Our signature phrases/words
Posted by Allychristine on May 06, 2008 · Member since Dec 2007 · 15438 posts
I thought it would be FUN (all in good fun; love you peeps!) to post some of the signature phrases/sayings/words that we have noticed from our fellow vegwebbers' posts (things that we say/do a lot). I'll start (duh)!
" just sayin'.."
hesp: leaves everything in lowercase
pink: medical stuff!
it would be totally rad! what are you going for? are you flying or what?
ac you can deny being that couple but I think that post verified it...you both are too cute! 8-)
Did you and Laura mean to say..cuweas? haha :)>>> All of you are so fab!
My what funny thread. Regional dialects, personal quirks and in-jokes, oh my! :>
When typing, "though" happens a lot.
When talking, "Indeed", "Right On" and "Awesome pop up more than I'd like. then there's the Western Pennsylvanian... Some of yins might know what I'm talking about.
My what funny thread. Regional dialects, personal quirks and in-jokes, oh my! :>
When typing, "though" happens a lot.
When talking, "Indeed", "Right On" and "Awesome pop up more than I'd like. then there's the Western Pennsylvanian... Some of yins might know what I'm talking about.
it makes me excited that you are posting again.
i assume hilarity will ensue.
then there's the Western Pennsylvanian... Some of yins might know what I'm talking about.
Goodness. I used that word in conversation the other day. I live in Georgia, but I'm a transplant from central PA. I make fun of my friends for saying y'all, but they had a field day with yins.
Maybe. Internet = fascism at work.
But I really do like to come here when I can at home. ;)b
then there's the Western Pennsylvanian... Some of yins might know what I'm talking about.
Goodness. I used that word in conversation the other day. I live in Georgia, but I'm a transplant from central PA. I make fun of my friends for saying y'all, but they had a field day with yins.
It's a crafty one!
I've lived in Central Ohio now for over 10 years, then out of the blue... "How yinz doin'?"
Then comes the blushing...
I don't think I've ever head 'yins.' Before I learned how to speak properly..I would say "I'm fixin to..." I was talking to my aunt from CA on the phone one time (yearsssssssssss ago), and said "I'm fixin to go...do something" and she said, "what are you fixing?" Uhhhh.
I've always wondered if "I figured" was regional. I don't think so though..
I don't think I've ever head 'yins.' Before I learned how to speak properly..I would say "I'm fixin to..." I was talking to my aunt from CA on the phone one time (yearsssssssssss ago), and said "I'm fixin to go...do something" and she said, "what are you fixing?" Uhhhh.
I've always wondered if "I figured" was regional. I don't think so though..
i figured it wasn't.
I don't think I've ever head 'yins.' Before I learned how to speak properly..I would say "I'm fixin to..." I was talking to my aunt from CA on the phone one time (yearsssssssssss ago), and said "I'm fixin to go...do something" and she said, "what are you fixing?" Uhhhh.
I've always wondered if "I figured" was regional. I don't think so though..
i figured it wasn't.
har har.
ac! thats so cool that you have a secret language with your boy. i have a secret language too, but with my bestest friends. it slowly evolved. we would call each other our fluffs or fluffers. we thought the actual meaning of fluffers was rather funny, so we turned it into something cute. then we started calling our lady bits fluff muffs and the word love turned into luff, then fluff luff luff if we really liked something. if we were looking for each other or we just generally like something, we'd purr. this kind of talk only comes out when we talk about crushes on boys, girls and each other. ha. i miss college! : (
then there's the Western Pennsylvanian... Some of yins might know what I'm talking about.
Goodness. I used that word in conversation the other day. I live in Georgia, but I'm a transplant from central PA. I make fun of my friends for saying y'all, but they had a field day with yins.
I'm from eastern PA but went to school in central and western PA. It's funny how the dialect transitions from one end of the state to the other. In philly it "yous" as you move towards central PA it changes to "youins" and as you get to western PA it's "yinz." Basically it means my dialect is all messed up.
I use wicked all the time! It's a Syracuse thing too. So much so that many people in Ithaca (which is an hour away) think it's weird. I love it. Wicked awesome!
The first time I learned that everyone in the country didn't use wicked, I was stunned.
bad = good
wicked =really extremely good
evil = bloody frickin' awesome
At least in the UK, it's a compliment among youngsters to be told, "You're evil!"
okay, ill play...
