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milk - how it's made video

someone sent me this link in response to my facebook thread, saying, "there is a bright side to all this..."

let me know what you think

Yeah, a dairy like this has to be very rare. Anyway, the video says the babies are taken "somewhere else" to be raised--like veal crates? And the cows are milked like this for 6 years--then they become dinner. Even as hunky dory as this sounds, milk is still an unnatural and unhealthy food for humans to ingest.


yeah there are a few dairy farms in CA that operate under the humane society's "free-farmed" label, and i think the one featured in this video might be one of them.  it's nice that these cows have massaging brushes in their barn, but featuring this farm in a video only leads to the misconception that diary farms are happy go lucky places of fun and games for all involved


Was that a Dairy Council video? I didn't notice any credits...


it's nice that these cows have massaging brushes in their barn, but featuring this farm in a video only leads to the misconception that diary farms are happy go lucky places of fun and games for all involved

Yes, exactly... This is the kind of stuff I liked to see when I was an omni (or vegetarian) because it made me feel okay with eating dairy products, even though I knew deep down that there was something...not right about it. It is good that these cows are treated well, but I hate knowing that a lot of people who see this video will think that all (or even most) cows are treated like this. :(

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