The official "Notes to Self" Thread
Posted by yabbitgirl on Jun 14, 2009 · Member since Apr 2006 · 14266 posts
We have open letters, but there are times it's more of a "note to self" scenario. So I thought I'd give us a place to put them.
I'll start!
Note to Self:
Baking Powder and Baking Soda are not interchangeable. That is why there are 2--because they're completely different things. You actually know this. So why are you so surprised when your baking flops? ???
NTS: When making hummus, more garlic/lemon is not necessarily better. That container could wipe out a whole neighbourhood every time you remove the lid.
NTS: avoid family functions at all costs.
NTS: Suck it up freak show.
NTS: Just because it tasted like freshly squeezed lemon doesn't mean it wasn't mostly vodka. You're f***ed.
Dear self,
When shall I officially claim you as vegan? It's been about a week since you've transitioned from a vegetarian to vegan diet but you are still such a noob. Hmm..
NTS: Seriously, take it easy on the carbs. Bread and pasta are amazing, but only in moderation.
Note to Self: Dipping your Mp3 player in your orange juice isn't going to improve it any. Don't be playing with your little electronic buddy till you've had some coffee, kay?
NTS: ignoring the problem will not make it go away. You are a sleeping pill junkie. Now do something about it before you OD.
nts: today's a good day
nts: today's a good day
Enjoy it!!
NTS: Drinking a ton of water on an empty stomach was not a good idea. Let's not do that again.
note to self: yes cotton candy vodka tastes really good, but it gives you a HORRIBLE headache the next day! Stay away!
Try Three Olives Bubble vodka. (It tastes like bubblegum.)
Note to self:
Don't fuck this up.
NTS: love yourself, drink more water and be more physically active. Life's not so bad and spring is around the corner.
Josh - Take note, cut down on your consumerism. Granted, you don't buy a lot of things..but you still buy too much. At least cut down on the physical items. Too many things taking up space and waste. Baaad!
Courtney: Go. Do. Write. Submit. Sleep.
Josh - Take note, cut down on your consumerism. Granted, you don't buy a lot of things..but you still buy too much. At least cut down on the physical items. Too many things taking up space and waste. Baaad!
NTS: Listen to Josh. You didn't need that Fileofax, you just wanted it. Now you have to use it! "I've always wanted one of those" does not balance "I'll never really use it." Especially at 12 Euros a pop. Shame on you. Use it now...every day.
Josh - Take note, cut down on your consumerism. Granted, you don't buy a lot of things..but you still buy too much. At least cut down on the physical items. Too many things taking up space and waste. Baaad!
NTS: Listen to Josh. You didn't need that Fileofax, you just wanted it. Now you have to use it! "I've always wanted one of those" does not balance "I'll never really use it." Especially at 12 Euros a pop. Shame on you. Use it now...every day.
lol! I had to do a Google search on this 'Fileofax'. It's a personal datebook/address book, right? I used to use those until I just got sick of the clutter (I hate clutter). I went thru that period of remembering everything I planned and I did well at it. Just now I started using the calendar on my phone and setting alarms as reminders. I've been using this option like, um, like yeah.*
(* - I was making an off-beat joke about the people from your vagueness post, Yabbit. ;) )
Nts: all this broccoli you eat for lunch is tasty, but it's also the reason you have broccoli farts during linguistics.