IRL I have a tendency to use multisyllabic words. I guess my parents spoke that way (note, that does NOT mean I'm smart; I'm mealy a product of my environment.) I mean, I use them correctly and everything, but people tend to get pissed off. When I moved to ME, nobody ever knew what I was saying and the other kids teased me. It was EXTREAMY hard to learn how to use more simplistic speech. I got better, but then when I'm buzzed from alcohol, sleep meds or hanging out with my dad too much, I start doing it again. :-[ The thing I don't like about adjusting my vocabulary, is that I started swearing more. I think cause i didn't know how else to make my speech common. I mean, I don't swear in professional settings or to my "elders," but I swear all the other times...even in writing. The first time I ever tried to tell someone "F*** you" I stuttered all the way through it. I also say "wicked" a lot and I swore when i moved to New England that I never would. Ive also been caught saying "y'all" and "reckon."
Another big one is Bubbler! OMG a metal box that spits out water for drinking! Its a bubbler. a water fountain is something in a park. It makes NO sense to call it that. I found somepeople say "drinking fountain" and that makes a little more sense, but when I'm in the middle of asking it, it comes out as "bubbler"
oh yeah, and sometimes I slip into random Spanish or French, if I can't recall the word in English. ;D
And I DO write realy, realy long posts. Its either because I'm a novelist (unpublished as of now) or because I have a hard time distinguishing which details are important and which ones are not. ???
I should do that whole area! North/west/northwest/whatever you wanna call it. Don't look at me, I've only ever been up and down the east cost, I don't know the technical terms. I could do a big "U" from Montana southward and then back up through California (for hespedal) and then to Washington.
And I can visit Canada and kidnap laurabs before I go. And anyone else in the northeast who maybe can spare a summer.
Do it, do it! Please!
everyone should visit me because san luis obispo rocks!
also, i would cook you helluv vegan food. and also i don't have any idea what else we would do, but isn't that enough for you?!
..aren't i enough for you?
Are you anywhere near Malibu? I'm heading there this summer... ^-^ I SO want to visit my vegweb friends!
I live in West L.A.! Which unlike (cough cough) someone it is less than three hours away. Maybe a half hour away, depending on the horrible traffic on the 405.
Lots of vegan eats here...
I'm pretty quiet IRL. I frequently use the expression 'it is what it is' when I'm working.
My husband has also kindly pointed out that sometimes my strange backwoods vocabulary kicks in if I'm talking to family. These expressions, which I've worked so hard to elimate include "I've gotta get me...", "Yeppers", "Okey dokey", "being have", and other charmers. I focus so hard on *not* talking with an accent and using correct grammar, but sometimes a little WV still sneaks in.
My mom wins the prize for bizarre sayings including "bucking like a banny rooster" and "a pig in a poke".
I'm with you MD...not on the quiet part, but my friends can always tell when i've been home to visit my family. I still live in the south, but not the backwoods where I grew up. Anyway, I know what "being have" is...I'm also "fixin' to" run some errands. Haha.
This thread is fun! I would love to meet some vegwebbers irl, but I am quiet and uncomfortable around cool people like you guys...
VS I think just started writing more in the forums..so I'm not sure...
I've had other vegweb accounts and posted under various usernames in the past. VS is my latest... ;)
mdvegan, My grandpa used to always use the word poke, too...lol...I seriously thought he made it up or something. He would refer to a grocery bag as a poke'n bag...also, some of my older relatives put an 'r' sound into words where it doesn't belong...ie: warsh vs wash, oirl vs. oil...the list goes on...he also was fond of the word you'ens...
I'm with you MD...not on the quiet part, but my friends can always tell when i've been home to visit my family. I still live in the south, but not the backwoods where I grew up. Anyway, I know what "being have" is...I'm also "fixin' to" run some errands. Haha.
Aww, southerners, don't be ashamed of your wonderful expressions! During my time living in Georgia, I adopted the use of "y'all" (the best second person plural in the English language) and developed an affection for "fixin' to" even though I only use it in jest with my husband. A few favorite usages:
In the film "Dazed and Confused" (set in Texas) one of the stoner characters, who has just swallowed some kind of recreational drug, when asked how he is, says "Fixin' to be a lot better!"
The song, "Fixin' to Die" by Col. Bruce Hampton and The Aquarium Rescue Unit
I'm really intrigued by "being have." Please, someone, give me an example of its usage!
I'm really intrigued by "being have." Please, someone, give me an example of its usage!
My interpretation of this is: "Don't worry 'bout them young'uns, they's being have." (as opposed to, "Don't worry about the children, they are behaving.")
I'm really intrigued by "being have." Please, someone, give me an example of its usage!
My interpretation of this is: "Don't worry 'bout them young'uns, they's being have." (as opposed to, "Don't worry about the children, they are behaving.")
Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
I remember one Sunday in particular, before church my mom told us that we could go to grandma's afterward, if we were good. During the entire service, my younger sister kept whispering.." mama, am I bein' have? Can we go to Me-ma's"