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my new favorite thing

i'm officially addicted to apple butter.
i tried it for the first time a week ago.
i ate it out of the jar with a spoon for breakfast. hee hee.  ;D

i felt obligated to tell you all that.


I tried it once. It's pretty good.


You reminded me of something my mom used to make that I havnt had in decades lol.


Oh jeez, Danish grandma used to make it. A little heavy on the cinnamon in her case, but I grew up on the stuff. Can't get decent apples here though.  :'(


can you make apple butter? are there recipies?  ???


Easiest thing in the world! My gran used to use the windfalls (apples that fall off the tree) for it, because it doesn't matter if they're bruised or not "pretty." I can't remember the exact recipe but basically you make applesauce from the apples (fresh, don't try to do this with canned), add sugar and spice and cook it down sloooowly until it gets dark brown and kind of thick. Use a heat diffuser under the pot so it doesn't stick. There may be a recipe on here or you can Google. She used to put it up in pint jars. Great on toast, with ice cream or just as is, on spoons!


A lot of recipes use sugar/brown sugar.  I'm not sure how important the molasses is to the recipe. 

I guess this vegan version would work.  Peel, chop and steam about 2 pounds of apples until they're soft.  Then put them in a food processor with 1/3 cup of maple syrup and 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon.  Then put it in a pot over low heat and let it reduce to the desired consistency.

Or - you could put the apples directly into a pot with a little water, let them cook - process - and return to the pot.


I bought a jar this summer at an Amish market, but haven't tried it yet.  I need to. 


If the apples are good ones (i.e. sweet) you don't need to add sweetener--unless you'd like it to be really sweet. I don't add sugar, only cinnamon, to the apples when I make applesauce, too.


My German mom would often give us apple butter and toast at breakfast.  I haven't had any in a while, but it's one of those comfort foods.  Actually butter and apple butter(instead of jelly) is good eatin'  (Of course now I use Earth Balance...LOL)


Easiest thing in the world! My gran used to use the windfalls (apples that fall off the tree) for it, because it doesn't matter if they're bruised or not "pretty." I can't remember the exact recipe but basically you make applesauce from the apples (fresh, don't try to do this with canned), add sugar and spice and cook it down sloooowly until it gets dark brown and kind of thick. Use a heat diffuser under the pot so it doesn't stick. There may be a recipe on here or you can Google. She used to put it up in pint jars. Great on toast, with ice cream or just as is, on spoons!

Oooo apple butter and vanilla ice cream. I can just imagine how good it is.


My German mom would often give us apple butter and toast at breakfast.  I haven't had any in a while, but it's one of those comfort foods.  Actually butter and apple butter(instead of jelly) is good eatin'  (Of course now I use Earth Balance...LOL)

Another oooo that sounds so good. And I was just about to ask everyone does anybody have any recipes on what to put it on.


i dunno how to make it.
my mom just bought a jar of it, but its good cuz apple cider is added to it. and theres no sugar or molasses in it. just apples and love.
haha, that was lame. sorry. :D


Oh my goodness I love apple butter. I grew up on it with fried biscuits. So bad for you but sooooo frigen good. Make sure you check the ingredients though. Some people make theirs with butter.


So, as a result of this thread, I went and bought some apple butter tonight. I had it on toast with a bit of Earth Balance--mmm! I think I'll make a peanut butter and apple butter sandwich for lunch tomorrow. Thanks, chickpea, for the suggestion--I haven't had apple butter in ages!


oooh..I could seriously eat apple butter out of the jar. Spoonful by delicous spoonful.. :D


oooo don't even get me started on Apple Butter!  Can't find it over here, and I REALLY miss it!  I had NO IDEA that you could make it (why didn't I think of that?!)

A few months ago, I found something in the supermarket called 'AppelStroop' and it was the same color, so I got excited and bought it.

The stuff was RANK.  Had to throw it out immediately.  No idea what it was, but APPLE BUTTER IT WAS NOT.

Thanks for the recipe ideas!!!!  Man I love my vegweb.


my dad eats applebutter with sausage. ew.

but he also puts it on toast. yum.

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