NVR: people you'd like to meet
I have been wasting precious time today making a list of some people I'd be interested in meeting--living or dead. I would like to see your lists as well! Please give me your top ten list (not necessarily in order) and then add as many runner-ups as you'd like afterward. Here's mine:
1. My paternal grandfather (who died before I was born)
2. Gandhi
3. Mark Twain
4. Jack London
5. Hunter Thompson
6. John Steinbeck
7. My maternal grandmother (who died when I was very young)
8. River Phoenix
9. Ed Norton
10. Wilkie Collins
Others: Edward Abbey, Edgar Allen Poe, Shakespeare, Keifer Sutherland, Grace Kelly, William Powell/Myrna Loy (together!), Bogart, Montgomery Clift, Benecio Del Toro, Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Sam Fuller, Katherine Hepburn, DeNiro, Mike Myers, Jim Carrey, Rosalind Franklin, Flinders Petrie, Giovanni Belzoni, Isaac Newton, Tesla, Richard Dawkins, Doc Holiday, Akhenaten, Boudicca, Mary Magdalene, Queen Elizabeth I, Eleanor of Aquitane, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Durer, Bosch, Emily Carr, Edward Gorey, Leonardo da Vinci, Apolo Ohno, Lewis Black, Bill Maher, Conan O'Brian, Dennis Kucinich, Shunryu Suzuki, Diane Fossey, Yoda.
Excellent poll. I am going to have to give it some thought. Back later!!!!!
Excellent poll. I am going to have to give it some thought. Back later!!!!!
Me too. But I can say that a few of my choices would be martial arts related (the martial arts greats of yester-year). And snowboarding legends (yes, most are still alive).
1) Henry David Thoreau
2) Edgar Allen Poe
3) Goethe
4) Salvador Dali
5) Christ
6) William Faulkner
7) Maya Angelou
8 )Nietzsche
9) Ralph Waldo Emerson
10) Gandhi
11) Vladimir Lenin
a wide array of beliefs and intellects, all of which respectful in their own manner.
i admire those who freely march to the beat of their own drummer, irregardless of the popularity of their personal statement or agreement thereof
I have often thought about this
John Lennon
Bob Marley
Syd Vicious
Jack Johnson
Janis Joplin
Ann Frank
J.K Rowling
Having a conversation with Janis Joplin and John Lennon would be really cool!
Well here goes... In no particular order
1. Bob Marley
2. Stephen (Steve) Bantu Biko
3. Fidel Castro
4. Pierre Elliot Trudeau
5. Willie Nelson
6. Gandhi
7. Nelson Mandela
8. Ellen
9. Steve Irwin
10. Paul Rusesabagina (The man that inspired the movie Hotel Rwanda)
There are so many. Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Steve Tyler, Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, Bill Maher, my BF's dad (he passed away years ago), Neil Young, Jacques Cousteau, Pink, actually many musicians whose music I love, my mom the way she was before Alzheimer's (Of course I did meet her then but I would love just a minute to meet her that way again), Saint Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, Keiko, (Willy the whale).
I am sure if I thought a lot longer, I could come up with many more. Very hard to limit the people or creatures I would like to meet.
johnny depp
all of the beatles
the ramones
abraham lincoln
edgar allen poe
emily dickenson
virginia woolf
maxine hong kingston
the strokes
lindsay lohan (i know i know...but i love her)
al pacino
soo many....oh my, i will make a def list then commme backk!~ ;)
Dorothy Parker
Ayn Rand
Audrey Hepburn
Sigmund Freud (want to know what he'd say about me! :o )
Jeff Buckley
Ann Coulter (to give her a piece of my mind >:( )
Boudica ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boudica )
Jon Stewart
Sarah Silverman
1. Sylvia Plath, hands down
2. Audrey Hepburn
3. Francesca Lia Block
4. Rosie O'Donnell
5. Mary Kate Olsen
6. Gordon Ramsey
7. Quentin Tarantino
8. Walt Disney
9. Rachel Ray
10. Michael J Fox
great idea!!
-margaret cho
-john robbins
-joaquin phoenix
-henry david thoreau
-e.e. cummings
-charles bukowski
-jane austen
-keira knightley
In no particular order ...
Egon Schiele
Federico Garcia Lorca
Ruth Wakefield
Frida Kahlo
Diane Wakoski
Cesar Chavez
Erik Satie
Thanks for all the great responses so far!
I especially like when someone mentions a person that I never heard of before.
Then I Google it, and get to learn about someone new!
Saskia, I just had to Google at least half of the people you listed! I love it! Thanks!
