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People who review recipes

Have you ever noticed how many people review recipes but never post in the forums? I wonder if they know about them? Maybe we should start inviting more people. A lof of them have intriguing names at might make things more interesting! And the forums have been a bit slow lately....

PS where are all you cool people getting your little cartoon avatars?

yvette did it when shit started going down to keep the traffic down, it was when we were getting a crazy influx of people... maybe fall '07?


ok, i "invited" 2 people, neither of whom responded :(
and commented on another person who was new to the boards (but old on recipe reviews) and no repsonse.
my stalking days are over :D
That's OK. I am satisfied with you guys I guess! ;D


Preferably cute strangers.  And male strangers.
Even things out a bit.

Hey waaait. Who do you have to even out? You sayin' were a bunch of ugly girls?


Oh, and I was also on here for years without discovering the forum. At one point I noticed it, but figured it was just people asking for recipe conversions/metric measurements/boring food stuff. Not exciting food stuff, like the fruit-battle-to-the-death.  :D


Preferably cute strangers.  And male strangers.
Even things out a bit.

Hey waaait. Who do you have to even out? You sayin' were a bunch of ugly girls?

i think there's way more vaginas on here than penises.


Preferably cute strangers.  And male strangers.
Even things out a bit.

Hey waaait. Who do you have to even out? You sayin' were a bunch of ugly girls?

i think there's way more vaginas on here than penises.

's all I'm saying.


what happened to you guys being stalkers? stalkers don't give up!!


I would be scared to message some random person. Especially if it's a girl, because she'll probably think I'm some creep who thinks she's hot and wants to lay nuts to her.

"Lay nuts to her" haha, that's a new one for me. Such imagery  ;)b


I would be scared to message some random person. Especially if it's a girl, because she'll probably think I'm some creep who thinks she's hot and wants to lay nuts to her.

"Lay nuts to her" haha, that's a new one for me. Such imagery  ;)b

                                                                                                                                                        And I bet this doesn't help:


I would be scared to message some random person. Especially if it's a girl, because she'll probably think I'm some creep who thinks she's hot and wants to lay nuts to her.

"Lay nuts to her" haha, that's a new one for me. Such imagery  ;)b

                                                                                                                                                         And I bet this doesn't help:

boy, Mr. Fark squirrel sure does get around. but what happened to his poor nuts?

thanks for the sweet new phrase, sb. I'm totally going to make an effort to include "lay nuts to __" in related conversation.



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