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Our signature phrases/words

I thought it would be FUN (all in good fun; love you peeps!) to post some of the signature phrases/sayings/words that we have noticed from our fellow vegwebbers' posts (things that we say/do a lot). I'll start (duh)!

        " just sayin'.."

hesp: leaves everything in lowercase

pink: medical stuff!


I remember one Sunday in particular, before church my mom told us that we could go to grandma's afterward, if we were good.  During the entire service, my younger sister kept whispering.." mama, am I bein' have?  Can we go to Me-ma's"



I'm really intrigued by "being have."  Please, someone, give me an example of its usage!

My interpretation of this is: "Don't worry 'bout them young'uns, they's being have." (as opposed to, "Don't worry about the children, they are behaving.")

Ding ding ding!  We have a winner! 

I remember one Sunday in particular, before church my mom told us that we could go to grandma's afterward, if we were good.  During the entire service, my younger sister kept whispering.." mama, am I bein' have?  Can we go to Me-ma's"

So would "have" rhyme with "Dave"?  (I was born and raised in California.  The wackiest thing I say way too much is "like".  Seriously, how old am I again?)


So would "have" rhyme with "Dave"?  (I was born and raised in California.  The wackiest thing I say way too much is "like".  Seriously, how old am I again?)



So would "have" rhyme with "Dave"?  (I was born and raised in California.  The wackiest thing I say way too much is "like".  Seriously, how old am I again?)


OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That makes a li'l more sense. Still weird though.  :pirate:


Maybe the "behave" thing comes from people inadvertently separating out the "be," since "be" is its own word that people learn before they learn the word "behave."  You hear, "Be quiet!" or "Be good!", so "Be have!"  just follows.  And then, well, you conjugate it, so it becomes "being have."  Haha.  Come to think of it, I actually have heard some people say "being have."  Weird.


DR and i have a secret language. its a secret though (it doesn't make much sense or have a rhyme reason but we understand each other)

as for travel, i'll be in san fran in aug 09. and baltimore in spring 09. yup, tis my travel plans (other than boston in august, but i've met that crew).  :-D

ok, so either i'll come up there or you're coming down here!!


This thread is fun!  I would love to meet some vegwebbers irl, but I am quiet and uncomfortable around cool people like you guys...

I've had other vegweb accounts and posted under various usernames in the past. VS is my latest... ;)

i am actually really boring and quiet IRL.
who were you before?


I've had other vegweb accounts and posted under various usernames in the past. VS is my latest... ;)

i am actually really boring and quiet IRL.
who were you before?

Hespy, I don't believe that you are boring at all :D

who were you before?

that would defeat the purpose...stealth rules...


Maybe the "behave" thing comes from people inadvertently separating out the "be," since "be" is its own word that people learn before they learn the word "behave."  You hear, "Be quiet!" or "Be good!", so "Be have!"  just follows.  And then, well, you conjugate it, so it becomes "being have."  Haha.  Come to think of it, I actually have heard some people say "being have."  Weird.

KMK,  you're so pretty and smart! ;)b  (I just love when people use the word conjugate...)


A propos of southernisms, one I picked up from my Arkansas born-and-raised father almost got me the sack when I was teaching English (ESL). In response to an invitation to go shopping with my boss, I said thoughtfully, "Well, I don't know if I can make it, but I might could." (Another similar structure is, for example, "You can get those now, but you didn't used to could." Or "Did you could fix that, I'd be real pleased.")

My boss drew herself up to her exiguous full height (all of about 5 ft nothing) and said, "MIGHT COULD? Anna if you say that in my hearing again, you'll be looking for a job." Took me a minute to realise what she was upset about...


OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That makes a li'l more sense. Still weird though.  :pirate:

Now AC, like I tell my elementary students, just because something is different or new to you, doesn't make it weird.  ;)

Maybe the "behave" thing comes from people inadvertently separating out the "be," since "be" is its own word that people learn before they learn the word "behave."  You hear, "Be quiet!" or "Be good!", so "Be have!"  just follows.  And then, well, you conjugate it, so it becomes "being have."  Haha.  Come to think of it, I actually have heard some people say "being have."  Weird.

And yes, KMK, that would be the correct origin of "being have."


(Another similar structure is, for example, "You can get those now, but you didn't used to could." Or "Did you could fix that, I'd be real pleased.")

I still use a variation of that in "I usta' could tolerate the term 'reckon' but it drives me crazy now."


Now AC, like I tell my elementary students, just because something is different or new to you, doesn't make it weird.  ;)

Weirdo!  ;)


i know in philly they say yous, but in the allentown area, otherwise known as the lehigh valley other wise known as the lv : )  we would say yous guys.  are yous guys goin to qmart?  haha.  ohman.  home.


I think here in MT people say "lookit" more than in TX...I had never heard that before I heard my cousins from MT say it.


okay, ill play...

oh yeah, and sometimes I slip into random Spanish or French, if I can't recall the word in English. ;D

You mean this is unusual? Vraiment? No me digas!  :-D ;D


:-D depends on your circle I guess. ;) I think I have word retrieval issues, porque, a veces....I really cant remember the word I need- like, cookie or postoffice... C'est tres Bizarre, no?


that would defeat the purpose...stealth rules...

i wanna know!
believe me, i'm pretty boring...


My twin sister and I have code words for things - it's kind of embarrassing actually, and we laugh whenever the topic comes up. I never thought that other people would have secret languages/words too. Tee hee. I guess we're not that weird.


My twin sister

Um, how did I not know this?  Identical?



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