Posted by stillflat9 on Nov 17, 2008 · Member since Jul 2006 · 464 posts
It seems like everybody on vegweb is either quitting their job or interviewing for a new one. Well, now it's my turn! Wooh! I have an interview tomorrow at 2pm for a first grade teaching position!!! I am so excited. I really really want this and I hope it goes well. Wish me luck! I am super nervous...
Okay. So, I don't know how it went, but I am going to try and stay positive. None of their questions caught me totally off guard and everybody was smiling a whole lot. There were a couple of questions that I could have possibly given better responses for, but hopefully they liked me anyway. We shall see. I hope they call me back for a lesson! It was such a nice school and the principal was super sweet. Ughh... still so nervous! Good luck melthibs!
Thanks! Good luck to you too!
Here it is a month later and I am still unemployed! Ughhh! However, I do have another interview today. It is at 1:30pm. This is for a substitute teaching position in a public school at the pre-kindergarten level. I think it is like a general per diem substitute type of position where they will call me at 5am and let me know if I have to work. I know I could do this! They just have to hire me! THEY HAVE TO!! :order!:
eta: I just got back from my interview and I am crying because I think I totally bombed yet another job interview!
i'm sure you did fine! don't stress about it now - you can't change anything so just relax and distract yourself until you hear the news. it seems like schools are always looking for subs and i wouldnt worry too much about it. take a deep breath and go for a walk!
This turned out to be an extended term subbing position where I would have been teaching the same pre-K class until the end of the school year. That would have been so perfect. All was going pretty well until one of my interviewers asked about formative and summative assessment. I could not for the life of me think of what those words meant. That threw me off for the rest of the interview. And at the end of the interview, the principal was like, "I also know a lot of people over at the after-school. So, if we end up choosing someone else, I could put a good word in for you over there." Why would she say that if she was even thinking about hiring me? That made me feel sort of embarrassed, like I am not good enough to teach, but maybe I can do after-school. Ugghhhhhh!
That Sucks someone saying that
It put allot of tension in the air and makes it a uncomfortable situation.
Keep At it
Good Luck
Yes, good luck Stillflat!