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Our signature phrases/words

I thought it would be FUN (all in good fun; love you peeps!) to post some of the signature phrases/sayings/words that we have noticed from our fellow vegwebbers' posts (things that we say/do a lot). I'll start (duh)!

        " just sayin'.."

hesp: leaves everything in lowercase

pink: medical stuff!


Where I live in very South Texas (i.e. minutes from the Mexican border), Spanish words are interwoven into English conversations.  My favorite is the use of "pero, que" for example:  "my brother and I were going to see a movie on Saturday, pero que, he slept all day so we didn't get to go". 


My twin sister

Um, how did I not know this?  Identical?

Nah. Fraternal. We're a weird team.


My twin sister

Um, how did I not know this?  Identical?

Nah. Fraternal. We're a weird team.

Not so odd, honey, you've literally been roommates since forever!  ;)b I always wanted a twin...


I used to live in Texas and still use "fixing to" sometimes. I also miss the expression, "chompin' at the bit."

People in Minnesota use the word "for" as a descriptive adjective. Ex: "Oh, for cute!" (translation: something is cute) Or, "oh, for fun!" (something was fun).  It drives me nuts!

Also, random people refer to water fountains as "bubblers" and ponytail holders as "binders."


I forgot my two most signature phrases!  "Boo" for when something is bad, and "false" for when something is wrong.  I also say "anarchy" a lot in real life for when something is awry, and "blasphemy" for when someone says something I disagree with (playfully).


I say ruuuudddeee a lot (or ruweas or ruuuu depending on whom I'm speaking to).

edit: SAY instead of saw


I saw ruuuudddeee a lot (or ruweas or ruuuu depending on whom I'm speaking to).

I was gonna say that was one of your phrases!  Always reminds me of Stephanie Tanner from Full House.  How rude!


So, now I'm Stephanie and Slater!
Thanks for quoting my typo...RUUUDDDEEEEEEEE  :P


I didn't even notice the typo!  :D


Another big one is Bubbler! OMG a metal box that spits out water for drinking! Its a bubbler. a water fountain is something in a  park. It makes NO sense to call it that. I found somepeople say "drinking fountain" and that makes a little more sense, but when I'm in the middle of asking it, it comes out as "bubbler"

Or, "oh, for fun!" (something was fun).  It drives me nuts!

Also, random people refer to water fountains as "bubblers" and ponytail holders as "binders."

random people meaning VHZ? I think its a New England thing...bigger in mass and RI than in Maine, granted....but I was origionally from RI as was my mother.... :P


I've also been getting in trouble with my students for the phrase, "Your basic nightmare!" when something is bad or unpleasant. They don't realise it is yet another quote, this time from When Harry Met Sally. Sally's friend Marie is trying on her wedding dress and tells Sally that Harry is seeing someone. "An anthropologist, I think." "What's she like?" "Thin, pretty, big tits--your basic nightmare."

Often in conversation it gets cut to "Nightmare!"


Another big one is Bubbler! OMG a metal box that spits out water for drinking! Its a bubbler. a water fountain is something in a  park. It makes NO sense to call it that. I found somepeople say "drinking fountain" and that makes a little more sense, but when I'm in the middle of asking it, it comes out as "bubbler"

Or, "oh, for fun!" (something was fun).  It drives me nuts!

Also, random people refer to water fountains as "bubblers" and ponytail holders as "binders."

random people meaning VHZ? I think its a New England thing...bigger in mass and RI than in Maine, granted....but I was origionally from RI as was my mother.... :P

I think most of the people I know that say this are from Wisconson? But maybe they got it from Rhode Islanders.  ;D


I've got a crush on Dumbledore.  :)>>>


I've got a crush on Dumbledore.  :)>>>

i have a crush on your mom.

Your mom has a crush on Dumbledore.


I had to ask my husband, "do you know who Dumbledore is?" He was basically like, yeah..duh...headmaster..yadayada  ???

Was this supposed to go in the secret crushes thread?? I guess that can be a signature phrase...


Yeah, I also say "uhhh" a lot. After something weird, idiotic, strange, etc. Uhhhh =  :stfu: or WTF

I think this all stemmed from "Uhhhh, what'd he say?" in one of those GI Joeeeee cartoon things.


Smooch & I have quite a few silly words or phases we say to eachother & the dogs, but rarely in front of others. If we do say it in front of other people they either think we are cute or a couple of idiots:

Smooch or Smoochie is used as nicknames for eachother, but also as anything cute or affectionate.
examples: "Look, they are being smoochie." "aww a smoochie teddy bear" "Molly is smooching the cat"

puss- 2 meanings: face, as in "Dini, you have sand on your puss"; or grumpy, as in "why the puss-face?"

salty- thoughtful or smart ( I think this started when I was eating something salty & told him he was salty when I meant to say he was thoughtful) "you're so salty!"

pants can be added at the end of any adjective like smarty-pants, rich-pants & grumpy-pants (or smoochie or course). then you can call someone grumpy, smarty, chilly, whatever pants or else declare someone is wearing their adjective- pants. "Whoa Mr. smarty pants" or "I see you have your smarty pants on today"

head is often added at the end of names, Dini-head, Smoochie-head

"red rum" is code for I love you  ::)

rinny-rinny said in a high voice means nagging

ninny can be randomly added towords whever it fits. "Do you need ninnything form the store?

There are a few random phrases from movies or tv shows. " you are the sickman!" said in a bad indian accent, "you could kill her" in a bad chinese accent

also 911 is nine eleven, not nine one one

random bits of spanish are common

thats all i can think of right now, I'm pretty sure we often don't seem to make any sense & i could defintely see this evolving to an entire language.


My bf and I call each other meow. I guess that's kinda odd, but we got it from a movie, so we didn't just make it up. Our friends know about it, but when we're in public, I've actually had people stop me and ask me if I just called him Meow, kinda funny.


My bf and I call each other meow. I guess that's kinda odd, but we got it from a movie, so we didn't just make it up. Our friends know about it, but when we're in public, I've actually had people stop me and ask me if I just called him Meow, kinda funny.

What movie?


Super Troopers. Funniest movie in the history of the universe. They have a bet, that the officer doing the talking can't say meow 10 times while he's talking to him/writing the ticket.



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