Meggs and others..getting rid of clothes..NVR
Meggs, you have been doing a great job giving to Goodwill. I gave three or four large garbage bags of clothes to the Salvation Army a while back but still have way too many clothes. I know the 'if you don't wear it in a year' rule but how do you decide on the other stuff. I have massive quantities of t-shirts. Many from vacations or concerts and they are all very sentimental to me. None the less, some of my clothes have to go. I am finding it very hard to make a decision on what goes and what stays. I have been ruthless on anything that has a hole in it but I can't seem to part with many old favourites (even if they are old looking and very well worn). I just don't have the room to keep everything I have saved over the last 100 years.
Tonight, I filled half a large green garbage bag of clothes to donate to the Salvation Army. Over the next couple of days, I will try to fill the bag. I have already donated two or three bags but know I Have to get more ruthless.
ruthless is best. :)
YAY DI!!!!