You're welcome, Shaolinbunny. Sometimes Ruth Wakefield's influence is hard to fight off. :)
You're welcome, Shaolinbunny. Sometimes Ruth Wakefield's influence is hard to fight off. :)
I'm getting a craving for Ruth's invention right now! :D
I would like to talk to the following,
1. My dad (he died when I was 11)
2. Freddie Mercury...what a voice!
3. My paternal grandfather (he died 3 years ago...i just missed the ambuvac helicopter by 5 minutes...i would like to say i love him and goodbye.
4. My mother when she was a little girl.
5. Wesley Clark
6. my paternal great grandmother...i would love to speak russian with her.
7. Colin Powell
8. Matthew Settle
9. Hal Moore (Mel Gibson's character in We Were Soldiers)
10. Patrick Stewart...i just love STTNG!
Others include Princess Di, JFK Jr, President Franklin D Roosevelt, Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, Dean Koontz, the Iclandic foreign exchange student who helped me pass Algebra, friends i've lost touch with, Josh Grobin, Tom Hanks and Mike Myers.
1. John Muir
2. George W. Bush (not in a presidential way, I just want to know what's going on there....)
3. Ghandi
4. Buddha
5. Jesus
6. Al Gore
7. Jon Stewart
8. Bono
9. Thom Yorke
10. Gustav Mahler
Ahhh...So hard to pick 10. Some others would be Miles Davis, Chet Baker, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, JFK, John Steinbeck, Jack Kerouak, Roosevelts (Teddy and FDR), Beethoven, Richard Wagner, Van Gogh, Martin Luther
I could probably go on forever...
Oddly enough, I cannot think of anyone well known who I would like to meet. I would like to meet some of you on this board sometime, but famous people don't appeal to me. I wouldn't mind meeting my father or seeing other deceased relatives sometime, but I expect that to happen one day (in Heaven) and I am at peace with the time schedule as is.
RE this thought:
Something that occurred to me...Adolf Hitler?
I haven't had a chance to read through all the responses yet, but I'm about to, so I don't know if he was already mentioned. It'd be...intimidating. I'd like to know if he really was as gruff as the documentaries say.
I have heard that close contemporaries of both Hitler and Stalin said that they were incredibly kind in person "The kindest person I ever met" was said of both of them. (I know a man who knew a "close friend" of Hitler and reported this to me) In order to sway a nation to murder millions, one must have a very manipulative personality - so in their cases what you saw was definitely not what you got.
Interesting topic. However, I would suggest to moderators an off-topic section for things that are clearly not related to recipes. Should be easy to set-up and would make the site more organized and navigable.
Interesting topic. However, I would suggest to moderators an off-topic section for things that are clearly not related to recipes. Should be easy to set-up and would make the site more organized and navigable.
Ummm... you attacked VegHeadZealia in the other topic and now you're here dumping on the community at large. This Q&A section is a community where like-minded people come together. Some questions are directly vegan realted and some are community related. This topic has been clearly marked NVR (not vegan related), so if you're only interested in directly vegan-related issued why did you open it in the first place?
I'm not sure where your anger is coming from, but it's not conducive to a discussion forum. Hopefully you haven't joined just to be negative. If you're just getting off to a rough start, welcome.
Interesting topic. However, I would suggest to moderators an off-topic section for things that are clearly not related to recipes. Should be easy to set-up and would make the site more organized and navigable.
Ummm... you attacked VegHeadZealia in the other topic and now you're here dumping on the community at large. This Q&A section is a community where like-minded people come together. Some questions are directly vegan realted and some are community related. This topic has been clearly marked NVR (not vegan related), so if you're only interested in directly vegan-related issued why did you open it in the first place?
I'm not sure where your anger is coming from, but it's not conducive to a discussion forum. Hopefully you haven't joined just to be negative. If you're just getting off to a rough start, welcome.
Since I started this dumb thread, I guess I have a right to say something here. ;)
I'm not a big fan of negativity (ha! ha! says the person who's always complaining about everything), but I also believe in freedom of speech. Habanero has a point. It might be a good idea to have a separate section for unrelated threads. Though it's not a big deal either way, since most of us end up labeling our non-vegan related threads as NVR, so that they're always indicated.
Habanero, you have a right to be here and say your piece. However, I know that if you continue to be abrasive (as you were in Zealia's post) I can guarantee you that you're going to get a lot of flack from many of the vegwebbers here. We're all pretty much a peaceful community, and we try hard not to shoot each other down, but rather lift each other up. People here tend to be very accepting, and direct insults are not usually welcome.
I like your name, Habanero. And not to sound too new agey, I hope that you can become a positive part of our community here on Vegweb.
I guess I'd like to meet the ladies I think of as "the Theresas"--Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, and Mother Theresa of Calcutta. I find it interesting that TL was named after TA, and MTC after TL. Quite an interesting chain. They are also women who fascinate me individually.
I would also like to meet my maternal grandfather, who died long before I was born. After spending time with my mother's sister, I learned that my mother was a pathological liar about her past, so I'd like to find out what he was *really* like...