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"It wasn't too sweet" ..?

I've been using the recipes on this site for a while now, and I always read the user comments before trying anything and I noticed many that say how much they like a dessert food because it "wasn't too sweet".  I'm just curious how many feel that way.  ???

I've seen that, too.  For me, it depends on the ingredients.  Some ingredients I like sweet and some I don't.  Like I think VCTOTW Green Tea cupcakes would taste weird too sweet, but brownies had better be too sweet, otherwise I'm eating bread.


I think we all have different ways to determine if something is "yummy" or "too sweet". For me I like my brownies to be very very chocolatey, not super sweet...hard to describe. Also, I've made some with brown sugar and I think I like normal sugar in brownies.

I definitely want to taste the flavor. Not just sweetness. I usually up the flavorings in items but rarely up the sugar.


This is a hard vote to make....b/c it just depends...

eta: I voted for #3 b/c I don't think my desserts are "junk"... ???





exactly.  ;)b


If they're cheap sweets made with high fructose corn syrup and shit like that, they can easily be too sweet..and are often gross anyway.

High or highER quality sweets can be, sure..but tend to be much better crafted, making them just right.


I'm really sensitive to sugar, too. Not that I don't the sweetness, my body just can't handle it. My gums hurt, my stomach aches and I get nauseous when I eat sugar over my limit. Too bad, cuz melikes the desserts.


My partner likes his sweets um... only lightly sweetened.  Me, I can head right into toothache territory and not be at all put off.  But he likes complex, tart or only lightly sweet desserts.  We can both compromise on sweet potato pie -- just the right level for both of us.  Or bread pudding (made only lightly sweet).


The last time I was in the States (1996) I noticed how oversweetened everything was. I mean everything. Even bread tasted like it had syrup on it! We went shopping and my aunt wanted peppermint icecream, but they didn't have any. I got peach flavoured frozen yogurt for myself, under her protest, because it sounded so good...and I lasted for about 2 spoonfuls. It was just sickly sweet, what we called "squalmish" when I was a kid. Just gross.

Between that and the salt in all the processed foods I felt ill after being there for 10 days. It may be that here in Spain I never make sweet desserts, just have fruit or maybe jam on my breakfast toast, and I'm out of the habit...but our cakes and icecream certainly aren't that sweet.


The last time I was in the States (1996) I noticed how oversweetened everything was. I mean everything. Even bread tasted like it had syrup on it! We went shopping and my aunt wanted peppermint icecream, but they didn't have any. I got peach flavoured frozen yogurt for myself, under her protest, because it sounded so good...and I lasted for about 2 spoonfuls. It was just sickly sweet, what we called "squalmish" when I was a kid. Just gross.

Between that and the salt in all the processed foods I felt ill after being there for 10 days. It may be that here in Spain I never make sweet desserts, just have fruit or maybe jam on my breakfast toast, and I'm out of the habit...but our cakes and icecream certainly aren't that sweet.

My tastes are similar. Except for a time in high school when I ate anything sugary I could get my hands on, my tastebuds have not been accustomed to much sugar. Other countries notwithstanding - I've never been outside NZ and AU, but I hear US and UK sweets are comparitively VERY sweet - NZ junk food / processed food is to be avoided because it is highly salted / 'flavour-enhanced' / sugared. I mean, now and then I likes me some soy ice cream... and there's only one available here, and it's nice, but it's DAMN SWEET. :-\ Meh. What can ya do, except to keep avoiding these processed foods. Wish I had an ice cream maker.


If they're cheap sweets made with high fructose corn syrup and shit like that, they can easily be too sweet..and are often gross anyway.

High or highER quality sweets can be, sure..but tend to be much better crafted, making them just right.

You hit it right on the nail! I agree 100%


If they're cheap sweets made with high fructose corn syrup and shit like that, they can easily be too sweet..and are often gross anyway.

High or highER quality sweets can be, sure..but tend to be much better crafted, making them just right.

You hit it right on the nail! I agree 100%

+1.  I cannot stomach crap candy.  I used to be able to, but not anymore.  Once you eat high-quality sweets, like a nice bar of chocolate or something, the other stuff tastes like crap.  I can't even imagine eating a Hershey's bar right now, even if they were vegan.


KMK, you are so right! If we go out to a quality coffee shop, I might have a cake or a piece of choc cake or something. But those industrial sweets you get in the supermarket, no way! I never thought there could be anything grosser than a Hostess Fruit Pie...I was wrong. They have something here that is basically plain thousand-layer pastry (industrial, crappy) covered with sugar syrup. Geeee-roooss. :P


Yeah, I can't stand eating food that is way too sweet.  Before going vegan I was like yummmerssss but now I'm like uhhh gross, way too sweet.  I guess my taste buds are much more refined now  ;)

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