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my brain feels like tofu!

erm, nasty mental picture guys wanna hear something cool? I'm outta sleep meds!

Whoopee! that means y'all can expect some increasingly crazy postings from me. ;) i kinda just feel like I'm in a continual state of drunkenness. My head is foggy and my legs go numb and my feet get swollen. kinda weird. and uncomfortable. Between last Friday and today, i have gotten 11 hours of sleep.

I've had insomnia sense i was an infant. Ill go up to a week with less than two hours of sleep a night when I'm not medicated. Then get 2 nights of 5-8 hours of sleep a night and it starts all over again. I tried every natural remedy I've ever heard of and none have worked.  No over-the-counter meds work on me. And neither do most perscription sleep meds. BOO. I have to take a dosage of Ambien equal to four times that of an average person for minimal, erratic results. When I cant sleep, I just lay in bed for like six hours, until the sun comes up and sets me free from my prison bed. It drives me crazy because I feel exhausted...but i just don't fall asleep. Please don't take this the wrong way, but when i get really bad insomnia for weeks on end I just end up getting suicidal cause my brain thinks the ONLY way to rest.....and all i really wanna do is rest. It has NOT gotten that bad yet. Don't worry, cause i live with my dad now and everything like that and i know I don't want to die, but thats all i can remember from my insomnia in the past. So it kinda feels scary. Thats why i ever started taking the Ambien in the first place, two years ago. I used to be dead set against them, but then I finally realized how dangerous it was getting for em to NOT sleep. Its like there is no trace of me, I'm just a zombie when it gets like that.

A friends mom gave me a half dose of ambien the other night when i was in Connecticut, that it kinda worked after i had 5 The next night I took my anti-anxiety meds after drinking 5 beers. I know it is dangerous to mix alcohol and meds...but seeing as neither of them are effective one their own---I don't see how it can be too dangerous. It made me sleep for like, two hours? What does bother me is drinking. i don't want to become an alcoholic or anything, but i seriously have the hardest friggen time getting drunk. it takes a good 5 beers and a shot or two of something else to do the trick. And i NEVER drink. I don't want to self medicate with alcohol.  :-\ We don't even keep any at the house...

I really really need to try more homeopathic options.....if anyone knows of something, let me know. In the past, Ive tried the sleepy teas. What comes to mind is chamomile and lavender. Tried showering before bed. Tried yoga. Tried foods high in vitamin C. Ive tried exercising at different times of day. Ive tried schedules. Ive tried staying awake until I crashed. Ive tried different lights. Ive tried exhausting my body. nothing works. Right now,  I'm off caffeine. I only go in my bed at night to rest or if i think I'm about to fall asleep during the day, i will also go to bed, (but i usually don't fall asleep). I don't want to lay in bed too much cause i hear it can train your brain that the bed is not a sleeping place. I try to wind down before hand. Berr...i cant even remember all the things I have tried before but none of them have ever worked.

I know you guys are not doctors or anything like that, I want to go to a Dr. and get my meds refilled, but my insurance wont kick in until AUGUST!!!!!!!! Ugg...i guess the upside is that i am being forced of the meds....i don't like taking them but none of my doctors have been willing to do a sleep study. They all just medicate me instead.  >:( boo!!!! maybe this time will be different. lol

I just saw this article on  It's tips for better sleep from former insomniacs.  Hopefully there are some ideas in there you haven't tried yet.


Have you tried melatonin? I understand the no-sleep-for weeks thing. I just started a new round of lke four hours a night--I realise I'm still up on you by 2 but it's not enough.

And do remember to turn off the computer and TV at least 2 hrs before bed. The flicker of the screen that we can't see but our brains percieve stimulates the hell out of your brain. Try reading in bed or listening to music or an audio book. Something nice and boring like Macaulay's History of England should do it...


I feel your pain VHZ.  I, too, have chronic insomnia and coincidentally, have recently taken myself off the Ambien CR.  I'm so tired of plugging chemicals into my body just to get a few hours of sleep.  A friend of mine recently suggested a relatively new natural sleep aid called "Lights Out".  I haven't tried it yet so I can't vouch for it, but I've tried everything else with no success. 

