Lent 2010!
Posted by underSARAH on Feb 17, 2010 · Member since Jan 2008 · 6499 posts
Who's giving up something for Lent this year?
I'm still trying to think of something, I was glad I picked something last year that became long term so I'm hoping I can figure out another good one this year!
I totally thought lent was a Catholic thing.
it is a catholic thing..?
im giving up facebook and junk food. but im finding it's hard to really define junk food.
I'm so confused.
it is but a lot of people give things up, anyway, i don't know why cause when my family gave things up for lent i totally cheated.
It's not just Catholic; many Anglicans (Episcopalians to you) and Lutherans recognise and practice Lenten disciplines too. And of course the Orthodox churches, though they follow a different calendar. For once I was aware before it actually came by!
This year like last, I am not "giving up" something. I am "adding in." I am purposely adding in more time for prayer and study, and consciously being mindful of what Paschaltide (Lent and Easter) mean. And making a greater effort to get the exercise I need, which implies leaving the apartment. Which is hard for me, a lot of the time.
It's not just Catholic; many Anglicans (Episcopalians to you) and Lutherans recognise and practice Lenten disciplines too. And of course the Orthodox churches, though they follow a different calendar. For once I was aware before it actually came by!
This year like last, I am not "giving up" something. I am "adding in." I am purposely adding in more time for prayer and study, and consciously being mindful of what Paschaltide (Lent and Easter) mean. And making a greater effort to get the exercise I need, which implies leaving the apartment. Which is hard for me, a lot of the time.
me gusta!
I'm so confused.
A lot of people online are giving up things regardless of it being a catholic thing for some reason. Personally I do not understand myself.
For some it's a question of spiritual discipline, something to help them focus on sacrifice during Paschaltide. Of course, some people just sort of "go along for the ride" of custom. And as I said in my post, it's not just a Roman Catholic thing. Anglicans/Episcopalians and Lutherans are Protestants.
A lot of the Methodist churches around here observe lent. I grew up super southern baptist and we never did. My mom started doing it about 10 years ago though. I don't need to. I deprive myself enough on a daily basis. ;)
The problem with things like this is you overindulge before Lent, obsess during Lent, and then overindulge again after Lent.
Well, yeah, you have to be really onside with the "discipline" factor or it's a useless exercise. Kind of like people who "fast" for a day or whatever and pork out just before and just after. What's the point of that?
I remember growing up my brother had a Catholic friend (there were pretty much the only ones in the whole neighborhood, so they were "exotic") and he said he gave up Coke for lent. So, we did not offer him a sweetened caffeinated beverage. However, he corrected us and told us Pepsi and generic brands were fine. I was confused about lent for years after! :>
I'm giving up shitty religions that make you give up things you like.
I'm giving up shitty religions that make you give up things you like.
tee hee :-D
So how did the people who took part in Lenten projects do?
I managed to keep to my self-promise. That makes 2 years in a row. Quite an achievement for me.