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official 'how did your thanksgiving go?' thread

how did they go??  we had another successful vegan thanksgiving.  but this year my mil and sil made some ammaaazing dishes.  YUM!

so how did your thanksgiving go???

I am still cleaning red wine off of every surface in my house. Somehow there is red wine stains in my shower, bathroom ceiling, mirror and toilet. Pretty spectacular if you ask me.

Hilarious.  :-D

Our Thanksgiving went really well.  We camped by a river, across the street from a hot springs spa with my father and step mother.  We ate really awesome vegan food, did some light hiking, sat in the springs each evening, and sat by a campfire and drank wine until we went to bed for three days straight.  A delightful, atypical, wonderful vacation.

And both of them asked me lots of questions about the food, made comments about how they both want to eat less meat and more veggies, were very complimentary to the food, and asked for recipes and/or websites.  So I was pleased.

The only irritating thing was my father kept saying how light the meal was (he was trying to be complimentary, saying how he wasn't uncomfortably full like he would be on a traditional Thanksgiving meal). 

It was fun preparing the meal by campfire.  A worthwhile challenge.  Tip: Apples take very few minutes in the coals to become quite over-done and do NOT stand up well to re-heating by the fire.  ;)b

It's nice to see that most everyone had a nice easy holiday!


the feast, and a closeup of the pie.  :)>>>

variation on "traditional tasting tofurkey" and "sourdough stuffing" recipe from VW, Raw cranberry sauce and raw sweet potato pie from THIS site, and a "cream cheeze" mashed potato recipe from Shane's mum.

I admit that I had to* sample the non-raw goodies despite my half-assed commitment to Rawliday. but boyyy, this was some feast for just two people who almost didn't even want to cook that day.

*Shane seems to think I'm going to starve to death on my modified Raw plan, so after much bickering, I gave into my own temptation anyway. I guess it wasn't too hard to convince me.  ::)


It was just Dh and I....everything was nice and relaxed.  Except...for the 'tofurkey' I made.  It was DISGUSTING and I threw it out!  :uhoh:


i was SICK! i was at home, by myself,on the couch all day. my husband and i caught a stomach bug from our daughter on tuesday night. he felt better the next day, and i stayed feeling really, really bad for 3 days after. it was the worst thanksgiving i've ever had!

BUT on a lighter did keep me from duking it out with my MIL about what i can/can't eat for the 10,000th time, so that's good!  :-X

carrot_wench....that cranberry sauce looks GOOD! i went to the website and checked out the did it taste?? could you taste the celery? i LOATHE celery....and your pictures look very delicious!  :)


aw, sorry to hear that, sirensong. what a crappy way to spend the holidays!  :P I'm glad You're feeling better now, though!

oh, the cranberry sauce WAS quite good. but I used "Miss Hamlin's cranberry sauce" a little further down the page...I wimped out and decided I didn't want to try anything weird-sounding, and I too am a little leery of using celery in such a recipe.
I actually didn't have any apples, so instead I used two clementines (peeled and de-pithed, of course), a big handful of grapes, and some added raisins and dates.
It was even better the next day, after the raisins and dates were fully soaked in all the juices and their sweetness mingled with the rest of the sauce.



i bought a bag of fresh cranberries and wasn't quite sure what to do with them, i think i might try that! thanks for the info!



i don't remember tat picture being taken, base!



i don't remember tat picture being taken, base!

Because you were druuuunkface.

(That's just me lashing out in jealousy.)



i don't remember tat picture being taken, base!

me neither!


My last four days have been quiet, uneventful and pretty much boring.  It was just LB and I this year, which made us both a little sad.  I did cook on Thursday but it was rather lackadaisical.  Ended up with the Indigo Cafe Seitan Roast, Stuffing with tons of onions, celery and carrots, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, mushroom gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie (that I made waaay too firm) and cranberry pear tarts.

Too much food. Tons of leftovers and no one but us to eat them.  The seitan was bready and I was not very impressed.  It tasted good but I wouldn't buy the loaf again.  The pie I used a local tofu that made it super firm and it ended up being a bit bland.  The tart is amazing but made way too much and will have to bring it into work to get rid of it all.


My Thanksgiving was ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!

First, I helped out at the Community Thansgiving for the Homeless from 6AM til Noon as 1 of the cooks.