Here's the link if you're interested.


PLEASE don't take barbituates (some sleeping pills) and alcohol together!  The combination can kill you.  (I am not sure if Ambian is a barbituate or not, you may want to check that out) 

Why?  Alcohol and barbituates both bind to the same receptors in the brain, if these chemicals bind to too many of these receptors then it can cause coma and/or death.  Basically it will shut your brain down too much.  Something similar is why they no longer prescribe MAO inhibitors for depression, only instead of alcohol it is cheese that causes death.

I think that you really need to do more than just take pills for your problem, they need to run tests, I think that there is some underlying serious issue that needs to be resolved.  I hate the way doctors just think, okay, just take these dangerous pills, that will solve all of your problems.  That is treating the symptoms, not solving the problem.  Maybe you should switch doctors?


Fortunately, neither Ambien nor Ambien CR are barbituates.  They are in a class of sleeping pills called hypnotics.  Do you have any idea if negative side-effects can be produced by mixing alcohol and hypnotics?  I'm just curious, I'm not condoning the mixing of booze and pills.  The label on the Ambien CR simply says "May cause drowsiness.  Alcohol may intensify this effect.  Use care when operating a car or dangerous machinery".  A standard warning.

Found while researching:
If the insomnia is more chronic then occasional, it might be caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain or excessive neural activity. If you are one of these people you will encounter sleepless nights almost every night and you will find it hard to find a cure. Some other common causes of chronic insomnia are epilepsy, menopause, arthritis, asthma, heart disease, and diabetes.

Bummer...the hard to find a cure part. :'(


wow, its at least good to know I'm not a freak of nature! LOL. Thank you for the reminder about the sleeping pills mixed with alcohol. I guess i knew it was dangerous but not THAT dangerous. I should look into the hyponotics reaction with alcohol....

Ive tried the melatonin at one point, but that was like 3 years ago or so? Maybe I could try it again. Ive thought about changing my sleeping situation to something that causes few pressure points, because a big part of what keeps me up is pain.

Storm, that article was sad. lol. Ive had insomnia my whole life, like i say...and there really has been very little that can fix it. As bad as the Ambien is, its been a God-send to have it. Not just to sleep, but to be able to function when I'm awake! I'm so much more able to control my emotions and thinking when I am well rested. I was once diagnosed with epilepsy...but they didn't rule out that it was migraines instead....Ive actually been really freaked out about possible having diabetes and/or high blood pressure lately. OMG. I want to be able to got o a DR!

Thankfully, when i do get to see one, in August, it will be a good one that i used in highschool and she probally would be willing to look into other forms of treatment. I wonder if acupuncture can help? She was really good and not too keen on band-aiding everything.


Funny that you mention acupuncture because I've been thinking about looking into that too.  I've had rheumatoid arthritis for 15 years and am just now entering those pre-menopausal years and both my rheumatologist and gyn. are telling me the insomnia is likely to get worse.  :( 

I'm wondering if yoga or chakra balancing/meditation would help?  I'm glad you'll be getting to see a doctor soon. 


You know, just an idea, maybe it is stupid, but when I started taking Zyprexa (a mood stabilizer, I am bipolar) it made me sleep like 10 hours a night, and the sleep was so refreshing.  It was to the point that I looked forward to going to bed every night becuase my sleep was so wonderful and relaxing.

Then I got pregnant, had to stop taking those pills, now I wake up several times a night, can't get back to sleep, and when I do sleep I feel restless and have the WIERDEST dreams.  I do miss that Zyprexa.  I don't think it helped my mood at all though, I was still UP, down, UP, down...

It isn't a sleeping med, but it sure helped  me to sleep!


I'm an insomniac, and these are the things that help me:

1) don't eat too close to bedtime (upset tummy will keep me up),
2) take a warm shower or bath if I really can't sleep -- it helps relax me!  Hope it helps you too,
3) mild self-hypnosis/breathing exercises to relax.  Focus first on your toes, breathe deep for your toes, let it out, and the toes relax as the breath goes out.  Now for feet.  Now for ankles.  And so on.  It may not make you sleep, but it will give you a little rest.


