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mom and bro going vegan for a month!

so awesome! a few months ago i was visiting with my mom and we were both a little drunk, but got to talking about veganism.. i basically said, once someone was informed of the brutal cruetly going on in the animal industry, how could they possibly not change their diet to at least a vegetarian one?.. it only makes sense, and if you thought that the torture that was going on was ok, then you are sort of a horrible person..

and she said she agreed with me but said that it was too hard to give up meat, she likes how it tastes etc.. etc.. (at least i got her to not buy eggs anymore form the store.. she gets them from her friend down the street that has a couple pet chickens).. but then she said that for my birthday that she would go vegan for the month of august (well until her b-day on aug. 29th.. hehe.. close enough..) but  im thinking with all the help and yummy recipes im giving her, she might stay at least vegetarian (she likes cheese) afterwards..  ^-^

and then she called me a few weeks ago and let me know my little bro (17) was gunna do it with her! yeayy! this is the best birthday present ever! i sent her an email with like 50 recipes and a bunch of links to vegan outreach brochures..

just wanted to share.. i think its so rad..

Yeah!! My mom has this thing where she "pretends" she's vegan by just eating a whole lot of spinach and mushrooms....and then later on she'll be eating goldfish or egg whites or something. I'm like, yeah, that's not vegan, mom..... ::)

My sister is the biggest omni in the world though, she would never even go vegetarian.


thats a sweet deal!  what a fun, interactive birthday present! 


How awesome.  I'm jealous since I can't even get mine to go a week.  ;)b


I agree! Best birthday present EVER! I will cross my fingers for full-fledged conversion.

And how awesome that you are going to send recipes!

My uncle actually said this weekend that "vegan food that is prepared well is just plain good food." And my grandpa bought me fruit! Wonders abounding all around!


Yeah!! My mom has this thing where she "pretends" she's vegan by just eating a whole lot of spinach and mushrooms....and then later on she'll be eating goldfish or egg whites or something. I'm like, yeah, that's not vegan, mom..... ::)

Wow, that is exactly like my mom. She told me she was vegan before coming to stay with me, and then we go to a restaurant and she orders a a veggie burger WITH a  side of mayo and ranch dressing for her fries and I get home and I find chicken or oysters or some other dead animal hidden in the back of the fridge. sigh. I wish she were vegan though. I'm pretty sure she still "pretends" she's vegetarian when she talks to others.  ::)


Yeah!! My mom has this thing where she "pretends" she's vegan by just eating a whole lot of spinach and mushrooms....and then later on she'll be eating goldfish or egg whites or something. I'm like, yeah, that's not vegan, mom..... ::)

Wow, that is exactly like my mom. She told me she was vegan before coming to stay with me, and then we go to a restaurant and she orders a a veggie burger WITH a  side of mayo and ranch dressing for her fries and I get home and I find chicken or oysters or some other dead animal hidden in the back of the fridge. sigh. I wish she were vegan though. I'm pretty sure she still "pretends" she's vegetarian when she talks to others.  ::)

haha! totally. my mom always tells people, "yeah, we eat sooo healthy.. lots of veggies and fruits...i NEVER eat red meat, blah blah blah"
it annoys me sooo much. maybe she'll live up to her words, someday  ::)

PK, you and I have a lot in common!


yeah im really surprised my mom is doing this for me.. she is sooo into her meat and other grossness.. she has like rotisserie lamb alot (freaking cooking over a rotating spit for 6 hours.. it makes the whole block reek of lamb, the grossest smelling and tasting meat of all time) and told me he favorite thing is when my dad cooks her a huge steak slathered in butter.. jesus christ  :o

but yeah, most of the recipes i sent her are form here.. i tried to get ones that people really like and have pics and good ratings.. show her the best of the best so to speak..

and im slowly converting my brother and his little girlfriend.. last time i was there i told them the wonderfulness of blood/pus milk.. they said everytime they drink it they think of that and dont want to anymore heheh

one thing my mom always brings up when my vegan food is around is the boxed powdered rib mix i made one thanksgiving.. i didnt have tahini, so i used peanut butter, and they didnt cook right, so now she just goes on about the gross peanutbutter ribs whenever i try to get her to try my food.. when i can get her to try it tho she always admits how good it is.. shes in love with the fantastic foods taco meat.. and she sent me back an email about " how much shes looking forward to the vegan food (not!) hehe"  but is excited about trying good stuff, learning new recipes and maybe losing some weight..

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