Then I went to a freinds house & shared a md-afternoon meal with them. Didn't eat the turkey - just all the veggie stuf. They know I'm veggie, but they still asked why I didn't want any turkey & stuffing. Told them I'ld had enough already at the place I cooked.

What made this holiday really awesome though, was that my brother, who has refused to talk to me for the last 2 years called me & said he was down for the holiday (got in Thurs. Night & going home Mon.). We spent lots of time together catching up


My Thanksgiving was ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!!

First, I helped out at the Community Thansgiving for the Homeless from 6AM til Noon as 1 of the cooks.

Then I went to a freinds house & shared a md-afternoon meal with them. Didn't eat the turkey - just all the veggie stuf. They know I'm veggie, but they still asked why I didn't want any turkey & stuffing. Told them I'ld had enough already at the place I cooked.

What made this holiday really awesome though, was that my brother, who has refused to talk to me for the last 2 years called me & said he was down for the holiday (got in Thurs. Night & going home Mon.). We spent lots of time together catching up

^ imagine that's a "tears of joy" type of smiley.
this post actually got me welling sounds like You had the best Thanksgiving anyone could ask for!


the feast, and a closeup of the pie.  :)>>>

variation on "traditional tasting tofurkey" and "sourdough stuffing" recipe from VW, Raw cranberry sauce and raw sweet potato pie from THIS site, and a "cream cheeze" mashed potato recipe from Shane's mum.

I admit that I had to* sample the non-raw goodies despite my half-assed commitment to Rawliday. but boyyy, this was some feast for just two people who almost didn't even want to cook that day.

*Shane seems to think I'm going to starve to death on my modified Raw plan, so after much bickering, I gave into my own temptation anyway. I guess it wasn't too hard to convince me.  ::)

Um, I'm going to CW's house next Thanksgiving.

I was sooooo excited about/had expectations for another great Whole Foods vegan dinner aaaaand... it was less than stellar. Less tasty than last year. The mushroom gravy I RAVED about for months was tasteless. The awesome looking cranberry rice thingy, well, the rice was under-cooked. The potatoes were dry-ish. Sweet potatoes and vegan cranberry stuffed "cutlet" somethingorother was tasty though. I complained (I hate doing that) and got a $25 gift card, but don't know what I'm going to do for Christmas now... or with the extra QUART of tasteless gravy in my fridge. I hate wasting.

Otherwise, it twas an AMAZING day. I'm so blessed and grateful for such a great life.


Oh, that Sketchy!


Mine was... not great. I mean, the food was good and my Three Sisters Casserole turned out well... and I ate lots of good food because nearly all the side dishes at my boyfriend's mom's house were vegetarian... but omg, the vibe I got all day from her and his sister was just downright unpleasant.

Like, no one would mind if I just dropped dead.

His whole family would only speak to each other, not to me. If I spoke, they'd look at me like they were obligated to be polite, then they'd change the subject or talk to someone else almost as quickly as possible. I don't understand how they can hate me if they won't even talk to me.

I felt so out of place the entire time. I'm not really sure if I'll go with him on Christmas, I may just send my gifts for them along with him because I just would be happier at home with my cat watching holiday movies. He doesn't make me feel judged and unwelcome.

I cried on the way home. J feels horrible, but it's not his fault. They're just not very welcoming to "outsiders," and while to J I'm family, to them I'm a total stranger and strangers are bad.

I also think his sister is jealous and thinks I'm keeping her brother from her and trying to take her place with her mom also... and apparently she's been stirring the pot so to speak, bringing up the fact that he and I are living together to make his mom think about the more uncomfortable things. I don't know, I just want to be friends with these people and they hate me.

I just want to hide under a blanket and cry. I don't know how anyone does this for years and years with their in-laws.


jc, I'm sorry to hear about that!  I was wondering how you made out with your bf's fam.  That sucks hard that you get the rude vibe even on holidays!  Do you think if J said something to his mom & sis in confidence about how they make you feel it would make a difference at all?  No one should be made so uncomfortable that they cry on the way home! >:(

I was very thankful that my dinner went very well!  My parents let me make the meal for the first time- I made a Tofurkey cooked in veg broth (thanks Cali!) w/veggies, a deluxe fresh salad, fruit salad, and a tofu pumpkin pie.  My parents made mashed sweet potatoes as additional side.  Everything turned out great!  I love how when you're stuffed with good veg food the fullness feeling is so much's a pleasantly full feeling, not a tired, beached, lethargic feeling.