:biggrin: The subject in this topic remind me of a line from Meteor Garden (Taiwan drama) where Daoming Si's mother tells him, "If you keep hanging out with those kids your brain is going to become like tofu."  :-D  :err: Sorry...


I'm entering hour 59 of no are you doing VHZ?  It's weird, I quit taking the Ambien CR Saturday night and I still managed a couple of hours of sleep Sunday night and Monday night, but now nothing, zilch, zippo, nada....I'm dyin'! :'( 

On the brighter side of insomnia, last night I finally started and finished reading Guilty Pleasures, the first book in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series.  I think there are like a bazillion books in the series so if this keeps up, I'll finish them all in no time.  I went out today and bought the next two. 

As they say, I guess I'll sleep when I'm dead! :(


actually...SQs post made me think to look around in my one point I had been perscribed topimax to help with sleep. Its normally for bipolar disorder but one of teh side effects is that you sleep. I only filled the perscription once becasue I looked into teh side effects adn was uncomfortable with the risks. Anyways, I took it the other night and I felt so DRUGED the next day. I think i will cut it in half next time. Then last night I slept becasue I have been sick. So I just fall asleep...except for when I jump out of bed to go vomit.  :( Im hoping that I can spread out teh topimax for long enugh to rest when I need to but not constantly feel druged. Im also going to start supplementing more natural sleep aides and methods inbetween doses...Ill let you know how its going. Im sorry you have been having such a hard time sleeping, Storm. Wish you better luck tonight than last night.


If your  body is used to taking hypnotics/barbs/narcotics there's going to be rebound insomnia when you with draw.

Are you bipolar, or with an undiagnosed bipolar condition?  Becasuse you sound manic. 

I'm an insomniac myself, always have been a restless one.  Fortunately if I miss a night's sleep, I'm able to sleep the next day out of sheer exhaustion.  I'm not one of those who can function on 50 plus hours sleep.  If I miss some sleep, I force myself to stay awake the next day and not cat nap, but go to bed at a decent hour.

As a recoverying alcoholic I don't any medications to stronger than benadry and valarian to help me sleep.  I'm too much of an addict and I'd rather not sleep than get addicted to sleeping pills.

Exercise and a good diet really do help me sleep.  I find I'm so much more relaxed when I the stress of the day under control. 

I sleep better with a snack before bed.  Having a full belly helps.

Anyway, I hope you find something that works for you.  I'm not anti-drugs by any stretch of the imagination.  I just can't take them personally.


I am not an insomniac so my suggestions are just simple things I do when I find that I am tired but cant drop off to sleep.  I make my mind work for me rather than race around randomly at top speed.  Go through you night time routine, snuggle comfy in bed and close your eyes.  Then challenge your mind to think.

Things to think on:
1. Build your dream home.  Start by standing outside and see it take shape, what style is it, color, materials.  Look at the door, whats the material, shape, color, feel.  Open the door, check out the handle while you are at it.  Step inside and describe the entryway.  From the intricate sculptural tile floor to the crown molding surrounding a fabulous glass art chandelier.  Continue throughout the house slowly.  With as much minute detail as possible without getting bogged down by details that would make you shoot off in another direction.  This can work for building other things as well if you are so inclined.)
2. Spend $1,000,000 in your head.  What would you buy, give to which charities, spend on family, friends, travel to where, tell your boss, etc.
3. Plan a lavish frivolous party in your head.  What is the cause? What will you cook, in detail? What will you serve it on? Who will be there?
4. Plan (and walk through) the cooking of a favorite holiday or special occasion meal.  Comfort foods or things that invoke safe happy thoughts.  Go through each step in as much detail as possible.  Imagine yourself in the kitchen working with your old cutting board and favorite knife.

Now, this works for me.  I end up daydreaming and fall off into a dream before I get too wound up. Not sure if this would help anyone with serious issues but it works for me when I just need a little bit of help.

Feel better you insomniacs!


