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Our signature phrases/words

I thought it would be FUN (all in good fun; love you peeps!) to post some of the signature phrases/sayings/words that we have noticed from our fellow vegwebbers' posts (things that we say/do a lot). I'll start (duh)!

        " just sayin'.."

hesp: leaves everything in lowercase

pink: medical stuff!


OK, so OFF TOPIC, but I am already thinking about what I am going to do during the summer in between my two years of teaching (not this summer, the next one).  Now, I was thinking, oh, backpack through Europe, but really I should do a vegweb tour!  I can make my way down the east coast, to the south, then back across the midwest, then ultimately out west!  It would be awesome if gas wasn't probably gonna be $10/gal by then.  But I have a goal of visiting all the states as well.

DO IT! ;) You should do a backpack vegweb tour. What about Northwest/North? Am I West?


everyone should visit me because san luis obispo rocks!
also, i would cook you helluv vegan food. and also i don't have any idea what else we would do, but isn't that enough for you?!
..aren't i enough for you?


OK, so OFF TOPIC, but I am already thinking about what I am going to do during the summer in between my two years of teaching (not this summer, the next one).  Now, I was thinking, oh, backpack through Europe, but really I should do a vegweb tour!  I can make my way down the east coast, to the south, then back across the midwest, then ultimately out west!  It would be awesome if gas wasn't probably gonna be $10/gal by then.  But I have a goal of visiting all the states as well.

DO IT! ;) You should do a backpack vegweb tour. What about Northwest/North? Am I West?

I should do that whole area!  North/west/northwest/whatever you wanna call it.  Don't look at me, I've only ever been up and down the east cost, I don't know the technical terms.  I could do a big "U" from Montana southward and then back up through California (for hespedal) and then to Washington.

And I can visit Canada and kidnap laurabs before I go.  And anyone else in the northeast who maybe can spare a summer. 


i would be so excited if a bunch of vegwebbers visited me


I'm pretty quiet IRL.  I frequently use the expression 'it is what it is' when I'm working. 

My husband has also kindly pointed out that sometimes my strange backwoods vocabulary kicks in if I'm talking to family.  These expressions, which I've worked so hard to elimate include "I've gotta get me...", "Yeppers", "Okey dokey", "being have",  and other charmers.  I focus so hard on *not* talking with an accent and using correct grammar, but sometimes a little WV still sneaks in.

My mom wins the prize for bizarre sayings including "bucking like a banny rooster" and "a pig in a poke".

I'm from TX so I knew I few regional phrases as well...but "being have????" What is that one?

Those bizarre phrases of your moms don't sound very vegan...


I love to say, "that is so redonkulous!"


I'm not mdvegan but I think "being have" is another way of saying behave...or at least I have heard it used that way.  In Maine people still use "wicked".. as in something is "wicked good" is word I try hard to avoid. 

0 likes Patrick says "they're going to disown you," but I've decided this is the time to unveil one of my deep secrets.  :o

My husband and I have our own language that we speak with each's called "weasguage." It all stemmed from the fact that I one day (years ago) called him a that became weas..and this continued to evolve over the years into its own language. The rules of this language are that A. all words must contain 'weas' B. there are no other rules.

Several English language words have the same weasguage word, such as: soweas. Soweas can mean 1. sorry 2. sore 3. sad..all depending on the inflection/context. Oweas can mean ok or oh well. Some of the most common weasguage words are: gehweas (ghetto), gweas (good), dweased (done), weas you (love you, miss you, thinking about you, need you, etc.), and Mmmmmm (the only 'word' that breaks the weasguage rules). Mmmmm is usually used in conjunction with gehweas, such as: "Mmmmmm, gehweas."

I know this is a little overwhelming for you, and it took me a while to decide to unveil this..but I think it's best for all of us. I hope that we'll still be friends.  :)


I know this is a little overwhelming for you, and it took me a while to decide to unveil this..but I think it's best for all of us. I hope that we'll still be friends.  :)



I'm not mdvegan but I think "being have" is another way of saying behave...or at least I have heard it used that way.  In Maine people still use "wicked".. as in something is "wicked good" is word I try hard to avoid. 

I use wicked all the time!  It's a Syracuse thing too.  So much so that many people in Ithaca (which is an hour away) think it's weird.  I love it.  Wicked awesome!

The first time I learned that everyone in the country didn't use wicked, I was stunned.


ok, so I totally have this image of this sweet little couple that rub noses and call each other pukey bear and argue about who loves the other more! :-D :-D

ac, you are way too cute.


I should do that whole area!  North/west/northwest/whatever you wanna call it.  Don't look at me, I've only ever been up and down the east cost, I don't know the technical terms.  I could do a big "U" from Montana southward and then back up through California (for hespedal) and then to Washington.

And I can visit Canada and kidnap laurabs before I go.  And anyone else in the northeast who maybe can spare a summer. 

Do it, do it! Please!

everyone should visit me because san luis obispo rocks!
also, i would cook you helluv vegan food. and also i don't have any idea what else we would do, but isn't that enough for you?!
..aren't i enough for you?

Are you anywhere near Malibu? I'm heading there this summer...  ^-^ I SO want to visit my vegweb friends!


ok, so I totally have this image of this sweet little couple that rub noses and call each other pukey bear and argue about who loves the other more! :-D :-D
ac, you are way too cute.

haha, how did you quote a smiley?  ;) We are not that annoying couple, we are just weird! In public we aren't really that 'lovey' but we do like lots of random snuggles at home.  ;D

Thank you!  :)


I have no idea how I quoted a smiley, seriously weird :o maybe it has something to do with the merlot ..:shrugs:


I suppose in real life the most annoying thing I say is "uh, yeah. So..." and just trail off. I do it in normal speech and have gotten points taken off of presentations for doing it. I also throw out random French phrases. Or make up my own because my friends never took French.

Maybe I just don't hang out in the right places online (except here) but it seems to me that vegwebbers tend to use ((((((person)))))) a lot. Ierno, I just don't see it anywhere else.  


ac, you are way too cute.

After reading this post to Patrick, he reminded me of another VERY common weasguage word-Cuweas (cute). He uses this one about 7 billion times per day.  :D


ok, so I totally have this image of this sweet little couple that rub noses and call each other pukey bear and argue about who loves the other more! :-D :-D
ac, you are way too cute.

haha, how did you quote a smiley?  ;) We are not that annoying couple, we are just weird! In public we aren't really that 'lovey' but we do like lots of random snuggles at home.  ;D

Thank you!  :)

I picture you guys as such a cute couple... bestest friends and everything.


ac you can deny being that couple but I think that post verified both are too cute! 8-)


everyone should visit me because san luis obispo rocks!
also, i would cook you helluv vegan food. and also i don't have any idea what else we would do, but isn't that enough for you?!
..aren't i enough for you?

Are you anywhere near Malibu? I'm heading there this summer...  ^-^ I SO want to visit my vegweb friends!

oh shoot, really? when exactly? i need details! i am maybe a 3 hour drive (this equals close in california). but i want to know when because i will be gone from soon until about august. telll me.


oh shoot, really? when exactly? i need details! i am maybe a 3 hour drive (this equals close in california). but i want to know when because i will be gone from soon until about august. telll me.

:-\ The beginning of June...  I don't know when I'll be leaving Malibu though (it's a long story), so might still be there when you get back in August. Maybe, maybe? It would be super awesome to actually meet you!



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