When she responds saying "ewww that is gross" respond by saying, now you know how I feel.


Send her a recipie for roast dog poop!

Hahaha!  That's harsh... but funny. 


He, he, he.....maybe I'll give her email address to every electronic veg*n newsletter I can find

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

That is very disrespectful of what she did. She believes there's no boundaries.


Yea, relatives can certainly be the worst offenders when it comes to our diet choices. Fortunately, my parents are very supportive and even cook vegan food for me when I visit.

But, the whole rest of my family is just completely unsupportive. When I visit for holidays, I'll be lucky if I get a boiled potato out of the meals they make. And, naturally, for the whole meal, I have to hear how unhealthy MY diet is while they're gorging on tons of meat and other high fat foods. The worst is that 2 of them are doctor (my great aunt and her husband), and they always go on and on how I'm ruining my health.

Their best argument is that if we were meant to abstain from meat, we'd have more stomachs - like a cow.  ::)

So, I feel your pain.

Send her some recipes featuring roast dog. ;) Seriously. There are places out there that eat this.


I understand your frustration.  My mom sends my recipes with cheese in them all the time, even though I always gently remind her I'm trying to stop eating cheese.  Then when I go to my parents' house for a visit, she claims she has no idea what to feed me. Even though I have emailed her countless recipes, all very simple too.  Then she gets a tad offended when I bring my own food. 

Chances are, you mom isn't going to change.  But try not to let it get to you. Easier said than done, I know.


my mom sends me VEGAN recipes. she somehow got on a vegan mailing list and will forward stuff to me. i'll ask her if she wants me to make it when i come home and she's like, oh, no, that's fine but i thought you would like them cause they are vegan. it is cute, cause some of the stuff in them (tempheh) i'm sure she has no clue what it is

Same here! My mom isn't veg*n but is always sending me vegetarian/vegan recipes.  If she sees an interesting recipe in a magazine or newspaper, she will even cut it out, scan it into the computer, and e-mail it to me.  It's interesting that this is how she spends her free time! :D  I try hardly any of them, because I prefer vegweb recipes with the ratings/reviews, but it is just so sweet of her.   Awww you made me miss my mom! :)


uggh, that is so rude! is she trying to convert you or something?
i'm sorry. you should send back a recipe for tofu or some vegetable she hates :P

Hehe  :D


I'm very fortunate living with my Mum at the moment... since she had gall bladder surgery and pancreatitis a couple of years ago, she can't eat anything too rich or oily without suffering severe pain, and it's wonderful being able to share new vegan recipes with her. She's very open-minded and, well, is kind of like a test of just HOW healthy a dish might be (not to mention yummy).  :)


maybe it would be best to delete them. don't look. and when she asks, you can say "well, i didn't bother reading it since i'm veggie, you know"

Exactly! This person is "trolling" you, like a naughty toddler, looking to get a reaction. Don't give her the satisfaction. Ignore her--that's what they hate the most. Hit "delete" and forget it.


My grandma cuts out recipes for me all the time.  Or writes them out from her cookbooks.  Usually they are ovo-lacto but I appreciate the effort she makes to try to find things she thinks I'll eat so I don't make a big deal out of the fact that I can't use them as written.  I just say "thanks grandma" and leave it at that.  If it's something she's actually twin takes one for the team and samples it for me while I say "thanks grandma for taking the time to cook but I just ate."   


my parents dont sent me recipes, but when they cook dinner and i sit with them (eating something else) they always tell me "you don't know what you're missing!" and my BF tried to get me to eat some chicken once and i said "no thanks, i know what chicken tastes like" he got kinda mad about that but whatever

send her the recipe for the Kitty Litter Box Cake (google it) and include the pictures. then say "so creative, and it sounds DELICIOUS, dont yah think?" ;)


my parents dont sent me recipes, but when they cook dinner and i sit with them (eating something else) they always tell me "you don't know what you're missing!" and my BF tried to get me to eat some chicken once and i said "no thanks, i know what chicken tastes like" he got kinda mad about that but whatever

send her the recipe for the Kitty Litter Box Cake (google it) and include the pictures. then say "so creative, and it sounds DELICIOUS, dont yah think?" ;)

OMG!!!!!!!  :D ;D :D ;D ;D :D ;D

Did you see this line ? "...sprinkle a few of the cookie crumbs around for a truly disgusting effect!"

I'd love to see one in real life.  :P


Di you see this line ? "...sprinkle a few of the cookie crumbs around for a truly disgusting effect!"

I'd love to see one in real life.  :P

I've seen one and it looked disturbingly real.  :D


I've seen one and it looked disturbingly real.  :D

Was it just for special effects or were people actually eating some?


oh people eat those! some go as far as to get new pans/scoops for dishing/serving.

maybe i'll take a kitty cat cake to the next department thing.. LMAO

As long as they don't hand you the pink slip, it's a great gag!  :D



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