Cali, I do something like this...but I put myself as the main character in one of my favourite classic books (such as The Secret Garden) and try to "see" it all in my mind. Being verbal, I end up "telling myself a story." Sometimes I have done this with films or TV shoes but it's harder for me.

It's easier to fall sleep if you don't have someone in bed with you, particularly if that someone snores! I have learned to go to bed about 30 min before DH because otherwise we get chatting and then he drops off INSTANTLY and leaves me awake, mind churning. Then just when I start to drop off, he's been asleep for about 30 min so of course he starts to snore. Yes, I wear earplugs, but it's a hassle. If I go to bed first, I can get relaxed and warm and feign sleep when he comes in. Sad, but it works for me.


Boing a Boing a boinga boing!

Its 1:45 in the morning...where are my other insomniacs (hopefully in bed sleeping as peacfully as a cat)? and why is the ppk message board down!!!!!!! Dart! Drat,  I say!

:D :D :D :D :P :P :P :P >:D >:D >:D >:D :-X :-X :-X :-X ???


i was just trying to figure out whre i was gonna post this, perfect!! tonight i took a benadryl, i save the ambien for work nights. So, I have been up for... 22 hours straight. I hate insomnia. At this point, if someone could tell me why my sleep is so screwed up, and how to fix it, I would somehow have to buy them a car, or a house, or give them a child. I'd give a kidney, just so I could fall asleep w/in an hour of my head hitting the pillow. My bf, he's asleep w/in 5 minutes. ANd apparently, that is kinda normal! Man, how do you normal sleepers do it!? I have songs in my head, medication doses and contraindications, SNL clips, what ifs...all playing through my head...alllllll...night...long.


awww, pink, im sorry to hear that! :( how sucky. Have you ever had a sleep study done?


i was just trying to figure out whre i was gonna post this, perfect!! tonight i took a benadryl, i save the ambien for work nights. So, I have been up for... 22 hours straight. I hate insomnia. At this point, if someone could tell me why my sleep is so screwed up, and how to fix it, I would somehow have to buy them a car, or a house, or give them a child. I'd give a kidney, just so I could fall asleep w/in an hour of my head hitting the pillow. My bf, he's asleep w/in 5 minutes. ANd apparently, that is kinda normal! Man, how do you normal sleepers do it!? I have songs in my head, medication doses and contraindications, SNL clips, what ifs...all playing through my head...alllllll...night...long.

It takes me between 10-45 minutes to fall asleep, but Patrick...asleep in about 30 seconds. No joke. I could not believe it when I first found out about his..sleep...ways. He's always gone to bed pretty early (and even as a kid, would be ready to go to bed at 8-9), always woken up early, and once he's lying down.....his eyes start getting red, and he's instantly asleep. SO STRANGE. My cycle adapted a bit, so now I always go to bed between 9:30-11, and wake up around 8. He also talks in his sleep sometimes, but it seems to be different than normal sleep talking. Before I learned what would happen..I would not realize that he would be sleeping. He'll say something strange like, "drink from the fountain," so I would say, "huhhhhh?" He then gets very angry that I'm not understanding him, and will respond to me! How is this possible? I'll say something like, "I don't understand...what do you mean?" and he'll say, "Nevermind! I'm not going to try to explain it.." Before I learned, I would ask, "Are you asleep?"..he would say, "NO" and I would continue..are you sure? He of course never remembers any of this in the's so weird.
I never knew this before, but he tells me that I always chatter my teeth..not like I'm grinding them, but just a quiet fast chatter...that's pretty weird too. I hate it when I don't sleep well though. Oh, and one time I said, "why do you have to wake up the Ls????" in my sleep.


Have you ever heard of Melatonin? It's a naturally occurring hormone in our bodies that helps keep sleeping patterns regular. You can actually buy a concentrated about of the stuff in tincture form (You know, those bitty bottles with the dropper lids to extract the contents)

I use it sometimes when I have a hard time getting to sleep. I usually stay up until about 1:30 or 2:00 during the week, but if I wind up staying awake any longer it's nearly impossible for me to sleep. Melatonin really helps though, just about 5 or 6 drops. Check the amount of melatonin per drop though, it's usually diluted with alcohol.

Hope that helps....



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