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My countdown until i'm out of this horrible apartment!!!!

9 days to go!!!!  :D

thanks to yabbit for the idea!

Ewwwww hahaha! You should do all of this in a place where she won't find it for a few hours or days.


That is so mean. Wow.


minke- yesssss

algae- we're just playing! i wouldn't really pee or poop on someone's floor. lol


Definitely just joking!


I would have been impressed if you were really going to do it. I wish I could have done it to a roommate I had once. He threatened me with a knife. It was not good.


WITH A KNIFE?! wtf?! oh my God, that's crazy. my sister actually might, but i never would. my guilt would get the best of me.


Yeah, he fucked up my computer when I specifically told him not to touch it. So I yelled at him. He got pissed off, grabbed a knife, held it up, and told me to back away. When I paused he said, what's more important, your computer or your life? Yeah, nutso. And then he wouldn't allow for any subleters to move in and I couldn't get out of the lease so I ended up living there for a couple more months and then losing money when I left. It was really awful. I think he was mostly mad that I had a new boyfriend who I was spending time with instead of him. The boyfriend who I have since moved overseas to live with. So at least things get better :)


wow!! im sorry that happened to you! :


Did you tell your boyfriend what happened? I'm glad you were able to get out of there safely and have since moved very, very far away.


Yes! vh, they do! smiles! Things will be awesome soon enough.
And yeah, bf was aware of everything. The roommate was never a boyfriend, just a gay best friend up until a month after we moved in together. He ended up moving to Portland, OR, for the vegan haven it is I guess, and to start over. I think he had done the starting over thing before. He had a history of cutting off friends for crazy reasons.


Well better cut them off than cut them up...


Of course I wouldn't really do it...but I would want to.

This made me think of that Peanuts strip where Lucy tries to get Schroeder's attention by making up a song to announce the closeness of Beethoven's birthday: "Only SIX, SIX, SIX! Only Six more days till Beethoven's birthdaaayyyy!"

Only SIX more days till moving daaaaayyy!


Well better cut them off than cut them up...


Only SIX more days till moving daaaaayyy!

yup! well, i'm already like 80% moved out, i just have my clothes in my room now. :D yayyyyyyy


Yayyyyy! Algae thats craziness :( I had a knife threatening flatmate once too. There are some psycho people out there. Karma got this particular psycho though... I had to move out because he was insane and threatening and violent, and he pissed off everyone in the apartment block for another 6 months, then got drunk by himself on a Monday night and fell down the stairs. Got taken to hospital, ran away still drunk at 6am and came back to the apartment building and knocked on peoples doors accusing them of beating him up coz he couldn't remember what happened. He got kicked out.

vh I'm so happy you are nearly out!


wow! wtf people are crazy!

and thanks!! <3


Wow, theo! I can't believe it took 6 months for him to get kicked out!


bad roomies suck!!! I was living in a house with 7-10 friends at a time, and one of my friends was in love with me. I went out to the bars one night to get away from everyone and had a drink with a few guys. i went home and went to sleep, and the friend ended up drinking 10 40oz beers with another friend for about 6 hours. then when i woke up he was throwing lit ciggys at me telling me he was going to kill me. I put an amazing choke hold on him then the other friends heard the scuffle and pulled him off of me, and he grabbed a baseball bat and ran twords me. I left the house that day... and we didn't talk for about 2 years. oddly enough we are friends again. i won't ever take on another roomie.

I am so excited for you VH!!! you need to take pics of your new place when you move in! :D


wow thats horrible. i was always afraid that she was gonna kill me in my sleep. lol :/ ad i definitely will!!


Not a roomate story but while we're on the subject of disturbed people...I had a friend once who lived in an apartment with her boyfriend and they hung out with this one kid who they thought was kind of weird but they felt bad for him so they still hung out with him. They usually lock their door at night but that night she didn't because they were exhausted and forgot to and they went right to bed. While they were sleeping their friend came into the apartment and into their bedroom and slit her boyfriends throat (he never woke up while this was happening) and he went over to my friends side but she felt the bed shift and woke up. He ran when she woke up and they called the police on him. When they went to court and the friend was talking about what he did that night he said that he was planning on slitting my friends throat and raping her.


what the hell?! omfg. that scares me so bad. it's really sad and scary to see the kinds of people there are in this world.



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