AND...perhaps the best part- on my trip to my parent's house on Thanksgiving day I saw a wild turkey!!  Alive, as it should be.   :)>>>


I am so glad your Tofurkey turned out good greenT!!!!


jc, I'm sorry to hear about that!  I was wondering how you made out with your bf's fam.  That sucks hard that you get the rude vibe even on holidays!  Do you think if J said something to his mom & sis in confidence about how they make you feel it would make a difference at all?  No one should be made so uncomfortable that they cry on the way home! >:(

He's not a very confrontational person (read: he is extremely NON confrontational, he avoids conflict at all costs), and he said if they continue like this, he'll start looking for jobs closer to my family instead. My parents welcome him with open arms, like he's one of their own kids. My siblings are pretty neutral, but not in a bad way. They just don't mind him at all and are polite. Maybe if I get lucky he'll get a great job and we can spend holidays with my folks, whether that means traveling or living near them.

I mean, don't get me wrong, that would have issues in itself- my dad's family raises their own meat and totally don't know what to do about my choice in food, but at least it's MY family and I can tell them to back off. When his family thinks I'm weird, I can't do a damn thing about it but smile and take it like a champ.

I never thought I'd miss my dad's crazy family on holidays. HEY! At least if we went there (or lived closer) I could head over to MDVegan's house for "Vegan Holidays With A Dozen Cats."*


*Okay, she doesn't have a dozen... but close!


He's not a very confrontational person (read: he is extremely NON confrontational, he avoids conflict at all costs), and he said if they continue like this, he'll start looking for jobs closer to my family instead. My parents welcome him with open arms, like he's one of their own kids. My siblings are pretty neutral, but not in a bad way. They just don't mind him at all and are polite. Maybe if I get lucky he'll get a great job and we can spend holidays with my folks, whether that means traveling or living near them.

I mean, don't get me wrong, that would have issues in itself- my dad's family raises their own meat and totally don't know what to do about my choice in food, but at least it's MY family and I can tell them to back off. When his family thinks I'm weird, I can't do a damn thing about it but smile and take it like a champ.

I never thought I'd miss my dad's crazy family on holidays. HEY! At least if we went there (or lived closer) I could head over to MDVegan's house for "Vegan Holidays With A Dozen Cats."*


I hear ya- no matter how crazy your dad's family is, at least they aren't rude and disrespectful.  One good thing, at least you don't see them too often.

I am so glad your Tofurkey turned out good greenT!!!!

Thanks- me too!!  By the way, what did you end up doing with those pomegranates?  I peeled my first one tonight and it was a MAJOR messy pain in the ass.  The berries kept popping every so often as I was pulling them from the skin, spraying the staining juice everywhere.  Including cleanup it took me over a half hour to get a small cup of berries.  And the "berries" are 10% berry and 90% seed!  How'd you make out with yours?


He's not a very confrontational person (read: he is extremely NON confrontational, he avoids conflict at all costs), and he said if they continue like this, he'll start looking for jobs closer to my family instead. My parents welcome him with open arms, like he's one of their own kids. My siblings are pretty neutral, but not in a bad way. They just don't mind him at all and are polite. Maybe if I get lucky he'll get a great job and we can spend holidays with my folks, whether that means traveling or living near them.

I mean, don't get me wrong, that would have issues in itself- my dad's family raises their own meat and totally don't know what to do about my choice in food, but at least it's MY family and I can tell them to back off. When his family thinks I'm weird, I can't do a damn thing about it but smile and take it like a champ.

I never thought I'd miss my dad's crazy family on holidays. HEY! At least if we went there (or lived closer) I could head over to MDVegan's house for "Vegan Holidays With A Dozen Cats."*


I hear ya- no matter how crazy your dad's family is, at least they aren't rude and disrespectful.  One good thing, at least you don't see them too often.

I am so glad your Tofurkey turned out good greenT!!!!

Thanks- me too!!  By the way, what did you end up doing with those pomegranates?  I peeled my first one tonight and it was a MAJOR messy pain in the ass.  The berries kept popping every so often as I was pulling them from the skin, spraying the staining juice everywhere.  Including cleanup it took me over a half hour to get a small cup of berries.  And the "berries" are 10% berry and 90% seed!  How'd you make out with yours?

my brother gets the seeds out under running water, it losens them up and cleans as you go.



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