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Mr. Hands

First off, what ever you do DO NOT GOOGLE THAT SUBJECT LINE. So, I watched that video a long time ago and thankfully I buried it deep in my subconscience until my brother was on the computer looking at that 2 Girls 1  Cup foolishness. I told him it was fake and if he wanted to see something gross that was real, he should see the Mr. Hands video.

That's the preface to the question so now I'lll get to the point. What should happen to people who practice bestiality? Clearly they have some horrible psychological problem, but since animal abuse punishments are  pretty lax in the US I wonder what happens to these people. And I refuse to believe that people who have sex with animals are perfectly normal people with no issues at all and this is just an expression of their sexuality.

I have no idea what the video is about but going by the theme of this thread I would assume sex with animals of some sort.  I have no desire to know any more.


Can somebody tell me exactly what the Mr. Hands video is about?  I really don't want to watch it.

But somebody once told me about this "cool" website that I just had to check out.  So I did, it was a website teaching women how to have sex with male dogs. 

GROSS!  Is that animal abuse, I mean, the dog is consenting, it is just disgusting.

By the way, aren't a lot of deadly STD's started by people having sex with animals?  Like I heard AIDS was started by people doing monkeys, and syphilis was from people doing it with sheep.  Kind of tells you right there it isn't natural!

The most likely way AIDS started was by man butchering an infected monkey or some sort of primate and I guess he cut himself too, at least that's what I've always heard. But I have no idea if animal STD's can be transmitted to humans.


ok, so a bunch of sex sites opened in my browser, so if you don't want this to happen, don't watch! well, in retrospect, that's not the only reason.  Now I am officially a cyber-perve! :-[


yikes, clear private data including browsing history and delete the cookies.


Yeah, I shouldn't have posted the name of the actual video. I just thought I should have explained why I was randomly asking about bestiality.


um i know.  just one of the multitudes of reasons that i want to move as far away from here as possible. 

now, just try to imagine being vegan in such a place.

I stalked your profile to see where you were talking I understand!

OMG! I grew up there.... now I understand, too. That's so wrong and yet believable considering the state. I wanted to move elsewhere ever since I could remember. Finally did.



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