NVR Anniversary gift for my hubby
Posted by lisaanddini on Oct 26, 2007 · Member since May 2007 · 2179 posts
Anyone have an idea for something I could get my husband for our two year anniversary? It's tomorrow and I have no idea what to get him. We are having a Halloween party, so I would like to just get him something small to open tomorrow.
Get him something that he likes but also states it's your anniversary.
Hey thanks, What Day is it, Those are some good ideas.
those truffles look great! Too bad he doesn't like chocolate! So I went to Kohl's & picked out some satiny boxers, then saw a pair of velvet ones that said prince charming & came with a plastic crown!!! lol I HAD to get that too! Then I picked out something for me at victoria's secret & went to Bath & body works, where I found a really nice men's cologne :) Now I just called up a fancy resturaunr he's been wanting to try & made reservations for tonight!!! I think I might give him the gifts tonight since tomorrow may be a little hectic
I have no suggestions, but congratulations on your second anniversary. Lots of love and luck through your thirs year together.
Sweet, sweet lovin'.
And maybe a gift card.
Then I picked out something for me at victoria's secret & went to Bath & body works, where I found a really nice men's cologne :)
Those sound like fantastic gifts & I'm sure your husband will love them! ...Though I have to say, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news... But, Bath & Body Works tests on animals. :'( On the back of their bottles, it says "This finished product not tested on animals," which basically means that they test all of the ingredients leading up to the final product on animals. >:( So they use all of the chemicals on the animals, but promise not to give them a bath once they know it's safe?? Dumb.
That aside, happy anniversary! :D That's exciting!
Without knowing anything about your husband it is hard to offer up any ideas. So I'll tell you what I like. To me a nice gift would come from Barnes & Noble or Borders, I like coffee table/gift books that are on a subject that I love; for me that would be nature or landscape photography. A gift card to Starbuck's or Joe Muggs or where ever else that serves up comfort brews is especially nice and make me think about the giver when I'm enjoying my coffee treat. And of course a comfortable pair of pj's or a nice robe for lounging. That's just me, I know not all guys like the same things. I hope this helps.? :)
And jeez! Those are awesome suggestions! :)
I just had my second anniversary, I just made him a card, but for one of our valentines he made me chocolate covered cherries. it was so yummy. maybe you could make him some sexy candy like that!
Though I have to say, and I hate to be the bearer of bad news... But, Bath & Body Works tests on animals. :'( On the back of their bottles, it says "This finished product not tested on animals," which basically means that they test all of the ingredients leading up to the final product on animals. >:( So they use all of the chemicals on the animals, but promise not to give them a bath once they know it's safe?? Dumb.
AHHHHHHHHHH! It figures!! They are so sneaky!!!! >:( OK, no more going there for me, thanks for telling me....but that cologne I got him is REALLY good :'(
We did have a very nice anniversary, thanks for the suggestions !!!