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Opinions, Pretty Please!

Hi Guys, I need some opinions. My 19 yr. old niece will be visiting next month. I have never met her before and want to throw a family BBQ in her honor. My kids and I are the only veg people in my family. Is it O.K. to serve some non veg food as well? Do any of you still cook meat for friends/family? To be honest, I can't really afford to buy veggie dogs for a crowd and I also want everyone to feel comfortable. Any and all insights are welcome. Thanks in advance. :)

Personally, I wouldn't cook meat for anyone. And wouldn't that be more expensive, anyway? Why not make a veg BBQ and if you're inviting lots of people you can say it's a potluck and they can bring what they want.  And you can show everyone how awesome your veg food is! Nobody's going to refuse grilled veggies, including corn on the cob, mac n cheeze, potato salad, and cookies and cake. You can make homemade tofu burgers, too, which will be a lot cheaper than buying the veggie dogs.


i wouldn't cook meat (don't even know how. i'd probably wind up giving every one food poisoning!). i like the idea of a potluck, though that might be impractical if they're coming a long distance.

for a cheap "meat" thing, how about veg chili, made with TVP? It's cheaper than "fake" foods and you can make it cheaper by making the beans from scratch too. Not exactly a grill food, but it fits in at a BBQ.


Personally, I wouldn't cook meat for anyone. And wouldn't that be more expensive, anyway? Why not make a veg BBQ and if you're inviting lots of people you can say it's a potluck and they can bring what they want.  And you can show everyone how awesome your veg food is! Nobody's going to refuse grilled veggies, including corn on the cob, mac n cheeze, potato salad, and cookies and cake. You can make homemade tofu burgers, too, which will be a lot cheaper than buying the veggie dogs.

What she said.


Wouldn't cook or buy meat for anyone. If they want to bring any, they are more than welcome to. Win them over with tempting side dishes and grilled veggies (AND FRUIT!)


I agree with everybody... Why would I want to go against my ethics and cook a dead animal up on a clean grill? No thanks. And besides, vegan food is delicious! Wow everyone with your amazing cruelty free meals! Show them what amazing food vegans get to eat on a daily basis!


I mean does she know that you are vegan? If she knows that you are vegan and everything that entails, I would say that she probably won't care. Most people eat meat every single day, they can deal with one meatless day. I'd really try to avoid the meat route if possible, because there are plenty of universally appealing vegan foods out there. Having said that, since you don't ever buy or eat meat, I wouldn't feel too guilty about doing it just once if you were really afraid of alienating your niece.

To the issue of cost... I hear you. A package of regular hotdogs is $2 and will feed many people. Or frozen burger patties are really cheap too. Meat analogues are very expensive and I don't blame you for not wanting to buy for a ton of people. Your best bet to avoid meat is to make your own burgers or chili as suggested, otherwise you will be in the poor house. (I've got a bangin' burger recipe if you want--feeds and army too)

Side note: my partner and I are vegan and we went to visit my aunt and uncle (whom we had never met). When we arrived we dropped the vegan bombshell and they responded that they had no idea what to feed us. We asked if they would mind us using their kitchen to make them a meal for a change. The agreed and we had vegan sushi and beer, we all pitched in and it was arguably one of the most memorable dinners of my lifetime. Sometimes pushing people a little can be for the best.


If you want to barbecue something, grill the veggies (corn, bell pepper/etc kabobs, etc.) and have the heartier items as side dishes.  Make a cobbler for dessert and you're done.  No meat involved.


I mean does she know that you are vegan? If she knows that you are vegan and everything that entails, I would say that she probably won't care. Most people eat meat every single day, they can deal with one meatless day. I'd really try to avoid the meat route if possible, because there are plenty of universally appealing vegan foods out there. Having said that, since you don't ever buy or eat meat, I wouldn't feel too guilty about doing it just once if you were really afraid of alienating your niece.

To the issue of cost... I hear you. A package of regular hotdogs is $2 and will feed many people. Or frozen burger patties are really cheap too. Meat analogues are very expensive and I don't blame you for not wanting to buy for a ton of people. Your best bet to avoid meat is to make your own burgers or chili as suggested, otherwise you will be in the poor house. (I've got a bangin' burger recipe if you want--feeds and army too)

Side note: my partner and I are vegan and we went to visit my aunt and uncle (whom we had never met). When we arrived we dropped the vegan bombshell and they responded that they had no idea what to feed us. We asked if they would mind us using their kitchen to make them a meal for a change. The agreed and we had vegan sushi and beer, we all pitched in and it was arguably one of the most memorable dinners of my lifetime. Sometimes pushing people a little can be for the best.

I'd love the "burger" recipe, thank you! I agree, it really pains me to think of having to buy any kind of meat, let alone cook it... One thing, we don't use our oven in summer and our fridge isn't all that big. I need lots of recipe ideas, especially for "picky" and skeptical people.

