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non veg*n roomies

after living on our own for a wile my husband and i recently acquired two great roommates.only thing is i am totally not use to having a non vegan fridge.This morning i made some homemade granola and i was out of soy milk ,so i was going to borrow some of my roomates .that was until i remembered that it was cow juice. this happens to me constantly especially when i get low blood sugar and will try to eat anything  in front of me.dose anybody else have problems with an omnivore fridge????? 

chickpeas are one of the most amazing foods.
i have some i have been wanting to sprout. anyone ever sprout them?


mine fry eggs and meat all the time... sigh.

My roommates very cool about it.  Really the only thing thats come close to annoying me is when he makes eggs.  I never realized before how strongly they smell and how intrusive the smell is.  Maybe its my imagination but I swear everytime I walk through the kitchen when eggs are cooking I smell like eggs the rest of the day.

you all crack me up. my roomie has demanded that we get an apartment with a bigger fridge next time we move because it is always like "fridge tetris" after i shop.

LOL !  :D


I am pretty sure that SAD is standard American Diet.


I am pretty sure that SAD is standard American Diet.

that is correct.



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