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OK--Stupid ? re: copy & paste

OK, this is probably a stupid question, but here goes.  How do you copy & paste web addresses from the address bar??  I use to be able to highlight the address and then go over to edit and click copy, then go to where I want to place the address and hit paste.  For a long while now (perhaps maybe since I updated to IE 7??), I haven't been able to do this.  Now, when I highlight the web address in the address bar and go to edit, copy is not darkened as an option (will only let me choose select all or find on this page).  I'm getting tired of typing the entire addresses myself.  Can anyone help me out, pretty please?  Thanks!

Hi Willwolf.  In IE7 it does the same for me.  However, the easiest way is to highlight the URL(web address) and press the Cntrl key and the letter C key at the same time.  That is the shortcut for "Edit>Copy".
Then just click in the new tab and click the Cntrl key and the letter V key at the same time to paste the text.

Also, the Firefox Mozilla browser does let you do it from the Edit menu the way you prefer.  You can download it for free from, it is the browser I prefer.

Let me know if this works for you.


Yeah!!!  The ctrl-c/ctrl-v works.  Thanks so much for helping me.  I felt like kind of a moron for posting about this, but it's been driving me crazy.  I would have never figured this out.  I never remember all of those shortcuts.  (I don't know much about the Firefox browser.  I'm assuming this is an alternative to the IE 7.  The IE is what came on my laptop, along with Windows XP.)


Thanks again, baypuppy!  I just knew I could count on my fellow Vegwebbers to help me out!  Maybe, I'll look into the Firefox sometime.  I'm not that technically savvy, obviously, so I don't know if I want to go messing with stuff too much.  Does IE stay on your computer, also?  Do you then set one browser as your default somehow?  I do get quite a bit of spam in my spam box.  Does Firefox help with this?


Firefox cuts down on pop-ups. Plus it just looks cooler! :coolsmile: Get firefox! Two clicks and you're there!


Baypuppy, thanks for the Firefox info.  Duh, I guess I should have realized email is different from browsers.  I'd better stop now before I further display my technical unsavvy.

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