My niece isn't the one I am worried about. She is fully aware that 3/4 of my family are veg and supports that. It's my brother and his family I am concerned about. Let's just say he is quite opinionated, lol!

A potluck does sound good, but my family does not live close by, so unfortunately that isn't doable.

Thanks again for the insight and the help!


At least here, it seems like most people purchase store-bought food and restaurant food for potlucks, such as deli salads, KFC chicken, bakery goods, etc.  I rarely see people atually make and bring things.  Even if they are from out of town, it can be done.  If they are flexible, I wouldn't announce ahead of time that it was vegan and just serve what you want and go from there.  If you have the type of family that will flip out without some kind of flesh on the table, I'd tell them what you have planned and let them know they can bring what they want.  It wouldn't really be a potluck, because you would make bringing food opitional.  If I tried to have a vegan BBQ here, no one would show up if they knew it ahead of time. 


Yeah, I've done that.  When my parents visit they get precooked deli meat.  I'm not going to put animal in my pots/pans even if they buy it, but I'll make something and if they want they can top it with carcass.


I think I've figured out what I will do. I had an epihpany on my nightly walk with my hubby. I decided I would make a crockpot full of taco filling and have tortillas, a big pot of refried beans, taco chips, guacamole, salsa, tomatoes, lettuce, etc. I figure that will feed a lot of people fairly inexpensively. I think you're right, I am not going to say that it's not real beef. They don't need to know as none of them have soy allergies. ;)  Thank you all so much for your input. It really did help a lot! :)


Yeah, I've done that.  When my parents visit they get precooked deli meat.  I'm not going to put animal in my pots/pans even if they buy it, but I'll make something and if they want they can top it with carcass.

This I agree with. I just find it so annoying that people cannot fathom 1 freakin meal without decaying flesh... It really bugs me


Having a taco night sounds great!  That will feed everyone cheaply and easily.  Make up a batch of rice with chili seasoning then add in some salsa or diced tomatoes once its cooked, just to have a side starch on hand. 

If you do go back to the BBQ idea you can cook whole in the husk corn, eggplant rounds, zucchini strips, bell pepper, tomato, mushrooms, asperagus, broccoli rabe, and even onions on the grill.  Warm up a pot of baked beans on the stove or side burner.  Then pair it all with a salad or three (garden, pasta with dice veggies and italian dressing, potato with veganaise, lentil and rice), plus some fabulous dessert.  Not easy or super cheap but fun and doable without the whole meat dillema.

I always overwhelm people with the number of vegan offerings to get them full and not missing the meat.


The fabulous dessert is key! Like the swordfight at the end of Hamlet, it's what people remember. They won't even realise the tacos were meat-free.


I think I've figured out what I will do. I had an epihpany on my nightly walk with my hubby. I decided I would make a crockpot full of taco filling and have tortillas, a big pot of refried beans, taco chips, guacamole, salsa, tomatoes, lettuce, etc. I figure that will feed a lot of people fairly inexpensively. I think you're right, I am not going to say that it's not real beef. They don't need to know as none of them have soy allergies. ;)  Thank you all so much for your input. It really did help a lot! :)

Good idea! Good luck!

You could make vegan Mexican wedding cake cookies, too. I think there's a recipe in Vegan Cookies Take Over your Cookie Jar.


Well... I don't cook meat for family and friends. For a BBQ, I would ask the meat-eaters to bring their stuff... Because I wouldn't grill the meat either, so...

But you can make great veggie things, like maybe cold soups (cold avocado or tomato soup (garspacho)), and salads and tofu sticks with sauce (for example peanut sauce like for satays)...


Vegetarian fajitas are great.  Just grill up a bunch of veggies, then offer guacamole, pico de gallo/salsa, sour cream, cheese, chopped lettuce and tomatoes, etc. with warm tortillas and they can assemble it themselves.  Serve with beans and rice and you've got a great meal.

With that said, I do have a friend who won't eat anything UNLESS it has meat in it, so that meal would not fly with him.  If that is your concern, call them in advance and let them know the BBQ will be vegan, and you will have plenty of food for everyone, but if they would like to have meat, offer to take them to the store (or let them borrow your car) beforehand if they want to pick up something else to grill.  We have non-veg friends who we occasionally visit and that is how they handle us - take us to the store the first day so that we can buy whatever we eat and we cook our meal alongside their meaty meal.


Vegetarian fajitas are great.  Just grill up a bunch of veggies, then offer guacamole, pico de gallo/salsa, sour cream, cheese, chopped lettuce and tomatoes, etc. with warm tortillas and they can assemble it themselves.  Serve with beans and rice and you've got a great meal.

This is a great idea!  I'd avoid the sour cream and cheese for omnis, though.  I still think the vegan versions taste disgusting.

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