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Right, ok, I've got a really dodgy hip, been like it for years. No idea what is wrong with it I avoid the docs like the plague. Anyhows, every so often I get pain around the left hip joint and normally it only lasts for a day or three, but this time the pain has gone on for a couple of weeks and its not letting up any. So the reason for this thread is.... what painkillers is ok to take ? When I was omni, I just took paracetamols, but are they ok for vegans ? If not what are ? Or do I suffer in silence ?

I guess I just hope it goes away then.... ::)


In terms of ingredients you can get ones that are vegan.  Careful as some tablets contain lactose - however this is an insouble sugar and so soluble tablets/effervescent tablets are less likely to contain lactose.
Unfortunately I can't say which brands of paracetamol contain no lactose as it would vary from company to company.  Bear in mind that many drugs only list the active ingredients on the packaging and so you may need to check the PIL (patient information leaflet) for full lists of ingredients.
Steer clear of capsules - they will generally contain gelatine.  Some liquid preparations may be ok, but their colourings may not be vegan - again this would vary from company to company.

That's the ingredients....however pretty much every drug available has at some point been tested on animals so would not be vegan from that point of view.  Many vegans will take medication as it is seen as something that can't really be avoided.  Others won't take drugs such as analgesics - this is really up to you.  In some circumstances I will take medication, but if I can avoid it I will.
I don't think that you should have to suffer the pain and in your shoes I probably would take painkillers, but everyone will be different.

You could try visiting a homeopath - I don't know what homeopathic medicines to recommend for pain - I am a pharmaicst who only deals with conventional drugs.  I tried to have a look to see if there was any natural pharmacies in Rotherham but unfortunately couldn't find anything (admittedly I only did a quick google).  Some local independent pharmacies will specialise in 'natural' remedies and it may be worthwhile phoning round a few to see if any have this speciality.

Hope this has been of some help.

eta: the reason I recommend trying to find a natural pharmacy rather than seeing a specialist herbalist is that you can go and chat to the pharmacist for free whereas herbalists normally charge a consultation fee (plus I am biased being a pharmacist myself ::))


I use Capsaicin which is an extract of Hot peppers .
It is available in CVS and other medical outlets OTC.

I also top it up with eating hot peppers for b/f lunch and dinner ;D

pain.......??!!! What pain??



Thanks for your replies, I'll go and see what I can find.I will take all information given to me by both of you on board. I haven't had any pain killers for it since being vegan cos I didn't want to chance taking anything with animal products or what has been tested on animals. Heres hoping I find some cos this hip is a nightmare :(


Physical discomfort can also be eased by being positive and stay positive.  Check out this positive web television. It only shows programs that are uplifting and constructive programs.  It also has over 500 veg-cooking shows and other programs of alternative remedies to regain better health.    Here is the link to the cooking shows .  And here is the link to the main page  Hope you feel better and enjoy the programs.

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