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my dog ate all the Halloween candy

That's it.  We went on a bike ride to see all the festivities in the neighborhood and there are sweet tart and blow pop wrappers all over the living room. 
  I Can't wait for the bubble gum shitz.
i'm pissed.  and trying to figure out whether or not i should answer the door if a trick-or-treater comes by.


That's it.  We went on a bike ride to see all the festivities in the neighborhood and there are sweet tart and blow pop wrappers all over the living room. 
   I Can't wait for the bubble gum shitz.
i'm pissed.  and trying to figure out whether or not i should answer the door if a trick-or-treater comes by.


Ooh! post pictures of the bubble gum shitz! Funny!

I hope your doggie is OK! Mine ate some school fundraiser stuff one time -  lots of chocolate - but fortunately, he was OK.


Thanks, PP.  She better be OK.

We paid close to $350 just 3 months ago to have her stomach pumped because she ate two loaves of unbaked bread left rising on the counter.  In case you are wondering, they start acting REALLY drunk and mentally unstable, bumping into walls and stuff after that and you think maybe you should take em to the vet.  Then 8 or 9 months ago she ate an entire bag of dark chocolate covered espresso beans.  Stomach pumped.  $350.  And a year ago (shortly after we adopted her) we had her stomach pumped and two days in the hospital ($1100) because she ate rat poison off a friends floor (our first clue that we couldn't just "take her out" to other people's houses like we do our other dog).

I say bah!  again.  I don't make enough money for this dog.


Holy guacomole ! I've heard dogs eating food off of counters and stuff but that is crazy.  :-D  Hey, at least she unwrapped some of the candy.


Last year right after halloween, my parents' dog ate a bunch of hershey's kisses that were left out.  My dad got up in the middle of the night and saw a couple wrappers in the hallway and didn't think anything of it, but then when he got to the kitchen, he saw a few more and then found the dog hiding behind a plant with 3 more UN-wrapped that she was hiding.  Ha.  Luckily she was ok...we worried b/c she only weighs 6 lbs.  Her seemingly deliberate process was pretty funny though. 


Last year right after halloween, my parents' dog ate a bunch of hershey's kisses that were left out.  My dad got up in the middle of the night and saw a couple wrappers in the hallway and didn't think anything of it, but then when he got to the kitchen, he saw a few more and then found the dog hiding behind a plant with 3 more UN-wrapped that she was hiding.  Ha.  Luckily she was ok...we worried b/c she only weighs 6 lbs.  Her seemingly deliberate process was pretty funny though. 

Yeah... the wrappers and chewed through sticks all over the place kind of cracked me up.  She seemed pretty meticulous with the unwrapping of the blow pops.

Our vet told us (after the espresso bean incident) that in general American chocolate isn't really an issue, because there isn't that much real chocolate in there, but if it's the good stuff you need to have them looked at.

Years ago, Raika (other older doggie, who I'm not mad at) ate a bag of Recee's cups without incident (save for the foil in her poo).  I'm glad they're both big dogs and can handle this much junk.  But I still think she's an asshole doggie right now.


...My shih tzu once ate an entire box of Belgian truffles. (Shortly after the crayons, but before the poisonous mushrooms.) Our theory is that he's too stupid to die.

Why do dogs do these things?  ???


I'm sorry Nutdragon. I can't help but feel partially, if not entirely responsible.  :-[ ;)


Our theory is that he's too stupid to die.


But for real, I'm glad everyone's dog traumas have turned out okay (*knock on wood*). Seriously doggies, don't poison yourselves! We love you too much!


My aunt's pugs drank an entire pot of oil leftover from frying beignets, and then several pounds of chocolate.


My dog Zippy feels as though if it is unattended , it belongs to him.
Luckily he is small and can not jump on the counter.
Pure luck that he does not eat stuff he is not supposed to.
When I had the cat he never volunteered to clean the cat box for me like my other dog.


When I had the cat he never volunteered to clean the cat box for me like my other dog.

That's gross.

Before I went veg*n and we would accidently leave chicken on the counter, it seemed like the cat and the dog were working together.  The cat would eat so of it and then toss it on the floor for the dog. 

But I still think she's an asshole doggie right now.

Sorry, but this just made me laugh.  ^-^


I'm sorry Nutdragon. I can't help but feel partially, if not entirely responsible.  :-[ ;)

Now now...that would be like me blaming you for a bad relationship just because I met him at your party  ;)  You didn't know she was crazy.

    We've decided that we have to crate her whenever we leave the house now, for her own good (and the good of our bank account).  Which sucks because we don't crate Raika.  But at least Zidi seems to like her crate and we both work from home, so it's not like we're gone 10 hours a day, every day.  We have a crate in the living room that is angled toward the door so she can see out.

In any case, she has gotten A LOT better since the adoption, she's just not perfect yet.  We look at it like she is from another planet and doesn't know our language or customs and is trying to fit in as best she can.

...My shih tzu once ate an entire box of Belgian truffles. (Shortly after the crayons, but before the poisonous mushrooms.) Our theory is that he's too stupid to die.

  I am still laughing at this.  I think you may be on to something... :-D

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